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Incorporating quoted material into literary analysis.

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1 Incorporating quoted material into literary analysis

2  Which answer choice provides the best example of situational irony? a.A candidate who is leading in the polls wins the election. b.A runner who is favored to win a race gets to the arena too late to compete. c.A character in a play tells the audience a secret other characters do not know. d.A hard-working student claims she "hates it" when she does well on tests.

3  Which of the following text features most effectively identifies details or steps?  a.bulleted list  b.subhead  c.illustrations  d.boldfaced text

4  Second Draft Due (Standard)  11/14 Y Day (Today!)  11/17 X Day  Final Draft Due (Standard)  11/18 Y Day  11/19 X Day  Vocab Quiz 5  11/20 Y Day  11/21 X Day

5  SWBAT create an 11 sentence paragraph in proper MLA format with quotes by using notes from the lecture.  Warm Up  Common Errors  Embedding Quotes  MLA Format  11-sentence paragraph


7  To support my argument.  To demonstrate my familiarity with the text.  To avoid getting kicked out of school for plagiarism!

8  An embedded quote flows naturally into your own writing. When reading a well-embedded quote, it should sound like part of your own sentence.  A dropped-in quote does not flow with the rest of the sentence. It sounds jarring and disrupts the sentence and paragraph.

9  Beneatha is a character who believes in freedom of expression. She said this quote: “People have to express themselves one way or another” (Hansberry 48).  Beneatha is a character who believes that “people need to express themselves one way or another” (Hansberry 48).

10  Holden gets frustrated and decides to leave. “People are always ruining things for you” (Salinger 88).  Holden gets frustrated and decides to leave, claiming that “people are always ruining things” (Salinger 88).  Holden gets frustrated and decides to leave. He claims that “people are always ruining things” (Salinger 88).

11  Capitalization  Leaving words out  Adding words in  Where to put the period.

12  The quote is part of your sentence. Do not capitalize any word unless it would ordinarily be capitalized.  Example: Holden gets frustrated and decides to leave, claiming that “people are always ruining things” (Salinger 88).  Do not capitalize “people” even though in the original text it is the first word of the sentence.

13  When it is necessary to leave out a few words from the original text, use an ellipses (…) indicating where the words were skipped.  He claims that “people are … ruining things” (Salinger 88).

14  Sometimes a word needs to be changed in order for the sentence to be grammatically correct.  She is just about to apologize when she realizes that this nun is not “Mama or Papa [who she] could argue things with” (Alvarez 15).  The original text is written in first person.

15  Lead your reader into the quote.  Use the quoted material.  Explain how the quote relates to the main point of your paragraph.

16  The closing punctuation always goes at the very end of the sentence, i.e. after the parenthetical citation.  Beneatha is a character who believes that “people need to express themselves one way or another” (Hansberry 48).

17  Avoid plagiarism! At the end of the sentence, include a parenthetical citation.  In most cases, the author’s name and page number is required (Author 348).  In some cases, only a page number is needed (348).  Why?


19 Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication.


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