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Possible approaches to a new project Euro-Schulen Halle.

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Presentation on theme: "Possible approaches to a new project Euro-Schulen Halle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Possible approaches to a new project Euro-Schulen Halle

2 Funding instruments From Halle‘s point of view – 3 possible funding instruments 1 Guidelines / Directives for single projects in Saxony-Anhalt – Transnational project ESF with co-financing 2 Mobility projects in the context of Leonardo da Vinci Acquisition of professional competencies through internships abroad 3 Innovation transfer project in the context of Leonardo da Vinci. Would result in the transfer of partners’ Good Practice Examples into other participating countries.

3 Proposal 1 – Case study A Case study A Target group:  Youths with school leaving certificate lacking any motivation for joining the training and labour market  Training dropouts Targets:  Acquisition of personal and social competencies  different fields of activity in order to facilitate the youths’ career choice  Starting up a training in Germany Acquisition of competencies in order to facilitate the entry into the labour and training market with the help of internships abroad

4 Proposal 1 – Case study A Concept / Strategy: different partners host mixed groups for several weeks focus on enhancement of the participants’ social competencies and the requirements of the labour and training market participants focus on 1 or 2 training / occupational fields and work in various companies delegating organizations choose participants according to certain criteria and tests linguistic and cultural preparation afterwards delegating organizations help the participants to start their vocational training

5 Proposal 1 – Case study A Problems: Different languages? Methodical implementation / support Possible support from the German point of view:  Project organized in co-operation with job centre: Financing of the preparation and follow- up activities.  Stays abroad are financed by the Leonardo da Vinci Mobility Programme.

6 Proposal 1 – Case study B Case study B Target group:  Youths with a training qualification but long-term unemployment after their training Targets:  Thrust of motivation  Enlargement of practice-oriented skills and competencies  Start of employment

7 Proposal 1 – Case study B Concept / Strategy:  See case study A but including additional work placements  Possibility of a second stay in a different foreign country Problems: see case study A

8 Proposal 2 Target group:  unemployed youths without any school graduation lacking motivation and professional orientation  school and training dropouts  multiply socially disadvantaged  youths with migration background  young mothers as work returners Screening for work – a transnational project to avoid social exclusion of disadvantaged youths

9 Proposal 2 Target: Integration in training or employment/work by  establishment of the educational basis (school graduation)  preparation of training in various professional fields  development of labour-market, training as well as social and personal skills  partial qualification in certain fields of activity

10 2 Screening for work – Project execution Entrance into the project – all participants Placement test to assess skills, interests and intellectual grasp Trainees and job seekersSecondary modern school qualification Competence training Occupational decisions Planning of side jobs / work placements lessons Competence training Exam preparation Planning of side jobs / work placements 4 months Entrance into side jobs 1 school day per week Entrance into side jobs Gradual decrease in number of school days Final target: enhancement of the youths individual skills and qualifications and training or job placement

11 Proposal 2 Duration: minimum 2 years Partners: Euro-Schulen Halle Job Centre Halle Ministry of Labour and Social Policy partners in foreign countries

12 Proposal 3 Innovation transfer project financed by Leonardo de Vinci Good practice examples are transferred into other countries

13 Proposal 3 Important questions to be discussed: Are there projects whose transfer into other countries is useful? Which countries should apply for the project? In which country are the opportunities / chances best to get the programme approved?

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