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Reducing the BME Attainment Gap through the Roadmap to Success

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Presentation on theme: "Reducing the BME Attainment Gap through the Roadmap to Success"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reducing the BME Attainment Gap through the Roadmap to Success

2 Presented by Kath Headley – is there an issue at institutional and national levels? Ang Davey – is there an issue at programme and module levels? The Roadmap to Success

3 Equality in Higher Education Aim: To reinforce the need for equality in higher education Objectives to: Highlight the difference in attainment levels across the United Kingdom of higher education BME students and white students Identify how race equality has to be developed further Present the roadmap to success initiative that has been developed within the University of Derby (UoD) to promote equality

4 Equality Legislation and Practice Policy “Organisations cannot unlawfully discriminate against individuals because of sex, race, disability, religion or belief, age and sexual orientation” Equality Act (2010). Practice “Even when race equality policies are approved they are often not implemented. These brick walls are often invisible to those that do not come up against them” (S Ahmed 2012).

5 Research: concerns raised Singh (2011) identified problems as: Segregation Low teacher expectations Undervaluing or under-challenging of BME students Prejudiced attitudes associated with linguistic competence Discriminatory practice inherent in learning and teaching activities and student support

6 Research Attitudes UK has lacked the development of a formal integration of different ethnicities which can impact on their progress. Saggar and Somerville (2012) There should be a greater understanding of pedagogic discrimination and how it can impact on ethnic minority learners. Blass et al (2011)

7 Research Undertaken Inspiring Teaching and Transforming Learning The Higher Education Academy (2015)

8 Attainment level concerns: 1 st /2.1 Grades Ethnicity attainment gap between white and BME students reducing: 2005/200618.8% 2012/201316.1% Concern: Black African qualifiers 26.8% gap Equality Challenge Unit (2014)

9 Important Issues The majority of BME students access higher education with BTEC qualifications not A levels (HEFC 2014) More universities are admitting students with BTEC vocational qualifications (Dorling 2015) Black students on average older than white students (HEFC 2014)

10 Important Issues Medicine, dentistry or veterinary science not classified (not included in statistics) Richardson (2015) BME students: Only 3.9% studied veterinary science Only 4.6% studied agriculture Equality Challenge Unit (2014)

11 Target: employment BME graduates unemployed six months after qualifying 10.8% White graduates unemployed six months after qualifying 5.2% Equality Challenge Unit (2014)

12 Assignment briefing Fit to submit checklist for assignment Tutorial stations Construction of data to monitor what is working The Plan of Action

13 Influences Impacting on Progress Self-efficacy Commitment and determination Organisational skills Passion with subject choice Home/family support Role models to aspire to Peer support Cultural and social capital Internal External

14 The Way Forward Asset Model “An approach that recognises and values diverse skills and challenges the culture and practices that prevent BME progression.” Johnson (2015)

15 Questions?

16 University level data for Good Honours Degrees Academic YearWhite studentsBME studentsAverageDifference between white and BME 2012/201366%42%61%-24% 2013/201467%52%63%-15%

17 Programme level data for Good Honours Degrees BA (Hons) Education Studies Academic YearWhiteBMEAverage Difference white and BME students 2012/2013 – X300 Education Studies 79%44%71%-35% University66%42%61%-24% 2013/14 – X300 Education Studies 72%64%71%-8% University67%52%63%-15%

18 Module level data for proxy Good Honours Degree 6ED511 Understanding and Managing the Behaviour of Learners Academic YearWhiteBMEAverageDifference Aut 12/1346%20%43%-26% Spr 12/1360%66%60%+6% Aut 13/1460%80%62%+20% Spr 13/1447%50%47%+3%

19 Roadmap to Success Case Study Roadmap to Success

20 A link between the Roadmap to Success and a reduction in the attainment gap Winning hearts and minds with tutorials Pre-reading in module handbooks Formative assessment Increased collaborative work Student led learning and reflective practice Assignment seminar Referencing English as a second language High grade assignment samples Expectations of achievement Scaffolding including Wikipedia! Marking criteria Knowing the competition

21 Reference List Ahmed, S. (2012) On Being Included: Racism and Diversity in Institutional Life. Durham. Duke University Press Blass, E. Weston, K. (2011). Understanding pedagogic discrimination: strategies for improving performance of ethnic minority students in higher education. Volume 29(3) pp31-34 Accessed 11 June 2015 Equality Act (2010) Date accessed: 11 June 2015 Johnson, P. (2015) The Visible Minority. University of Manchester. London. Runnymede. Equality Challenge Unit Richardson, J. Journal of Further and Higher Education Volume 39, Issue 2, 2015 Inspiring Teaching and Transforming Learning Accessed 11 June 2015 Neave, S. (2014). Equality in higher education: statistical report 2014. London. Equality Challenge Unit. Saggar, S. Somerville, W. (2012) Building a British Model of Integration in an Era of Immigration. Transatlantic Council on Migration Singh, G. (2011) Black and minority ethnic (BME students’ participation in higher education: improving retention and success. York HEA Accessed 11 June 2015 Accessed 11 June 2015

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