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Laporan Posisi Keuangan. Laporan Posisi Keuangan disebut juga sebagai Neraca 1. Melaporkan aset, liabilitas, dan ekuitas pada tanggal tertentu 2. Menyediakan.

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Presentation on theme: "Laporan Posisi Keuangan. Laporan Posisi Keuangan disebut juga sebagai Neraca 1. Melaporkan aset, liabilitas, dan ekuitas pada tanggal tertentu 2. Menyediakan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laporan Posisi Keuangan

2 Laporan Posisi Keuangan disebut juga sebagai Neraca 1. Melaporkan aset, liabilitas, dan ekuitas pada tanggal tertentu 2. Menyediakan informasi tentang sumberdaya, kewajiban kepada kreditor, dan ekuitas dalam sisa sumber daya 3. Membantu dalam memprediksi jumlah, waktu, dan ketidakpastian arus kas mendatang

3 Laporan Posisi Keuangan Kegunaan LPK: 1. Menghitung tingkat pengembalian (return) 2. Menilai struktur modal 3. Memprediksi resiko dan aliran kas mendatang 4. Menganalisa perusahaan atas: Likuiditas Solvabilitas Flesibilitas keuangan

4 Laporan Posisi Keuangan Keterbatasan LPK: 1. Sebagian besar aset dan liabilitas dilaporakan pada nilai historis 2. Memakai keputusan dan estimasi 3. Banyak item dari nilai keuangan tidak tampak

5 Klasifikasi LPK Elemen Laporan Posisi Keuangan: 1. Aset. Sumberdaya yang dikuasai oleh entitas sebagai akibat kejadian masa lampau yang diharapkan akan memberikan aliran manfaat ekonomi mendatang kepada entitas. 2. Liabilitas. Kewajiban masa kini entitas akibat kejadian masa lalu yang dalam penyelesaiannya diperkirakan mengakibatkan aliran keluar sumberdaya yang mengandung manfaat ekonomi. 3. Ekuitas. Kepentingan residu atas aset oleh entitas setelah dikurangi dengan seluruh kewajiban yang ada.

6 Klasifikasi LPK Aset Jangka Panjang, biasanya terdiri dari: 1. Investasi Jangka Panjang. 2. Property, Plant, and Equipment. 3. Aset tidak berwujud 4. Aset lain

7 Subclassifications LO 2 Identify the major classifications of the statement of financial position. Statement of Financial Position Illustration 5-1 In some countries, such as Germany, companies often list current assets first. IAS No. 1 requires companies to distinguish current assets and liabilities from non-current ones, except in limited situations.

8 Long-term Investments 1.Securities (bonds, ordinary shares, or long-term notes). 2.Tangible assets not currently used in operations (land held for speculation). 3.Special funds (sinking fund, pension fund, or plant expansion fund. 4.Non-consolidated subsidiaries or associated companies. Non-Current Assets Classification LO 2 Identify the major classifications of the statement of financial position.

9 Investments in Debt and Equity Securities Classification LO 2 Identify the major classifications of the statement of financial position. PortfolioTypeValuationClassification Held-for- Collection DebtAmortized Cost Current or Noncurrent TradingDebt or EquityFair ValueCurrent Non-Trading Equity EquityFair Value Current or Noncurrent

10 Long-Term Investments LO 2 Identify the major classifications of the statement of financial position. Classification Illustration 5-2 Statement of Financial Position Presentation of Long-Term Investments

11 Tangible long-lived assets used in the regular operations of the business. Physical property such as land, buildings, machinery, furniture, tools, and wasting resources (minerals). With the exception of land, a company either depreciates (e.g., buildings) or depletes (e.g., oil reserves) these assets. Property, Plant, and Equipment LO 2 Identify the major classifications of the statement of financial position. Classification

12 LO 2 Identify the major classifications of the statement of financial position. Classification Illustration 5-3 Statement of Financial Position Presentation of Property, Plant, and Equipment

13 Lack physical substance and are not financial instruments. Patents, copyrights, franchises, goodwill, trademarks, trade names, and customer lists. Amortize limited-life intangible assets over their useful lives. Periodically assess indefinite-life intangibles for impairment. Intangible Assets LO 2 Identify the major classifications of the statement of financial position. Classification

14 Intangible Assets LO 2 Identify the major classifications of the statement of financial position. Classification Illustration 5-4 Statement of Financial Position Presentation of Intangible Assets

15 Items vary in practice. Can include:  Long-term prepaid expenses  Non-current receivables  Assets in special funds  Property held for sale  Restricted cash or securities Other Assets LO 2 Identify the major classifications of the statement of financial position. Classification

16 Cash and other assets a company expects to convert into cash, sell, or consume either in one year or in the operating cycle, whichever is longer. Current Assets Classification Illustration 5-5 LO 2 Identify the major classifications of the statement of financial position.

