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A Closer Look At Cell Membranes  Basically similar in all membranes  Fluid mosaic model  Mixed composition  Lipids not fixed in place, can move.

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2 A Closer Look At Cell Membranes

3  Basically similar in all membranes  Fluid mosaic model  Mixed composition  Lipids not fixed in place, can move

4  Phospholipids  Glycolipids  Proteins  Glycoproteins  Sterols

5  Polar head, non-polar tail  Majority of membrane  Provides fluidity

6  Carbohydrate + Phospholipid  Recognition sites

7  Decrease membrane’s fluidity  Developmental signaling  Cholesterol  Hormones

8  Glycoprotein = Carbohydrate + Protein  Multiple functions within cell membranes

9  Peripheral proteins  Only on surface  Cell receptor sites

10  Integral proteins  Within the membrane  Channel/Transport Proteins—allow molecules to pass across Active Na/K transport failure obesity Passive Cystic fibrosis  Adhesion Proteins—connect similar cells into tissues

11  Communication Proteins—channels between cells Gap junction  Receptor Proteins—Docks for chemicals that signal cell activities Pygmies  Recognition Proteins—ID self vs. non-self Blood tranfusion Organ transplant



14  Selectively permeable  Depends on…  Size  Charge  Polarity  Concentration gradient

15  Passive—no energy used  Diffusion—movement of molecules from high to low concentration  Osmosis—movement of WATER from high to low  Concentration gradient  Active—energy used  Movement against gradient  Usually requires carrier molecule

16  Endocytosis—creating vesicle to move things into cell  Exocytosis—moving things out of cell by merging vesicle into membrane

17  Diffusion  Movement of molecules  High to low  Simple & Facilitated  Lipid solubility

18  Osmosis  Movement of water  High to low  Semipermeable membrane  Based on solute


20  Isotonic—Same solute concentration in cell & solution  Hypertonic—More solutes in solution than cell  Hypotonic—Less solutes in solution than cell


22  Plants  Plasmolysis  Turgor pressure  Animals  Crenation  Lysis

23  Requires energy  ATP  Against a gradient  Single movement  Calcium pump  Cotransport  Sodium-potassium pump


25  Exocytosis  Movement of things out of cell  Vescicles  Golgi bodies


27  Receptor-mediated  Substance binds to receptors, vesicle forms  Phagocytosis—“cell eating”  Engulf food  Pinocytosis—“cell drinking”  Engulf dissolved particles


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