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2 What is CCS? Cargo Community System (CCS) is an institution typically organized on national bases. CCSs usually are established with the help of national airline, but stay independent and neutral, representing various parties of air cargo industry. The main mission of CCS is to function as the multilingual communication channel between the parties in full compliance with the international standards (UN, IATA, FIATA, CCC) of the industry. This means that CCS is the connection tool and platform that integrates all the parties (Forwarding Agents, Airlines, Handling Agents, GSAs, Local Authorities) with each other directly or via means of standard message exchange, acting as a transmitter. In this case CCS translates all received EDI messages sent by different standards and distributes them among relevant parties in the appropriate formats. National CCS’s task is also to provide solution for those parties who do not have automated system of their own to join this channel. With this, national CCS helps to achieve the final goal which is the „accurate” and „paperless” air cargo transportation.

3 What are the advantages of a national CCS?
All members of the logistic chain can communicate with each other without making significant investments (e.g.: develop their own forwarder system, purchasing hardware, installing a SITA connection etc.). Joining to CCS system is inexpensive, that's why it doesn't increase the service price i.e. freight rate. At the same time this solution results increased competitiveness of national products and favors local forwarders. The technical improvement becomes easier and the „paperless” cargo transport becomes a reality with the help of CCS. No more manual paperwork, no more delays because of mistakes caused by verbal communication and missing documents. The forwarders can offer the same quality service like multinational integrators but can still maintain personal relationship with customers even on a slow market. With the help of CCS system the shipping of special air cargo consignments is as easy as shipping general cargo.

4 Who are we? The Cargo Community System Hungary Ltd. was established by three enthusiastic young man in primarily to set up the Cargo Community System of Hungary to provide direct electronic communications between the systems of air forwarders and the airlines. After two years of software specification and development, we started our service at our first partner successfully. From that time the number of our partners and their workstations is continuously rising up, thanks to our leading product, CCS Hungary Air Forwarder system and the provided additional services. Nowadays the CCS Hungary AWB is working on more than a hundred workstations all over the country. During these years the portfolio of our company has been extended. Today we offer for our Partners fully comprehensive IT solutions on every field of air cargo industry. Our portfolio consists of the whole range of IT services from distributing and supporting air cargo software for every member of air industry up to systems maintenance (7 days/24 hour) including even hardware and network equipment distribution etc. We are proud of the fact that despite this versatility we can satisfy the quality requirements of our customers. Judging by the feedback of our customers our major strength is the flexibility, extremely fast response times, and cost effective but efficient IT solutions. We select our colleagues with the highest prudence. The freedom of creativity and observance of quality standards is an everyday reality in their work. Company Mission Statement: We serve customers not as an anonym service provider, but we wish to develop a mutually fruitful personal and business relationship with them. We do our best in order to understand their IT issues and priorities, and find a solution for them as a result of collaboration.

5 What advantages does CCS Hungary offer for you?
A ‘ready to use’ solution to speed up logistics movements. Customer can expect economic growth by faster and a more accurate forwarding of goods. Competitive advantage for the national forwarders, for the national airports and airlines. A tool to secure the air cargo market to avoid unwanted control by others. A tool to standardize the forwarder activities. The right way to achieve ‘paperless cargo’ according to the latest IATA recommendations (e.g.: IATA e-freight). A solid platform to introduce bar-coded identification. Know-how, intelligence that comes with the system both for all users. Easy to tailor make to perfectly meet Your national requirements. A possibility for authorities to interface and control.

6 Structure of CCS with communication channels
Int. Ground Handlers’ System CCS Hungary center INTERNET LEASED LINE X25 ADSL/MODEM Countryside, smaller airport Forwarding Agent Local Handling Agent’s system Airline representative DIAL-UP SITA TELEX NETWORK WebTrack Airlines System

7 Main functions and advantages of CCS Hungary AWB
The software is designed for network use, there is one database, no double entry, all the user can see the same information. Up to minute fresh schedule information can be obtained from airline systems directly. You can make/modify/cancel cargo reservations computer-to-computer in partner airlines systems. Less manual work (phoning, mailing etc.) to make a reservation. After the airline's office closed you can still make reservations. The system helps you to make IATA standard master (MAWB) and house (HAWB) air waybills with automatic/manual/ULD/as agreed rating. Full functional autorating and autopricing are included. You can save air waybill masks and use them later to issue similar air waybills quicker. You can print/reprint AWBs with matrix or laser printer You can send FWB (Master Air waybill data), FHL (House Air waybill IATA data) messages electronically to airlines and handling agents. You can avoid the high cost charged by airline for manual entry of MAWB and HAWB into their system. Also at handling agents you may have a shorter flight closing time if you send previously the data of your shipments. To send pre-alerts AWBs can be saved as a picture and attached to an . You can print a HAWB manifest with FHL sending control. From the system anyone can issue a IATA standard full MAWB or a HAWB within 1 minutes.

