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Diocesan Public Policy Focus 2016 & Thinking Ahead to the 2016 Mayoral & London Assembly Elections on 5 th May 2016 Revd Dr Canon Rosemarie Mallett: Public.

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Presentation on theme: "Diocesan Public Policy Focus 2016 & Thinking Ahead to the 2016 Mayoral & London Assembly Elections on 5 th May 2016 Revd Dr Canon Rosemarie Mallett: Public."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diocesan Public Policy Focus 2016 & Thinking Ahead to the 2016 Mayoral & London Assembly Elections on 5 th May 2016 Revd Dr Canon Rosemarie Mallett: Public Policy Adviser Diocese of Southwark: Public & Social Policy Team Confidential to the Diocese of Southwark

2 Public & Social Policy The Team Departmental Vision: Seeking the Common Good with a Radical Focus on Justice and Kingdom Values Departmental Objective: To Advise and Resource the Diocesan Bishops and Parishes on the issues of Social Concern facing our communities, Parishes, Clergy and Lay people. Aims: Meeting our missional marks: 1.To respond to human need by loving service 2.To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation 3.To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth Revd Canon R. Mallett Theophilia Shaw Nelly Misenga Siriol Davies Public Policy Adviser Public Policy Researcher Development Worker (Together Southwark) Inter Faith Adviser Confidential to the Diocese of Southwark

3 Public & Social Policy –2016 Focus Jubilee Year of Mercy: 4 focused themes January – March: Housing Justice and Homelessness. April – June: Migration, Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers July – September: Poverty October – December: Imprisonment and Detention Each quarter we will produce resources for reflection and action. We will celebrate what is already happening in the Diocese We also expect to involve our Bishops, Parishes and our schools in activities and events to mark the year. Confidential to the Diocese of Southwark

4 Year of Mercy: Matthew 25: 34 - 40 “Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.” Then the righteous will answer him, “Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?” And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” Confidential to the Diocese of Southwark

5 Mayoral & London Assembly Elections 5 th May 2016 The Mayor of London Responsible for: Formulating & Executing plans and strategies for 8.7million Londoners. Is the Chief Executive of the London-wide government. Responsible for the capital’s budget used to run and provide the following:  Transport Services  Police & Fire Services  Housing and Regeneration  Promoting the development of London’s Economy The London Assembly 25 elected Members 11 Members represent the interests of the whole of the capital, 14 represent constituencies - which are made up of two to four London boroughs. Haslegalpowerto hold the Mayor and officials to account, with regard to their responsibilities for services. Act as the Ears and Eyes of Londoners in City Hall, bringing the concerns of local people to the GLA. Confidential to the Diocese of Southwark

6 The 2012 Mayoral Election Vote by Borough London’s Sub-Regions How the Majority of Londoners Voted Confidential to the Diocese of Southwark

7 What is the Makeup of the Assembly? At the 2015 General Election London was one of the few places where Labour saw a noticeable swing in their favour from 37% to 44% share of the vote. The Conservative party saw significant increases in their suburban London constituency majorities which gives them a strong foothold in London as well. Confidential to the Diocese of Southwark

8 Who Are the 2016 Mayoral Candidates? *Sadiq Khan – Labour *Zac Goldsmith – Conservative Siân Berry - Green Caroline Pidgeon - Liberal Democrat Confidential to the Diocese of Southwark

9 The 5 Big Challenges Facing London? 1.Poverty & Inequality 2.Housing 3.Migration 4.EU Referendum: In or Out & the implications for the Capital 5.Transport and the Environment Confidential to the Diocese of Southwark

10 Population & Demography Of London  Approximately 8.7 million people live in London  3.4 million Inner London and 5.2 million in Outer London.  25% of Londoners are aged 25 to 34, compared to 16% in the than the rest of England.  2.25 million Londoners live in poverty, of whom 1.2 million are classified as ‘in-work poor’. This is a 70% increase in the last decade. Confidential to the Diocese of Southwark

11 Population by Ethnicity 2011 Census Indicated that: 45% of London's population is White British. 15% are from other white groups. BAME people account for approximately 40% of Londoners Confidential to the Diocese of Southwark

12 Poverty & Inequality in London  27% of Londoners live in poverty, compared with 20% in the rest of England. The cost of housing is a major contributing factor in London's poverty rate.  860,000 people in poverty live in private rented housing.  The majority of people living in poverty are in a working family.  The number of unemployed adults is at the lowest since 2008, at just over 300,000.  Approximately 700,000 jobs in London (18%) pay below the London Living Wage -£9.40 per hour. Confidential to the Diocese of Southwark

13 London's Housing Crisis Housing has always been a central theme of London's Poverty Profile.  Demand Vs Supply – there are simply not enough homes being built to meet the growing demand.  In 2015 the average house price in London was £500,000, double the England average at £280,000. Since 2008 house prices in London has increased over 40% compared to 30% for England as a whole.  The soaring cost of rent is also a major problem facing London.  Lack of affordable social housing forces many into the private sector, where the average cost of rent in the is £1,600 PM Confidential to the Diocese of Southwark

14 Residual Effects of the Housing Crisis Facts About Homelessness 2014/2015 - 17,500 households were accepted as statutory homeless by London councils. In 2014/15 - 7,580 people were recorded as rough sleeping. 89% were men, between 26 and 55 (79%) 43% were born in the UK and 36% from Central & Eastern European countries. Temporary Accommodation 2014/15 - 48,000 households were living in temporary accommodation 38,000 of them contained children (74,000 children). 3,000 were living in B&B accommodation and 2,600 were in a hostel. 5,400 were living in social rented homes 37,000 (77%) were living in the private rented sector. Confidential to the Diocese of Southwark

15 London’s Unaffordability Crisis Confidential to the Diocese of Southwark

16 EU Referendum - ‘In/Out’ Financial Factors:  London is the 5 th largest city economy in the world.  Home to over 250 foreign banks, all of whom enjoy access to the single market via Britain’s EU membership.  Accounts for 10% of the nation’s GDP, 12% of the treasury’s tax receipts, and is the largest exporter of wholesale financial services in the world.  Employs over 1 million workers across the country. Confidential to the Diocese of Southwark

17 EU Referendum - ‘In/Out’ Property and Housing Market:  Approximately 15% of the capital’s property market is owned by foreign investors.  Without the safety net of the EU, investors might be put off.  This could potentially see the cost of investing in homes rise quickly, pricing many more out of the market. Confidential to the Diocese of Southwark

18 EU Referendum – ‘In‘/Out’  Migration adds to the economy through skills and taxes  Migration drains the economy through overuse of the welfare state Confidential to the Diocese of Southwark

19 What are the Challenges & Opportunities Facing Your Communities and How Can You Respond? Find out more by speaking to parishioners, householders and school children, etc? Find out who your London Assembly Member is, check their manifestos and ASK QUESTIONS Encourage parishioners to vote - only 38.4% of Londoners voted in the last mayoral election Attend the Citizens Mayoral Assembly on 28 th April @ the Copper Box Arena Come together as a Deanery to reflect on the issues and take action Confidential to the Diocese of Southwark

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