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Key Terms Erosion Archipelago Nomad Monsoon Landforms & Landscapes Variety of terrain formed by water and erosion East Asia Terrain Areas: Coastal, peninsular,

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2 Key Terms Erosion Archipelago Nomad Monsoon Landforms & Landscapes Variety of terrain formed by water and erosion East Asia Terrain Areas: Coastal, peninsular, and insular Countries & Regions China (3 major rivers, Rocky to the far west, agriculture in center & SE, industry in East = transportation & access to water) Japan (Archipelago = build up not out; Issues with the Ring of Fire; Tsunami 2010) Mongolia (Gobi Desert influences a nomadic life) Korean Peninsula (S. Korea has the access to water; N. Korea shares border with China too) Taiwan (island; conflicts with China)

3 Key Terms Typhoon Tsunami Ring of Fire Did you know? LONGITUDINAL EXTENT (East to West) is comparable to the U.S. LATITUDINAL RANGE (North to South) is comparable to Northern Quebec to Central Caribbean Adapting to natural hazards (earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic activity, typhoons, floods, and drought) Entire region has a need for stronger building materials Japan: earthquakes & volcanoes; builds walls to block waves China: Three Gorges Dam on Yangtze River Unintended consequences (loss of history through flooding, garbage build up) Amazing engineering, but so expensive! Hong Kong: Created an island for their airport!







10 Key Terms Epidemic Globalization Industrialization Urbanization Dense Sparse World ’ s MOST POPULOUS REALM +/- Implications of overpopulation (still growing) Consequences of industrialization & urbanization (need for fresh water) One of the world ’ s earliest culture hearths Population concentrations in the East near river basins and special economic zones Levels of Development China & S. Korea have developed at same rate, but Japan & S. Korea at same level Why the disparity?

11 Key Terms Cultural Diffusion Cultural Convergence Silk Road Buddhism Shintoism Confucianism Daoism Cultural Diffusion China – Silk Road (series of trade routes) = Exchange of goods & ideas across Asia Globalization (American companies being integrated into Asian societies) Religions and Philosophies Shinto (originated in Japan) – animistic Buddhism – belief in meditation; diffused through Silk Road Daoism – ethical system (yin and yang) Confucianism – ethical system that teaches morality (right and wrong behaviors); teachings of Confucius influenced Chinese society for over 2,000 years, but Communist Party banned practice (1949) when they took power







18 East Asia Rankings 10 - Japan 12 - South Korea 22 - Taiwan 101 - China 108 - Mongolia N/A - North Korea



21 Key Terms Dictatorship Communism Socialism Capitalism E. Asia Sub Regions China Proper = Eastern half; core of China Xizang (Tibet) = tall mts. High plateau; sparsely populated Xinjiang = vast desert basin; gateway to Muslim world Mongolia = mostly desert JAKOTA Triangle (Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan) = harsh JAKOTA Triangle Small and confined with many natural hazards Great cities and high-tech industries South Korea’s move toward industrialization (primary  tertiary/quaternary) Enormous consumption of raw materials, but few raw materials produced locally Global links and rapid development

22 Key Terms Juche Totalitarian Isolation North Korea Totalitarian dictatorship has led to isolation Juche - ideology of self reliance based on mix of N. Korean culture and communist beliefs (blends communism with N. Korean culture) Implications of Globalization Less isolation; awareness of outside culture More $, but spread of disease Economic spectrum varies

23 North Korea South Korea JapanChina Mongolia = Desert Nomads Taiwan Juche

24 Economic ActivityDescription Primary Extracting raw materials from the environment Secondary Making finished goods from raw materials TertiaryProviding services Quaternary Occupations that deal with the management of information




28 Key Terms Dynasty Supremacy China’s borders of today reflect their cultural hearth and expansion of empires throughout history. Mongol Invasions: Qin Dynasty = Great Wall was built to protect from invasions from the north Taiwan vs. China: China and Taiwan have differing views on independence Tibet Chinese control = 1720 – Manchu, Separates in 19 th Century, Communist China takes back in 1950’s, Now autonomous region Cornerstone of Buddhism, the Dali Lama, and monasteries

29 Key Terms DMZ Korean Conflict (1953 – 1959) DMZ = Demilitarized Zone serves as border of N & S Korea @ 38 th parallel Military conflict creates border N. Korea changing due to political & economic factors Conflicts between China and Japan Supremacy in the region Difficult international relations Japan changing due to social factors





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