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COMENIUS. Starting from equal job opportunities in Europe, that is one of our project’s objectives, research has moved towards unemlpoyment rates of men.

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2 Starting from equal job opportunities in Europe, that is one of our project’s objectives, research has moved towards unemlpoyment rates of men and women in the five countries involved in the partnership.

3 Unemployment rate 10,6%  Female unemployment rate 13,5%  Male unemployment rate 7,1%

4 Unemployment rate 8,5%  Female unemployment rate 9,8%  Male unemployment rate 7,7%

5 Unemployment rate 19,3% Female unemployment rate 18,9% Male unemployment rate 19,4%

6 Unemployment rate 8,3% Female unemployment rate 6% Male unemployment rate 10,6%

7  Female unemployment rate 9%  Male unemployment rate 8,8% Unemployment rate 8,9%

8 Comparison among the five countries’ women unemployment rates The country with the highest female unemployment rate is Spain (18.9%). The country with the lowest female unemployment rate is Romania (6%)

9 Comparison among the five countries’ men unemployment rates The country with the highest male unemployment rate is Spain (19.4%). The country with the lowest male unemployment rate is Greece (7.1%)

10 Unemployment rate in Europe 9,5% Female unemployment rate 9,3% Male unemployment rate 9,7%

11 In Europe female unemployment rate (9,3) is lower than men unemployment rate (9,7) This is true in Romania: 6 against 10,6 and in Spain 18,9 against 19,4. On the contrary Greece, Italy and Poland reflect the opposite tendency: unemployed women are more than unemployed men. Greece: 13,5 against 7,1 Italy: 9,8 against 7,7 Poland: 9 against 8,8

12 Websites ANSA European Union

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