8 Main functions and advantages of CCS Hungary AWB
You can request status information about shipments from handling agents and airlines. Accurate information from the handling agent’s and airline’s systems will be received within a minute. You can avoid phoning to handling agent and with it the phone cost and valuable work time in case of busy phone lines. Also personal mistakes or misdirection can be avoided. Status information update messages can be received from handling agents and carriers that they send automatically when status changes. Packages without bar coded labels are in danger of loss or delayed at all the big airports around the world. Bar coded labels are required all around the world for the easier identification of shipments. The IATA standard bar coded labels can be printed for the packages. You can receive into the CCS Hungary AWB, “Notification of Arrival” messages which are automatically added to the shipment history. If required they can be printed out automatically upon receipt. You can list your arrived import shipments by handling agent and date period. You can plan your truck which will pick up the import shipments from each handling agent. The hand over of consignments between bonded warehouses is controlled by the CCS Hungary AWB, there is no need of paper and manual work nor from the forwarding agent and handling agent side, nor the Authorities side. Your work is supported with basic databases like airport and city codes, carriers and other charges. You can avoid the manual search for these must information for issuing an air waybill and in case the cost of buying IATA book. and consignee. History for each shipment recording all manual entries and related messages. Online help with suggested problem solutions. Help and user training in the same time. Optional web based tracking module (CCS Hungary WebTrack) for shipper

9 Main menu of CCS Hungary AWB
Similar to every software, users have to log-in to CCS with entering their user name and password. This method is for protecting Forwarding Agents against stealing business information about their shipments by the competitors. Every taken step is recorded in the history with date, time, user name and transaction details.

10 Notices Help for the users with information to solve problem
Real-time, creditable, valid information from the system To get the information you need: just a „click” to the warning symbol and the adequate window pop-up helps to handle the problem as soon as possible.

11 Default values settings
In this menu you can make set up: Company information HAWB header Other charges AWB masks

12 Customer data Customer data are stored in customer database. Do not need to fill the customer data manually in the AWB, just a „click” and you can choose from the customer list.

13 Air Export Process

14 Air Export Process Price quotation phase
EDI Flight Schedule Request) Flight Schedule Answer‏ Airline Cargo systems (like CCS Hungary BACH)‏ CCS Hungary AWB Inquiry for export by mail Offer for export by mail Shipper Ask for flight schedule information

15 Air export process The CCS AWB system follows the steps of the export process technology so this make easier the users work. The order of the menu items and functions within the main export item, corresponds to the process technology, which are the following: AWB stock control Schedule request Reservation Space allocation Issue an AWB Managing permissions Manifest consol shipment Print security declaration Print warehouse entry receipt Print AWB bar coded labels Freight status request/answer Delete AWB

16 AWB stock control First you need to give an AWB stock what you got from the Airline.

17 Reservation Without space allocation can make reservation in the system. Give a prefix than the system will give you the next free AWB number. After you can make a reservation immediately for the AWB.

18 Ask for flight schedule information before sending the offer

19 Air Export process Reservations Phase
EDI Paper flow Freight Booked List‏ Flight Schedule Request‏ Local Handling Agent’s system (like CCS Hungary BACH)‏ Freight Reservations Request‏ International Forwarder In-house system Flight Schedule Answer‏ Airline Cargo systems (like CCS Hungary BACH)‏ Freight Reservation Confirmation‏ Reservations information Possible interface CCS Hungary AWB Offer for export by mail POA for export shipment Shipper Check flight schedule information Make reservation

20 Space allocation Possible to modify or delete space allocaton in the system.

21 Air Export process „Ready for carriage” phase
EDI Paper flow Freight Booked List‏ Cargo flow (Master and House Air Waybill)‏ FWB, FHL Local Handling Agent’s system (like CCS Hungary BACH)‏ (Master and House Air Waybill)‏ FWB, FHL International Forwarder In-house system Special message Special message‏ Airline Cargo systems (like CCS Hungary BACH)‏ Possible interface MAWB, HAWB CCS Hungary AWB Commercial dox for export shipment Print labels Cargo arrival at Forwarder’s warehouse Issue AWBs Issue HAWB manifest Issue bar-coded labels Shipper

22 Structure of AWB creating window
From the system anyone can issue a IATA standard full MAWB or a HAWB within 1 minutes. The system helps and control the user to issue a correct AWB with user help, mandatory and optional fields, autorating, built-in IATA rate database and other IATA codes and also with masks. There is also a great visual help for users. When they fill the boxes on the AWB creating window, the system shows to him/her on the right side of window , the picture of neutral AWB and the field which was entered with data. Into this AWB picture can be opened the help function for user. All the information in red defines the mandatory fields, and clicking on line the system takes the user to the given field.

