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SWBAT: Analyze documents to determine who was primarily responsible for the Cold War ORIGINS OF THE COLD WAR: WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE?

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2 SWBAT: Analyze documents to determine who was primarily responsible for the Cold War ORIGINS OF THE COLD WAR: WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE?

3 O UR TRAGEDY TODAY IS A GENERAL AND UNIVERSAL PHYSICAL FEAR SO LONG SUSTAINED BY NOW THAT WE CAN EVEN BEAR IT. T HERE ARE NO LONGER PROBLEMS OF THE SPIRIT. T HERE IS ONLY THE QUESTION : W HEN WILL I BE BLOWN UP ? ~W ILLIAM F AULKNER Do Now What do you remember about the Cold War from previous history classes? Identify the top 8 nations considered equal in power pre-WWII. U.S., G.B., Germany, Italy, France, China, Japan, Russia

4 Communism v. Capitalism Post-WWII there were 2 world powers: U.S. & Russia

5 2 Superpowers The Soviet Red Army remained in Eastern Europe after the war, which led to the Soviet Bloc. The United States developed policies of containment – in particular, the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan.

6 Yalta Conference Prior to the end of WWII, the Allies met to discuss plans for a post-war world Yalta Conference FDR, Churchill, and Stalin agree to split Germany into 4 zones, each controlled by one of the Allied Powers Stalin would see creation of governments in Eastern Europe

7 Division of Germany In 1945, after the end of the war, Germany and the capital city of Berlin were divided West Germany Divided into spheres of influence controlled by the US, Great Britain, & France Democratic government East Germany Controlled by Stalin & the USSR Communist government Berlin Divided into 4 sections Which Allied Power controlled sector is Berlin in?

8 Containment Despite being allies during the war, the U.S. did not trust the Soviet Union, especially after Stalin moves Soviet troops into Eastern Europe The U.S. viewed the U.S.S.R. as a threat to the non- communist world According to the cartoonist, what is Stalin doing?

9 Containment Containment  policy of confining communism to areas it already existed; not allowing it to spread into new areas George Keenan, a U.S. diplomat who first coined the term

10 Reading for Understanding Read Documents A & B. Complete the guiding questions and record your first hypothesis: Who was primarily responsible for the Cold War - the United States or the Soviet Union?

11 SWBAT: Analyze documents to determine who was primarily responsible for the Cold War ORIGINS OF THE COLD WAR: WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE? DAY 2

12 Reading for Understanding Read Documents C & D. Complete the guiding questions then record your second hypothesis: Who was primarily responsible for the Cold War - the United States or the Soviet Union?

13 Group Document Analysis 1. Who was primarily responsible for the start of the Cold War? What evidence do you have to support your claim? 2. Which of these documents do you believe is most trustworthy? Why? 3. Did anyone’s hypothesis change? How and why?

14 The Marshall Plan Much of Europe was in shambles post-WWII Cities and industrial centers destroyed Starvation Europeans struggled to find shelter Communism seemed to offer a solution to such problems

15 The Marshall Plan Secretary of State George Marshall The Marshall Plan  international economic aid program allocating $13 billion to rebuild Europe after WWII Funds to fight against “hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos” Help stabilize the economies Allowed Western Europe to restart consumer production Why is consumer production desirable to the U.S.?

16 The Marshall Plan Which 3 countries received the most money under the Marshall Plan?

17 Stalin’s Reaction How do you think Stalin would react to the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan? Berlin Blockade- Soviets cut off all access by land to city of Berlin

18 Berlin Airlift U.S. and its allies decided to supply their sectors of Berlin from the air  “Berlin Airlift” Lasted over a year and carried more than 2.3 million tons of cargo into West Berlin

19 NATO & Warsaw Pact Fearing further aggressive Soviet actions, the US and its allies band together North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 1949: US and 11 other nations sign collective security agreement  Agreed if one member were attacked, the others would come to their defense Warsaw Pact- 1955, Soviet alliance in response to NATO


21 The Cold War In 1949, Truman learns the Soviet Union successfully tested an atomic bomb Distrust + Military Alliances + Atomic Bomb = COLD WAR Distrust + Military Alliances + Atomic Bomb = COLD WAR Cold War  Period of tense conflict, militarism, mistrust & uneasiness between the United States & Soviet Union

22 Multiple Choice Practice

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