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Audit Planning. Decide whether or not to accept the prospective client Obtain knowledge of client’s business and industry Make preliminary arrangements.

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Presentation on theme: "Audit Planning. Decide whether or not to accept the prospective client Obtain knowledge of client’s business and industry Make preliminary arrangements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Audit Planning

2 Decide whether or not to accept the prospective client Obtain knowledge of client’s business and industry Make preliminary arrangements with the client Prepare the engagement letter Prepare the audit plan, preliminary program, and time budget

3 Obtaining Clients Deciding Whether to Accept Clients Engagement risk – auditors’ overall risk of association with a client. Reduce engagement risk by considering management’s reputation and the financial strength of the prospective client. With client’s permission contact third parties concerning: Financial history and credit rating (banker) Legal environment (attorneys)

4 Obtaining Clients Communications with Predecessor Auditor SAS 84 (AU 315) requires the successor auditor to attempt to communicate with the predecessor auditor before accepting the engagement. Recall Rule 301 pertaining to confidential client information. Must ask client to authorize the communication. SEC Form 8-K for public companies Discourages “opinion shopping”

5 Engagement Letters Responsibilities of Each Party Management responsibilities Financial statements Establishing effective internal control over financial reporting Compliance with laws and regulations Making records available to the auditors Providing written representations at end of the audit, including that adjustments discovered by the auditors and not made to the financials are not material Auditor responsibilities Conducting an audit in accordance with GAAS Obtaining an understanding of internal control to plan audit and to determine the nature, timing and extent of procedures Making communications required by GAAS

6 Engagement Letters Other Items Arrangements regarding Conduct of the audit (e.g., timing, client assistance) Use of specialists or internal auditors Obtaining information from predecessor auditors Fees and billing Limitation of or other arrangements regarding liability of auditors or client Conditions under which access to the auditors’ working papers may be granted to others

7 Understanding the Client’s Business Attractiveness of the Industry Barriers to entry Strength of competitors Bargaining power of suppliers of raw materials and labor Bargaining power of customers Client’s operations Accounting policies Industry and regulatory factors Strategies and related business risks Measurement and review of performance Internal control

8 Understanding the Client’s Business Basic Strategy Basic strategies Product differentiation Cost leadership Implications of strategy for assessing reasonableness of financial statements

9 Relationship Between Strategy and Financial Statement Results ROA = NI / TA Dupont Analysis ROA = (NI / Sales) x (Sales / TA) = Net Profit Margin x Asset Turnover Assume ROA = 10% for Firms A & B Profit Margin Asset Turnover Firm A 10% 1.0 Firm B 2% 5.0

10 Materiality Consideration (but not quantification) of materiality is required – most firms do quantify. No universal rules for assessing materiality – only guidelines and professional judgment Some methods for quantifying overall materiality 5 to 10% of net income before taxes ½ to 1% of total assets ½ to 1% of total revenues 1% of total equity AICPA table

11 Materiality Allocating Overall Materiality Multiply overall materiality by a factor (usually 1.5 to 2.0) and allocate to the various accounts. Multiplying by a factor before allocating alleviates excessive conservatism Allocation is typically to balance sheet accounts (balance sheet approach)

12 Materiality Class Example Relevant base = 4,000,000 Overall planning materiality = 38,300 + (0.0067 x 1,000,000) = 45,000 Allocation of planning materiality Allocated amount = 45,000 x 2.0 = 90,000 Base = 2,000,000 Cash allocation = (500,000 / 2,000,000) x 90,000 = 22,500 Similarly, A/R = 13,500, Inv = 31,500, A/P = 14,625, A/L = 5,625 and T/P = 2,250 Total = 90,000

13 Materiality Qualitative Considerations Remember materiality depends not only on amount, but also on nature of transaction, for example: Illegal payments Compliance with contractual agreements Reversal of earnings trend Changes a loss into income, or vice versa Items that can be measured with precision versus items that arise from estimates

14 Assessing the Risk of Material Misstatement Due to Fraud (SAS 99) Effective date: December 15, 2002. Supersedes SAS 82

15 Assessing Fraud Risks Two types Fraudulent financial reporting (management fraud) Misappropriation of assets (defalcations) Procedures to assess fraud risks Discussion among engagement team Inquiries of management and other personnel Planning analytical procedures Considering fraud risk factors Incentives Opportunity Attitude

16 Assessing Fraud Risks—Identifying Fraud Risks Considerations in identifying fraud risks Type Significance Likelihood that it will result in a material misstatement Pervasiveness

17 Responding to Fraud Risks Overall response Professional skepticism and audit evidence Assigning personnel and supervision Accounting principles Predictability of auditing procedures Alterations in audit procedures More reliable evidence Shifting timing to year end Increasing sample sizes Response to the possibility of management override Examining journal entries Review accounting estimates for biases Evaluating the business rationale for significant unusual transactions

18 Consideration of Fraud Throughout the Audit Evaluating the results of audit tests Discovery of fraud Communication to appropriate level of management If fraud involves senior management or material misstatement communicate to audit committee

19 Other Planning Considerations First-year Procedures SAS 84 recommends second communication with predecessor CPA Use of Client’s Staff Other CPAs Use of Specialists

20 Audit Plans Provides an overview of the engagement. Typically includes: Description of client company Audit objectives Other services Scheduling of work Role of client’s staff Staffing requirements Target dates Special audit risks Significant risks related to errors and fraud Preliminary judgments about materiality

21 Audit Programs Organization of the Audit Program Systems (Internal Control) Revenue Cycle Acquisition Production Payroll Investing/Financing Substantive tests Organized by major balance sheet accounts

22 The Audit Trail Direction of Audit Testing FinishStart Test for Existence Source Documents Journals Ledgers StartFinish Test for Completeness

23 Timing of Audit Work Interim Work Consideration of Internal Controls Substantive work on transactions to date It should be remembered that interim work should be supplemented with additional work covering the period between the interim date and the end of the year

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