23 Customer data Entering the shipper, consignee and also notify fields: on this tab the user can enter all the possible customer data or select from the customers database.

24 Routing and Payment method
User can check or modify the routing of the shipment and the payment method (in default MAWB is PP, HAWB is CC)‏

25 Autorating (rates & other charges)‏
When user enters the weight and pieces of shipment the system automatically calculates the freight cost by using IATA rates to the given destination and airlines. On this tab also there is the possibility for the ULD and RCP rating. The user can also choose the necessary corates or surcharges from the built-in database. The chargeable weight can be calculated and entered by the system after the user entered the dimensions. Of course users can built up an other charges database as well and with the Autocost button they can put them onto the AWB.

26 Other information on AWB
On this tab the user can enter information to general information fields (e.g.: accounting information, under tariffs, handling information). Also on this tab can be entered the special handling codes of shipment.

27 Issuing details Every field is filled in on this tab with the already entered basic data. Of course user can modify it in case of need.

28 Manifest information In this window the user can select what kind of FWB data would you lik to send and print and here have possibility for give/edit the MRN numbers and select eFreight status.

29 Master and House Airway Bill
Wihout exit the HAWB and Manifest window available.

30 After filling the AWB in the header of the window there are different function for the user, such as Save&Print, Save and Load mask and Save as picture. When user print out the AWB he/she can choose that he print it to a laser printer or a dot printer. For even faster issuing AWB the AWB data can be saved to a mask, which mask next time can be loaded. Also if user want to the AWB to his/her partner, it can be saved as a picture to the desktop.

31 Permission request Forwarder In-House system
CCS Hungary AWB FWB/FHL Forwarder In-House system Ask for permission FWB/FHL Special messages FWB/FHL Answer for the request Ask for permission FWB/FHL Answer for the request Local Handling Agent’s system Airlines

32 Issue the HAWB manifest

33 Print bar coded labels

34 Air Export process Transportation phase
EDI Air Export process Transportation phase Paper flow Special message Special message Cargo flow Special message Freight Booked List‏ FWB (MAWB data)‏ FWB (MAWB data)‏ FWB (MAWB data)‏ Transit Airport Second carrier cargo system First carrier cargo system Freight Status Update‏ Freight Status Request‏ Freight Status Request‏ Freight Status Answer‏ Freight Status Answer‏ Freight Status Update‏ Destination Airport Hand over cargo to handling agent Hand over documents to handling agent Hand over cargo documents Hand over Local Handling Agent’s system WebTrack Status information CCS Hungary AWB Consignee Possible interface Status information Forwarder can follow up the whole process of shipment transportation from the beginning till the very end International Forwarder In-house system Shipper

35 Ask for status information from handling agents & airlines systems

36 Air Import process

37 Air Import process Cargo, Docs and Data flow
EDI Cargo flow Paper flow WebTrack Airlines System CCS Hungary BACH Special message Special message Special messag Special message Special message Special message Special message Notification to cnee CCS Hungary AWB Documents Local Handling Agent’s system CCS Hungary BACH Cargo Hand over cargo to forwarding agent Consignee ask for status info from handling agent and airlines about dispatched import shipment Hand over dox to forwarding agent Handling agent sends the notification (BEA) when shipment arrived and received its customs registration number Handling agent hands over the shipment and its dox to forwarding agent After local procedures, Forwarding agent hands over shipment and dox to Consignee

38 Ask for status info from handling agents & airlines system

39 Receiving notification message from local Handling Agent by EDI

40 „Arrived Consignments” function to plan truck to deliver arrived import shipments to own bonded warehouse

41 Controlling the delivery of the consignments between handling agents’ and forwarding agents’ bonded warehouse

42 Freight transfer between bonded warehouse
CCS Hungary AWB Permit/reject message Forwarder confirmation Request for transfer Forwarder confirmation Request for transfer Permit/reject message Handling Agent’s system

43 Built-in databases and SITA teletype connection

44 SITA teletype communication center
The system communicate standardize message between the airlines and handling agents via SITA. Here is possible to delete or check the incoming and outgoing messages.

45 Airlines and codes

46 Airport & City codes

47 Rates

48 Thank You for Your attention!

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