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+ Motivation [moh-tuh-vey-shuh n] Def. - desire to do; interest or drive.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Motivation [moh-tuh-vey-shuh n] Def. - desire to do; interest or drive."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Motivation [moh-tuh-vey-shuh n] Def. - desire to do; interest or drive

2 + Types of Motivation Simply enjoying the task to be completed Sense of satisfaction when completing or working on tasks Your own intellectual development Think about why you are doing this (What’s the big picture?) Visualize positive outcomes (Inspiration Board, Quotes) Write down your GOALS Good grades Positive visual responses Money Rewards IntrinsicExtrinsic

3 + An Inspiration Board

4 + Quotes to Motivate

5 + Keep in Mind:

6 + Before you begin your work: Before beginning your online schooling you should know how to: Send and receive emails Upload and download files Navigate through your courses (look around first) Be proficient in Word Know the numbers to call when you need help Flexibility of schedule is one of the most popular reasons students are in a virtual school Be careful…it can also be your Achilles Heel of inaction! Be Technically PreparedBe Aware

7 + Staying Motivated

8 + Read the Syllabus and Plan for Your Course  This is your road map to success  Print it out for yourself and highlight all of the important things  Write down due dates on your personal calendar  Read and understand the instructions for an assignment before tackling it (this will save you time and frustration)

9 + Create a Schedule  Find a quiet place to work  Put your assignment due dates on a calendar  Be organized and prioritize your tasks  Pace out your assignments  Reward yourself with breaks along the way  Go for a walk, listen to music, grab a snack, look up motivational quotes or videos

10 + Develop a Rapport with Teachers and Classmates  Send emails or call your teacher with any questions you may have  Come to Homeroom and the Virtual Office to speak with your teachers and teaching assistants.  Attend and participate in your weekly live lessons  View the recordings of the live lessons if you can’t attend  Attend Lunch & Laptops or Dine & Dig In events that BVA offers  Participate in our webinars

11 + Track Your Progress  Keep a tally or cross-off list when tasks are completed  It is helpful when you can actually see how much you are accomplishing along the way

12 + Chunk Your Projects  Break big projects into smaller tasks  Don’t overthink things, just do it

13 + Things to Avoid Negative People Distractions Fear of Failure

14 + Questions?

15 + Resources: responsibility-for-their-own-learning/ online-learning/ responsibility-for-their-own-learning/ online-learning/

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