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T HE F IVE T YPES OF P LAGIARISM Are You Stealing Intellectual Property? Adapted from Instructor Theresa Ireton’s in-class presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "T HE F IVE T YPES OF P LAGIARISM Are You Stealing Intellectual Property? Adapted from Instructor Theresa Ireton’s in-class presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 T HE F IVE T YPES OF P LAGIARISM Are You Stealing Intellectual Property? Adapted from Instructor Theresa Ireton’s in-class presentation

2 What is Plagiarism? Presenting another’s original thoughts or ideas as your own Using another’s exact words without proper citation

3 U NINTENTIONAL P LAGIARISM Paraphrasing poorly: changing a few words without changing the sentence structure of the original, or changing the sentence structure but not the words. Quoting poorly: putting quotation marks around part of a quotation but not around all of it, or putting quotation marks around a passage that is partly paraphrased and partly quoted. Citing poorly: omitting an occasional citation or citing inaccurately. MLA handbook for writers of research papers. (7 th ed.). The Modern Language Association of America. New York: 2009. Print.

4 I NTENTIONAL P LAGIARISM Passing off as one’s own pre-written papers from the Internet or other sources. Copying an essay or article from the Internet, on- line source, or electronic database without quoting or giving credit. Cutting and pasting from more than one source to create a paper without quoting or giving credit. Borrowing words or ideas from other students or sources without giving credit. MLA handbook for writers of research papers. (7 th ed.). The Modern Language Association of America. New York: 2009. Print.

5 H OW TO A VOID P LAGIARISM. B E AUTHENTIC Develop a topic based on previously written material but write something new and original Rely on opinions of experts on a topic but improve upon those opinions Give credit to researchers while making your own contribution Follow a standard documentation method such as MLA format

6 T HE F IRST T YPE OF PLAGIARISM Plagiarism of Words The use of another’s exact words without citing the author Incorrect Plagiarism is the reproduction of someone else’s words, ideas or findings and presenting them as one’s own without proper acknowledgement. Correct Plagiarism is the “reproduction of someone else’s words, ideas or findings and presenting them as one’s own without proper acknowledgement” (MLA handbook for writers of research papers, 2009 p.24)

7 T HE S ECOND T YPE OF PLAGIARISM Plagiarism of Structure Paraphrasing another’s words by changing sentence construction or word choice with citation Paraphrasing while maintaining original sentence construction with acknowledging the source

8 T HE T HIRD T YPE OF PLAGIARISM Plagiarism of Ideas Presenting another’s ideas as your own without giving the person credit Submitting a paper without citing or incorrectly citing another’s ideas

9 T HE F OURTH T YPE OF PLAGIARISM Plagiarism of Authorship Turning in a replication of another’s work Submitting a paper that you got off the internet or from a friend and presenting it as your own

10 T HE F IFTH T YPE OF PLAGIARISM Plagiarism of Self The use of previous work for a separate assignment Although these were you original words and thoughts, receiving credit for a previous assignment is considered cheating

11 T HE P ENALTIES OF P LAGIARISM Although plagiarism can be intentional or unintentional, both have consequences. A meeting with Mrs. Stevenson or Principal Knetter will be scheduled to determine an outcome Receiving zero on the assignment Failing the course Suspension Expulsion

12 A CTIVITY Write a 1 paragraph summary about plagiarism. Include tips on how to avoid plagiarism. Include the 5 types of plagiarism. This will be your exit ticket.


14 MLA, like other citations styles consists of two things: 1.In-text Citations (Also called Parenthetical Citations) 2.Works Cited Page (composed of Bibliographic Entries) **You must utilize both correctly to avoid plagiarism! T HE M ODERN L ANGUAGE A SSOCIATION C ITATION S TYLE (MLA C ITATION )

15 W HY U SE MLA F ORMAT ? Allows readers to cross-reference your sources easily Provides consistent format within a discipline Gives you credibility as a writer Protects yourself from plagiarism

16 I N -T EXT OR P ARENTHETICAL C ITATIONS …a system in which you give your source in parentheses immediately after you give the information. Four Common Citations: Author and page number Title and page number Page number only Secondhand quotations The first word of your in text citation will match the corresponding entry on your Works Cited page! Examples (Last Name Page #) (Garcia 136)

17 T YPES OF I N - TEXT C ITATIONS In-text citations can come in two main forms: 1. Author named within the quote: At one point, Cofer writes, “Growing up in a large urban center…I suffered from what I think of as cultural schizophrenia” (175). 2. Author not named within the quote: “On the other side, many Americans expressed surprise at the frequency with which French people spoke about money” (Carroll 313). *As you can see, both styles of citations include the author’s last name and the page number.

18 W ORKS C ITED E NTRIES A Works Cited Page is composed of Works Cited Entries, commonly called bibliographic entries. There are dozens of different types of sources, and there is an MLA work cited format for each one. The most common formats are those for : 1.A book with one author 2.A book with two authors 3.An article from a magazine 4.An internet site

19 A B OOK WITH O NE A UTHOR For example: (sample) Author’s Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of publication (Print). (example) Gilligan, Carol. In a Different Voice. Cambridge: Harvard Press, 1982. print.

20 A B OOK WITH T WO + A UTHORS The basic format for a book with two authors is nearly identical to one with one author. You just need to add the second author’s name, but this time the second author goes First Name first, Last Name Last. For example: (sample) Author’s Last Name, First Name and First Name Last Name. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of publication (Print). (example) Embry, Carol and Joseph Addison. The lives of the Eighteenth Century Satirists. London: Penguin,1796. Print. *Notice that when a citation does not fit on one line, the next line is indented.

21 A N A RTICLE FROM A MAGAZINE For example: (sample) Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article”. Title of Periodical Day Month Year: Pages. Medium of publication (Print). (example) Khan, John. “The Chinese Theatre.” Journal of Drama Studies 6 June 2003: 145- 68. Proquest. Print.

22 A N I NTERNET S ITE For example: (sample) Author’s (or Editor) Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article or section of Website”. Title of Website. Version or edition (If Available). Name of Publisher/Organization (If not available, write N.P.), Date of Publication (If not available, write N.D.), Medium (Web). Date of Access (Day, Month, Year). (example) Smith, Mary. “Science in America.” United States Science. N.P., 3, May, 2010, Web. 8, May, 2010.

23 W ORKS C ITED List only those sources that you actually used List the complete title of the article, essay, or book Alphabetize your list by authors’ last names or the first main word in a title Format –  Author’s last name, first  Double-space  Left Margin  Indent all lines after the first line five spaces  Most item separated by periods – leave one space after ending punctuation.  Place a period at the end of each entry.

24 P RACTICE Use the reference sheet to practice several citations. Use books around the room if needed. For your research papers, you must include at least 2 MLA format citations. Begin your rough drafts based on the information you researched. Remember, it is not a biography. I want to know which US president you admire and Why.

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