17 Inventories Disclose: Basis of valuation (e.g., lower-of-cost-or-market). Cost flow assumption (e.g., FIFO or average cost). LO 2 Classification Illustration 5-6

18 Inventories LO 2 Classification Manufacturing Company Illustration 5-8 Statement of Financial Position Presentation of Inventories

19 Claims held against customers and others for money, goods, or services. Major categories of receivables should be shown in the statement of financial position or the related notes. Receivables LO 2 Identify the major classifications of the statement of financial position. Classification

20 Receivables LO 2 Identify the major classifications of the statement of financial position. Classification Illustration 5-8 Statement of Financial Position Presentation of Receivables

21 Payment of cash, that is recorded as an asset because service or benefit will be received in the future. insurancesuppliesadvertising Cash Payment Expense Recorded BEFORE rent maintenance on equipment Prepayments often occur in regard to: Prepaid Expenses LO 2 Identify the major classifications of the statement of financial position. Classification

22 Prepaid Expenses LO 2 Classification Illustration 5-9 Statement of Financial Position Presentation of Prepaid Expenses

23 Portfolios Short-Term Investments TypeValuationClassification Held-to-MaturityDebtAmortized Cost Current or Noncurrent TradingDebt or EquityFair ValueCurrent Available- for- Sale Debt or EquityFair Value Current or Noncurrent LO 2 Identify the major classifications of the statement of financial position. Classification

24 Short-Term Investments LO 2 Identify the major classifications of the statement of financial position. Classification Illustration 5-10 Statement of Financial Position Presentation of Short-Term Investments

25 Generally any monies available “on demand.” Cash equivalents - short-term highly liquid investments that mature within three months or less. Restrictions or commitments must be disclosed. Cash Illustration 5-11 LO 2 Identify the major classifications of the statement of financial position. Classification

26 Cash LO 2 Identify the major classifications of the statement of financial position. Classification Illustration 5-12 Statement of Financial Position—Restricted Cash

27 Equity LO 2 Identify the major classifications of the statement of financial position. Classification

28 Equity LO 2 Identify the major classifications of the statement of financial position. Classification  Ordinary shares and preference shares - must disclose the par value and the authorized, issued, and outstanding amounts.  Share premium - company usually presents one amount for ordinary and preference shares.  Retained earnings - amount may be divided between the unappropriated and restricted amounts.  Treasury shares - shown as a reduction of equity.

29 Equity LO 2 Identify the major classifications of the statement of financial position. Classification Illustration 5-13 Statement of Financial Position—Equity

30 Non-Current Liabilities LO 2 Identify the major classifications of the statement of financial position. Classification Obligations that a company does not reasonably expect to liquidate within the longer of one year or the normal operating cycle. Three types: 1.Obligations arising from specific financing situations. 2.Obligations arising from the ordinary operations of the company. 3.Obligations that depend on the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more future events to confirm the amount payable, or the payee, or the date payable.

31 Non-Current Liabilities LO 2 Identify the major classifications of the statement of financial position. Classification Illustration 5-15 Statement of Financial Position Presentation of Non- Current Liabilities

32 Current Liabilities LO 2 Identify the major classifications of the statement of financial position. Classification Obligations that a company generally expects to settle in its normal operating cycle or one year, whichever is longer. This concept includes: 1.Payables resulting from the acquisition of goods and services: accounts payable, wages payable, and so on. 2.Collections received in advance for the delivery of goods or performance of services, such as unearned rent revenue. 3.Other liabilities whose liquidation will take place within the operating cycle or one year.

33 Current Liabilities LO 2 Identify the major classifications of the statement of financial position. Classification Illustration 5-16 Statement of Financial Position Presentation of Current Liabilities

34 Statement of Financial Position Format IFRS does not specify the order or format in which a company presents items in the statement of financial position. Account form or report form. LO 3 Prepare a classified statement of financial position using the report and account formats. Classification

35 Account Form Illustration 5-17 LO 3 Prepare a classified statement of financial position using the report and account formats.

36 Classification LO 3 Report Form Illustration 5-17

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