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Mary Patricia O’Leary RN., BSN Planning and Development Specialist Aging and Disability Services City of Seattle.

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Presentation on theme: "Mary Patricia O’Leary RN., BSN Planning and Development Specialist Aging and Disability Services City of Seattle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mary Patricia O’Leary RN., BSN Planning and Development Specialist Aging and Disability Services City of Seattle

2  Designated Area Agency on Aging  2011 mini-grant  Convened Seattle-King County network meetings-monthly now quarterly  Lay Leader In-Service Training in January 2014  Topics-Successes and challenges, managing participant retention, managing participant diversity, time management, and workshop supplies/materials; “tools”

3  Reminder calls from leaders  Encourage the “buddy” system  Offer incentives  Target groups with specific health issues  Better communication with the referral source (clinician, social worker)  Reminder emails  Take the workshop to where participants live  Messaging-multi-layer: flyers, phone calls

4  Be realistic-workshops are different and so are participants  Fidelity  Stay faithful but flexible  Consistent and clear messages  “Shower” participants  Support and encourage the “buddy” system  Celebrate successes  The co-facilitator relationship-

5  Believe in the program  Model positive co-facilitator  Small steps can lead to big rewards “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones” ~William Faulkner 

6  Mary Patricia O’Leary RN., BSN  Planner and Development Specialist II Aging and Disability Services  Seattle Human Services Department  For Aging and Disability Services news and information, visit For timely news and information on the Seattle Human Services department please visit our blog

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