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Upgrades to ODE Collaboration Center and New Complaint Form and Procedures January 15, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Upgrades to ODE Collaboration Center and New Complaint Form and Procedures January 15, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Upgrades to ODE Collaboration Center and New Complaint Form and Procedures January 15, 2015

2 Today’s Presenters Office of Quality School Choice Sarah JanTausch, Administration Paul Preston, Consultant

3 Today’s Webinar Ohio Department of Education Document Exchange Changes in the form and process for submitting constituent complaint summary reports

4 Organize your Document Exchange

5 Single folder for all schools under the authorizer Authorizer Assurances

6 Single folder for all schools under the authorizer 5-Year forecasts

7 Use will be rolled in Authorizer Quality Review

8 Use will be rolled in Authorizer Compliance

9 Subfolder for each charter school Charter Schools

10 Charter School – a subfolder for each charter school o Complaint (subfolder) o School Year (2014-15) o R. Jones date complaint, etc. o Contract (subfolder) o School Name/Address Change (subfolder) o Contract modifications (subfolder)

11 Log into your SAFE account

12 Click “Collaboration Center”


14 Click “ODE Document Exchange” If more than one folder or any folders that are not yours, please notify

15 Click “ODE Document Exchange” If more than one folder or any folders that are not yours, please notify

16 Folder with IRN and the title of the sponsoring/authorizing organization

17 Within your folder, there are two subfolders titled “Documents from ODE” and “Documents to ODE”.

18 At this time, we are not using the “Documents from ODE” folder.

19 Click “Documents to ODE”

20 Click the Documents tab under Library Tools


22 Click “New Folder” to create a new folder


24 A new window appears in the center of the screen. Type in the desired folder name and click “Save.”

25 Click your new “complaint” folder to open it.


27 ODE Document Exchange To add individual school folders, follow the same process: 1.Click the “Documents” tab 2.Click “New Folder” 3.Type in the desired name 4.Click “Save”

28 Live Demonstration

29 Changes in the form and process for submitting constituent complaint summary reports

30 Three Complaint Documents

31 Complaint Forms and Procedures Complaint Submission Form Authorizer Complaint Summary Form Office Quality School Choice Authorizer and Charter School Complaint Procedures

32 Complaint Submission Form Guidance to submit a noncompliance claim The claim may involve law, rules or regulations

33 Complaints Claim that an employee has violated a state or federal law, rule or regulation Office of Quality School Choice recognizes two types of complaints

34 Informal Complaint Allegation regarding a possible violation of rule or law made outside of the normal complaint process Will not initiate an investigation if the complaint lacks sufficient information Department will contact the authorizer for a resolution and may not take formal action

35 Formal Complaint Allegation regarding a possible violation of rule or law Identifies those involved in the alleged violation and when and where it occurred Initiates an investigation

36 Policy Public charter school and/or authorizer must investigate all allegations of noncompliance with law, rules or regulations Office of Quality School Choice refers complainants to the appropriate authorizer Investigate allegations of noncompliance that cannot be resolved at the local level

37 Formal Complaint Procedures Department consultant shares the complaint information with the charter school authorizer Requests that the authorizer conduct a fair and impartial investigation Submit a summary report to department using this Complaint Summary Form

38 Authorizer Complaint Summary Form Required Information Authorizer, IRN and complaint contact person and contact information Name, IRN, leader and contact information of the Charter School Complainant name and contact information Summary of the complaint Type of complaint Chronological record of the complaint Pertinent details gathered during the investigation

39 Authorizer Complaint Summary Form Required Information The charter school's response to the complainant Summary of the resolution Actions taken by the authorizer Recommendations for averting future situations/complaints, as appropriate.

40 Authorizer Complaint Summary Form Required Information Is the complainant: 1) satisfied, 2) not satisfied, 3) accepting, or 4) planning to appeal the outcome of the investigation? Based on the evidence collected should this complaint be referred to another office or agency for its investigation Dates Signatures

41 Complaint Procedures Office Quality School Choice Authorizer and Charter School Complaint Procedures

42 Anonymous Complaints If sufficient information is provided, the Office of Quality School Choice will request a review of the allegation without divulging the identity of the complainant Anything submitted to the department in writing or e-mail is considered a public record and subject to requests for public information

43 Untimely Complaints Complaints should be made in a timely fashion Factors to be considered: Law changes, staff turnover, length of time since the alleged misconduct

44 Complaints Involving Other Offices and Agencies Special Education Complaints Federal Program Complaints Student Assessment Violation Allegations State Agency Complaints

45 Resolution Timeline Resolve complaints within 10 days of receipt Extenuating circumstances may require extra time for parties to reach an agreement

46 Department Contacts Mary Cotton 614-466-7058 Stacey Callahan 614-466-2370 Paul Preston 614-464-8369

47 Questions? Submit questions through the chat feature.


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