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Welcome to Owlets Reception Class  An overview of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and its curriculum.  Find out how the school day is organised.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Owlets Reception Class  An overview of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and its curriculum.  Find out how the school day is organised."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to Owlets Reception Class  An overview of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and its curriculum.  Find out how the school day is organised.  How you can support your child at home.  The new starter pack and administration.

3 What is the Early Years Foundation Stage ( E.Y.F.S)? The E.Y.F.S. is the stage of education for children from birth to the end of the Reception year. It is based on the recognition that children learn best through independent, active learning. The four themes that underpin the EYFS 1. A Unique Child- Observe what a child is learning 2.Positive Relationships- What adults can do 3.Enabling Environments- What adults could provide 4.Learning and Developing- Children’s achievements through the above

4 PRIME AREAS 1. Personal, Social and Emotional Development 2. Communication and Language 3. Physical Development SPECIFIC AREAS 4. Literacy 5.Mathematics 6.Understanding the World 7. Expressive Arts and Design

5  Become self-confident and self aware;  Making and building relationships  Know what their own needs are;  Dress and undress independently;  Become independent  Manage feelings and behaviour.

6  Encourages children to develop conversational skills in a rich language environment and in a range of situations  Will help children to develop listening and concentration skills.  Enables children to express themselves and understand and act on instructions given to them.

7  Supports children’s healthy development.  Provides opportunities for using a range of large and small equipment.  Helps them to develop a sense of space around themselves and others.  Encourages balance.  Develops practical skills such as dressing, undressing etc  Handling equipment and tools effectively including pencils for writing.  Fine motor skills

8 Reading- Continue a rhyming string  link sounds and letters  Segment sounds in words and blend them  Read words and simple sentences Writing- Encourages children to develop pencil control and to begin to make marks on paper.  Communicate meaning through clearly identifiable letters  Write for a wide range of purpose- name, labels

9 Number  Helps children to count up to twenty and beyond.  Supports children's understanding of numbers Shape, space and measure  Encourages the use of mathematical words such as greater, smaller, heavier, lighter, more, less, fewer.  Develops skills in comparing and sorting objects.  Supports children’s understanding of shape and size including 2D and 3D shapes..

10 Understanding the World  People and communities- Helps children to gain an understanding of the world and the people who live in it. (Geography)  Encourages them to look at changes over time (History)  Encourages them to explore, observe and investigate their environment (Science)  Will give your children the opportunity to understand and use information and communication technology and understand how it is used in homes and schools (ICT).

11  Inspires children to explore colour and colour changes.  Helps them to explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques  Experiment with colour, design, and textures  Develops an interest in music, singing, music-making and dancing.  Develops confidence and imagination.

12  8.40-8.50-Welcome and self registration tasks.  8.50-9.00 -Register and primary movement.  9.00-10.15-Literacy focused teaching, small group work and independent learning.  10.15-10.30-Assembly.  10.30-10.50-Playtime.  10.50-12.00-Numeracy focused teaching, small group work and independent learning.  12.00-1.00-Lunchtime  1.00-1.20-Stories linked to topic/other curriculum areas.  1.20-2.50-Independent learning.  2.50-3.20-Tidy /story/singing/music getting ready for home.

13  Sharing books, talking about the pictures  Ongoing-encourage mark making, shopping lists etc.  Finger and hand strength in preparation for writing-playdough, threading.  Encourage children to talk.  Practical maths- counting at any time-climbing the stairs, shopping, recognising numbers in the environment.  Play simple board games.  Sing number rhymes and songs together.  I spy games to hear initial sounds in words.  Singing, dancing, keeping the beat.  If your children are writing their names, please encourage them to use a capital letter at the beginning and then lower case. We have copies of handwriting formation sheets you can take away.

14  Contributing to your child’s profile.  Home-school communication. Wow board.

15  Don’t worry!  Buddy’s  Environment

16 There can be a lot to remember in the first few days, but please do not worry as your child will quickly be teaching you the routines! Bring your child to school on the first day at 8.40 into the reception class building. Water bottle All clothing named! Wellies Snacks Book bag everyday PE bag - left in school Show and tell Lunch boxes or hot school dinner Free fruit in the morning

17  School lunches  School uniforms  Permission for visits  Permission for photographs  Policies  Allergies/important information Please return all to school office or to me on next visit.

18  Please let us know if someone different is collecting your child!  Parent Helpers always welcome – Must fill in a DBS Medical Any sickness, diarrhoea, must be followed by at least 48 hours absence. Any absence requires a telephone call to the school office Any prescribed medication can only be administered by prior arrangement with the school office

19  We look forward to a happy partnership in your child's first year at school and beyond. Useful website:

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