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WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital Signatures Peter Aarts Managing Consultant Oracle WebCenter ECM adviseur Sig Leader WebCenter : Oracle Benelux User.

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Presentation on theme: "WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital Signatures Peter Aarts Managing Consultant Oracle WebCenter ECM adviseur Sig Leader WebCenter : Oracle Benelux User."— Presentation transcript:

1 WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital Signatures Peter Aarts Managing Consultant Oracle WebCenter ECM adviseur Sig Leader WebCenter : Oracle Benelux User Groep & Oracle Gebruikersgroep Holland, gsm. 06-53727256 23 april 2014 WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

2 2 WebCenter Content Out Of The Box Electronic Signature WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

3 3 WebCenter Content Supports “Electronic Signatures” –Decoupled from the document itself – “signature” stored in metadata WebCenter Content REPOSITORY, not the electronic signature –Complies with 21 CFR Part 11 WCC – Electronic Signature Demo WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

4 4 Well suited for: –Internal Workflow Approvals / Auditing –Business requirements where the content will never leave the repository NOT well suited for: –Legal documents that may be distributed –Industries that require the document itself to be validated WCC – Electronic Signature Demo WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

5 CoSign Digital signature Secure integration of legal, trusted verifiable certified digital signature functionality For internal & external use On/In the content (document) itself Easily and affordably eliminate expensive print/sign/scan cycles WCC Electronic signature Well suited for: –Internal Workflow Approvals / Auditing –Business requirements where the content will never leave the repository NOT well suited for: –Legal documents that may be distributed –Industries that require the document itself to be validated 5 Signatures WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

6 WCC Electronic Signature Documentatie Managing Content 5.5 Signing Content Electroniccally 27 Managing PDF Watermark 6 WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

7 WCC Electronic Signature End User: –Document Check Sum Creation –Electronic Signature Capture –Electronic Signature Viewing –Matching of a local file to revisions of a specific WebCenter Content managed content item –Searching for a document in the WebCenter Content Repository based on a local file Administrative: –Signature Metadata Configuration –Signature Watermark Configuration 7 WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

8 Electronic Signatures Features xCheckSum (information field) When the Electronic Signature feature is enabled a check sum is calculated during the check-in of a document. The calculated check sum value is stored as metadata with each revision of the document being checked-in in a custom metadata field called xCheckSum. The checksum value calculated is based solely on the document contents and does not depend on an electronic signature being captured for the document. Checksum_Algorithm The supported algorithms used for computing the document checksum value are: MD2, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA- 512. The check sum compute algorithm used can be altered through a Checksum_Algorithm environment configuration entry that is part of the Electronic Signature component configuration. The configured value on initial installation of the component is SHA-512. primaryFile:computeChecksum The computation of the check sum for the document can be disabled by setting the environment configuration entry primaryFile:computeChecksum to a value of false. When a document check sum value is being computed it is used in the features: Matching a local file to a selected content items revision(s) based on the calculated check sum value Searching for a files in the WebCenter Content Repository based on the check sum value of a local file 8 WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

9 9 WCC – Electronic Signature Administration WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

10 10 WCC – Electronic Signature Administration WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

11 Two ways to sign the content –In a workflow approval proces –By a content action on the information page 11 WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures WCC – Electronic Signature

12 12 WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures WCC – Sign by workflow

13 13 WCC – Sign by Content Action WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

14 14 WCC – Electronic Signature, Sign WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

15 15 WCC – Electronic Signature WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

16 16 WCC – Electronic Signature, shown ? WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

17 17 WCC – Electronic Signature, Shown? WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

18 On the document it self? –When the Electronic Signature feature is enabled along with PDF Watermark, the PDF Watermark capabilities are enhanced to provide the ability to apply a watermark of selected electronic signature data on a PDF rendition of a document. –Activate and configure the component PDF Watermark: PDF Watermark Administration –There is a custom Boolean metadata field that gets maintained with each content item named xESigHasElectronicSignature that gets stamped with a value of 1 when an electronic signature has been captured 18 WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures WCC – Electronic Signature, Shown?

19 19 WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures WCC – PDF Watermark Administration

20 20 WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures WCC – PDF Watermark Administration

21 Matching of a local file to revisions of a specific WebCenter Content This feature uses the check sum value that is calculated for the revisions of checked-in content items to allow users to see if a document on their local file system matches any of the revisions of a selected content item. The following illustrations walk through the end user experience of matching a local file to a content item revision From the signature tab of content items document information page the user selects Search For Local File in Repository 21 WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures WCC – Electronic Signatures, features

22 Searching for a document in the WebCenter Content Repository based on a local file This feature uses the check sum value that is calculated on revisions of checked-in content items to allow users to search the WebCenter Content repository for content items whose checksum value matches the calculated checksum value of a file on their local file system. The following illustrations walk through the end user experience. From the Content Management Menu, user selects Search For Local File In Repository 22 WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures WCC – Electronic Signatures, features

23 The Electronic Signature component, also makes it possible to: -Create custom components -Use partner components for File Download validation Locating duplicate content items of a selected revision or all revisions of a currently selected content item 23 WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures WCC – Electronic Signatures, extensions

