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Deputy Headteacher Linda Potticary Pupil Progress & Achievement KS3 Oversee the academic progress, pastoral care & tutorial systems so that all pupils.

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Presentation on theme: "Deputy Headteacher Linda Potticary Pupil Progress & Achievement KS3 Oversee the academic progress, pastoral care & tutorial systems so that all pupils."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deputy Headteacher Linda Potticary Pupil Progress & Achievement KS3 Oversee the academic progress, pastoral care & tutorial systems so that all pupils achieve in KS3 Behaviour for learning in KS3; Oversight of tutorial programmes inc SEAL: Oversee LW and CW monitoring; Community development & cohesion; Safeguarding; Extended schools LM: KS3 Co-ord; AHT for Academic Progress; HoD ICT; (HoD MFL; HoD PE; Hod Media Studies from April 10) Acting Headteacher – Ruth Martin Strategic direction of TRDS; SDP & Post OFSTED priorities; BSF; Liaison with LA, London Challenge & SIP; Oversee the Budget Recovery Plan; Oversee the SEF; Support L&C team; LM Deputies & Bursar; Permanent Exclusions; Calendar; Personnel matters; Staff recruitment & retention and Well being Project; Performance Management; Governors; Liaison with stakeholders, external partners & community groups; Parent Voice; Marketing & publicity; Fixed Term Exclusions; LM: ASTs (from April 2010) Executive Headteacher – Yvonne Powell (September2009 to August 2010) Coach HT & DHT (PP&D); Support PP& D team; Train HoYs & tutors in their role & ensure that pupil progress data is used by them to improve progress; Evaluate intervention programmes; QA lesson observations to judge whether or not data is used in planning; Act as an advocate for TRDS within the Borough of Newham and other external partners; Deputy Headteacher – Anita Sarkar Learning & Curriculum Curriculum model; Curriculum pathways; Personalised learning; 14-19; Timetable, Oversight of 11-19 curriculum; Functional skills; Oversee Literacy;; Collate evidence of the quality of t&l; Subject leader team meetings, induction; ML Training, sgp & performance; Lead L&C team; Careers Education and Guidance LM: HoD English; AHT for T&L; E&E Coordinator; Librarian; HoD RE; PSCHE Co-ord; Careers The Royal Docks School: Senior Leadership Team structure Feb 2010 Deputy Headteacher – Christian Hicks Quality Assurance & School Standards Work with L&C team to ensure that allocated OFSTED priorities are addressed; Quality & impact of evaluation & improvement planning; Oversee & improve SSRE model; SEF; Stakeholder feedback inc student voice; Subject reviews inc monitoring impact of A4L; Closing the gap ; Oversee cover; Curriculum analysis & teacher staffing levels; Develop expertise in A4L & data use with AHT; Numeracy in Science; LM: AHT for A,R&R; E & E Co-ordinator; Hod Science; HoD Maths Deputy Headteacher Andy Ross Pupil Progress & Achievement KS4 Oversee the academic progress, pastoral care & tutorial systems so that all pupils achieve in KS4; Lead PP&A team; Year reviews in KS4; Behaviour for learning in KS4; Oversight tutorial programme inc SEAL; Work related learning & enterprise; School budget; ECM outcomes ; LM: KS4 Co-ord; AHT for Inclusion; AHT for Transition & Pupil Engagement; Careers Assistant Headteacher Michala Aylward Teaching & Learning Co-ordinate whole schoo;l Continuing Professional Development; Teachers Training Plan; Oversee NQT, new staff induction; Coaching programme; Develop outstanding classroom practice; Lesson observations; Learning walks; Deploy ASTs to Improve rapidly the quality of learning & teaching; LM: HoD MFL; HoD PE; HoD Media St; 2 x ASTs. Assistant Headteacher John Dallimore Assessment, Reporting & Recording Oversee A,R & R procedures; Assessment calendar; APP; Internal & External exams; Analysis of all external & internal data inc RAISEon line; Generate & track school, subject, teaching group targets; Ensure all internal progress data is robust, accurate & tracked; A4L; marking & formative assessment; LM : HoD Geography; HoD History; HoD Sociology; Exams Officer Assistant Headteacher Marion Batchelor Transition & Pupil Engagement Implement Steer Report; Attendance; NEETs; Punctuality; Rewards & celebrating achievement; EVC; Oversight of IEU; Referral Room; Mid phase admissions & pupil roll; KS2/3 transition; Primary school liaison, Yrs 4&5; (Yr 6 to 7) LM: EWOs; IEU Manager; Corridor Supervisors; HoD Drama; Seconded Assistant Headteacher Steve Porter Academic Progress & Guidance Apply pupil targets for teachers, tutors & managers; Oversee production of internal progress data; Identify under achievers for teachers, tutors & managers; Homework and coursework monitoring; On line pupil questionnaires; Organise Academic Reviews; Timetable (with DHT Learning & Curriculum); Oversee D&T LM: HoD D&T; HoD Art Assistant Headteacher Teresa Chibogu Inclusion Co-ordinate support to SEN & vulnerable pupils so that they overcome barriers to learning; Oversee PMLD unit, LSU & EMA; School minibus; LAC; Child Protection; Liaison with all external services & external agencies; LM: SENCO; HoEMA; LSU Manager; ti/c PMLD

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