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Presentation on theme: "SINGLE PLATFORM. COMPLETE SCALABILITY. The NoSQL and NewSQL."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 > SELECT * FROM 3d.speakers WHERE name=‘Nati Shalom’ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Company | Role | Twitter | +-------------------------------------------------------+ | Nati Shalom | GigaSpaces | CTO & Founder | @natishalom| +-------------------------------------------------------+ > SELECT * FROM 3d.speakers WHERE name=‘Nati Shalom’ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Company | Role | Twitter | +-------------------------------------------------------+ | Nati Shalom | GigaSpaces | CTO & Founder | @natishalom| +-------------------------------------------------------+ > 3d.speakers.find({name:“Nati Shalom”}) { name:“Nati Shalom”, company: { name:“GigaSpaces”, products:[“IMDG”,“XAP”,“CEAP”] domain:“Scaling platform” } role:“CTO, twitter:“@natishalom” } > 3d.speakers.find({name:“Nati Shalom”}) { name:“Nati Shalom”, company: { name:“GigaSpaces”, products:[“IMDG”,“XAP”,“CEAP”] domain:“Scaling platform” } role:“CTO, twitter:“@natishalom” }

3 Before we jump on new technology.. Why the Vasa Sank ? Excessive innovation Lack of scientific methods Ignoring the obvious The Vasa was designed to be one of the premier warships of the 17th century. Unfortunately, the ship sank two hours after its initial launch in an 8-knot wind

4 Agenda 4 SQL –What it is and isn’t good for NoSQL –Motivation & Main Concepts of Modern Distributed Data Stores –Common interaction models Key/Value, Column, Document NOT consistency and distribution algorithms One Data Store, Multiple APIs –Brief intro to GigaSpaces –Key/Value challenges –SQL challenges: Add-hoc querying, Relationships (JPA)


6 SQL (Usually) Centralized  Transactional, consistent  Hard to Scale 6

7 SQL Static, normalized data schema Don’t duplicate, use FKs 7

8 SQL Add hoc query support  Model first, query later 8

9 SQL Standard  Well known  Rich ecosystem 9


11 NoSql (or a Naive Attempt to Define It) A loosely coupled collection of non-relational data stores 11

12 NoSql (or a Naive Attempt to Define It) (Mostly) d i s t r i b u t e d 12

13 NoSql (or a Naive Attempt to Define It) s c a l a b l e (Up & Out) 13

14 NoSql (or a Naive Attempt to Define It) Not (always) ACID BASE anyone? 14 Basically Available, Soft- state, Eventually consistent

15 Why Now? Timing is everything… Exponential Increase in data & throughput Non or semi structured data that changes frequently 15

16 A Universe of Data Models 16 Key / ValueColumn { “name”:”uri”, “ssn”:”213445”, “hobbies”:[”…”,“…”], “…”: { “…”:”…” } { {... } } { {... } } Document

17 Key/Value Have the key? Get the value –That’s about it when it comes to querying –Map/Reduce (sometimes) –Good for cache aside (e.g. Hibernate 2 nd level cache) Simple, id based interactions (e.g. user profiles) In most cases, values are Opaque 17 K1V1 K2V2 K3V3 K4V1

18 Key/Value Scaling out is relatively easy (just hash the keys) Some will do that automatically for you Fixed vs. consistent hashing 18

19 Key/Value Implementations: –Memcached, Redis, Riak –In memory data grids (mostly Java-based) started this way GigaSpaces, Oracle Coherence, WebSphere XS, JBoss Infinispan, etc. 19

20 Column Based 20

21 Column Based Mostly derived from Google’s BigTable / Amazon Dynamo papers One giant table of rows and columns –Column == pair (name and a value, sometimes timestamp) –Each row can have a different number of columns –Table is sparse: (#rows) × (#columns) ≥ (#values) 21

22 Column Based Query on row key –Or column value (aka secondary index) Good for a constantly changing, (albeit flat) domain model 22

23 Document Think JSON (or BSON, or XML) 23 _id:1 _id:2 _id:3 { “name”:”Lady Gaga”, “ssn”:”213445”, “hobbies”:[”Dressing up”,“Singing”], “albums”: [{“name”:”The fame” “release_year”:”2008”}, {“name”:”Born this way” “release_year”:”2011”}] } { “name”:”Lady Gaga”, “ssn”:”213445”, “hobbies”:[”Dressing up”,“Singing”], “albums”: [{“name”:”The fame” “release_year”:”2008”}, {“name”:”Born this way” “release_year”:”2011”}] } { {... } } { {... } } { {... } } { {... } }

24 Document Model is not flat, data store is aware of it –Arrays, nested documents Better support for ad hoc queries –MongoDB excels at this Very intuitive model Flexible schema

25 What if you didn’t have to choose? 25

26 A Brief Intro to GigaSpaces In Memory Data Grid With optional write behind to a secondary storage 26

27 Few things on memory and cost.. High Memory Memory192GB Cores12 cores Clock speed3.2 GHhz Dell Price$367/month $1.9/GB TB (~960GB)/Month 5x Blades = $1835/month Memory can be x10, x100 lower than disk based solution for high performance apps (Stanford research) An entire application data can fit into a single blade 1TB cost only $1.8k/Month ® Copyright 2011 Gigaspaces Ltd. All Rights Reserved 27

28 A Brief Intro to GigaSpaces Tuple based Aware of nested tuples (and soon collections) –Document like Rich querying and map/reduce semantics 28

29 A Brief Intro to GigaSpaces Transparent partitioning & HA Fixed hashing based on a chosen property 29

30 A Brief Intro to GigaSpaces Transactional (Like, ACID) Local (single partition) Distributed (multiple partitions) 30

31 Use the Right API for the Job 31 Even for the same data… –POJO & JPA for Java apps with complex domain model –Document for a more dynamic view –Memcached for simple, language neutral data access –JDBC for: Interaction with legacy apps Flexible ad-hoc querying (e.g. projections)

32 Memcached (the Daemon is in the Details) Memcached Client

33 JPA It’s all about relationships… 33

34 JPA Relationships To embed or not to embed, that is the question…. Easy to partition and scale Easy to query: user.accounts[*].type = ‘checking’ ×Owned relationships only

35 Distributed relationship 35 ® Copyright 2011 Gigaspaces Ltd. All Rights Reserved JPA Use Map/Reduce through JPA api to handle distributed relationship

36 Schema-Free (Document) API ® Copyright 2011 Gigaspaces Ltd. All Rights Reserved 36

37 What’s next.. Complete solution for Big Data 37 ® Copyright 2011 Gigaspaces Ltd. All Rights Reserved In Memory Data Grid Real time Event driven Execute code with data File Based NoSQL Low cost storage Write/Read scalability Dynamic scaling Event Sources Analytic Application Write behind How many Req/Day What devices fail at the same time

38 Summary One API doesn’t fit all –Use the right API for the job –Combine In-Memory & File-based solution for best cost/performance Know the tradeoffs –Always ask what you’re giving up, not just what you’re gaining 38

39 THANK YOU! @natishalom 39


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