24 24 Questions ? WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

25 Arx, CoSign ® provide in partnership with Bezzotech a digital signature for WebCenter Content via the WebCenter Content – CoSign connector 25 CoSign for WebCenter Content WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

26 26 WebCenter Content Overview –Why A Central Repository with Integrated Workflow? –Oracle Electronic Signatures –Oracle Electronic Signature Demo Digital Signatures –Why Digital Signatures in ECM? –Digital Signature ROI –What are digital signatures? –What is the digital signature mechanism CoSign Digital Signatures CoSign Connector for Oracle WebCenter Content Demo Conclusion CoSign for WebCenter Content:Overview WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

27 27 Print, Sign, Scan, Email, Repeat? Print, Sign, Send via Snail Mail, Wait, Repeat? What is you signature workflow proces WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

28 28 Check-in Document Sign Document Approve Document Integrated: Content, Workflow, Signature WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

29 29 Needed signatures on more than half of their documents Added more than 1 day to their processes just to collect signatures Printed more than half of their documents just to add signatures Source: AIIM 2013 Survey Why Digital Signatures in ECM? WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

30 30 Source: AIIM 2013 Survey Digital Signature ROI WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

31 31 Transactional Document ExamplesGovernance Document Examples  Claims  Clinical Documentation  Customer service change orders  Designs, Drawings, Plans  Field Service, Maintenance, and Calibrations Reports  General Contracts, Master Service, and Sub- contractor Agreements  HIPAA patient forms and consent forms  Invoices  Lab Reports, Notes, and Certificates of Analysis  Lease Agreements  Loan Agreements  Manufacturing Instructions and Reports  Medical Records  Pleadings  Purchase Orders  Sale Proposals  Test Procedures  Board Actions  Corporate Communications and Public Reports  Disbursements: Check, Wire Transfer Orders, and ACH Transactions  Employee Actions  Employee Benefit Changes  Employee On-Boarding Documents  Employee Time Sheets  Employee Training Acknowledgements  Expense Reports & Re-imbursement Approvals  Financial Spreadsheets: Data Collection and Aggregation  Gift Records  Journal Entries related to Accounting and General Ledger  Standard Operating Procedures, Policies, Work Instructions, and Training Documents  Tax Filings Content Examples – Benefit from Digital Sigatures WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

32 32 Digital Signature: open standard, peer-reviewed and vetted for security and consistency by: NIST, ETSI, ISO, IETF, W3C. VISIBLE PART OF A DIGITAL SIGNATURE Digital Signature Background Document Integrity Confirmed Document Tamper Detected What are Digital Signatures? WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

33 33 Valid Signature Visible Signature Block What does integrity look like for users? WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

34 34  Digital signatures replace handwritten signatures for electronic documents.  Digital “fingerprint” of a document X Digital Identity of a signer  Digital signature is unique to the [document & signer]  Digitally signed documents have legal effect and trust outside of the organization Document Digital Signature Signed Document + Document Hash Signer’s Private Key Signer’s ID & Public Key + What is the Digital Signature Mechanism? WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

35 35 Only digital signatures create self-contained, portable and sustainable electronic records that have value and trust outside of the repository and the organization, independent of the system that created them. Employees Partners Suppliers Clients Regulators Trusted by: Signature embedded in document Signature Verification & Integrity = Trust Trust beyond borders WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

36 36 Compliance with Digital Signature Standards CoSign is standard digital signature implementation. These standards include ITU-T X.509v3, and the US designation published by NIST - FIPS PUB 186-3, FIPS PUB 180-3. Compliance with Industry Requirements (FDA, HIPAA, USDA, SOX) Compliance with US E-Sign and EU Directives Compliance with other Global Interoperability Standards Cosign is engineered to meet the broadest diversity of regulation— compliance wherever in the world a signature needs to be relied on. CoSign® Digital Signatures WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

37 37 Demo CoSign Connector for Oracle WebCenter Content, by Bezzotech WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

38 38 CoSign Connector for WCC Demo WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

39 39 CoSign Connector for WCC Demo WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

40 40 CoSign Connector for WCC Demo WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

41 41 CoSign Connector for WCC Demo WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

42 42 CoSign Connector for WCC Demo WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

43 43 CoSign Connector for WCC Demo WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

44 44 CoSign Connector for WCC Demo WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

45 45 CoSign Connector for WCC Demo WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

46 46 CoSign Connector for WCC Demo WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

47 47 CoSign Connector for WCC Demo WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

48 48 CoSign Connector for WCC Demo WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

49 49 CoSign Connector for WCC Demo WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

50 50 CoSign Connector for WCC Demo WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

51 Secure integration of digital signature functionality for WebCenter Content Legal, compliant, verifiable solution Easily and affordably eliminate expensive print/sign/scan cycles 51 CoSign Connector for WCC Summary WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

52 Increase ROI and ensure data integrity Reduce the cost of compliance and reduce the risk of noncompliance Minimize the cost of training and support Flexible deployment, with support provided by Bezzotech Backed by ARX 52 CoSign Connector for WCC Summary WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

53 Questions? 53 WebCenterContent Electronic & Digital signatures

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