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Presentation on theme: "1 Presentation BRUSSELS – 13 March 2008 THE CAREER GUIDANCE WITHIN LE FOREM."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 Le FOREM Public Service for EMPLOYMENT and VOCATIONAL TRAINING in the Walloon Region Organisation: 3 entities FOREM Conseil (Guidance & Counselling) FOREM Formation (Training) FOREM Support (Support)

3 3 BACKGROUND CONTEXT Le FOREM has to meet the employment policies in the Walloon Region: 1.PST-2 – Strategic Cross-Plans – Human Capital Development - LLL 2.PAC – Support Plan for the Unemployed 3.DIISP – Integrated Scheme for Social and Occupational Integration 4.Job Tonic – Integration for youth (18-25 years)

4 4 The career guidance within the PES Objective: work first The aim of the career guidance services is to position « very quickly » each jobseeker on a trade or a job in order to upgrade his/her chances of integration into the labour market.

5 5 CAREER GUIDANCE ITINERARY Access to anyone, free of charge Welcome space with: Information (documentation) on jobs, training opportunities, integration and labour market IT-tools (PC, fax, printer, softwares, internet, telephone …) Counselling Support

6 6 Career Guidance Process Personal and vocational assesment Choice of a vocational guidance or reguidance Action plan Support (implementation)

7 7 The counselling approach within the PES 1or 2 interviews with the aim of : Carrying out a skills assessment Clarifying or validating a career option

8 8 The support within the PES Limited time: max. 5 interviews over a period of a 1 ½ month The person can completely define the career guidance or a career plan

9 9 Classification of career guidance products Information (jobs, training opportunities, companies, labour market) Assessment (skills, competences) Project (career choice, occupation) Information on the labour market and socio-economic environment Active behaviour towards the labour market (traineeships into companies) Implementation of the project (active processes) Career management (in-service) Reconversion (redeployment)

10 10 Target groups and services offered TARGET GROUPS 18-25 YEARS Jobseekers – Waiting period – 9 months Jobseekers (Social Integration Allowance) SERVICES  JobTonic Programme Letter Personal interview Assessment Action plan Redirect to right services Intensive supervision by an external partner Follow-up

11 11 Target groups and services offered SERVICES  Support plan for the unemployed Letter (list from Belgian National Employment Office – ONEM)) Collective interview Personal interview Screening Action plan Implementation Follow-up Information to ONEM TARGET GROUPS Jobseekers (with unemployment allowance) (18-49 years) Compulsory activation Sanction

12 12 Target groups and services offered PUBLIC Jobseekers far from the labour market Who need specific support during a longer period (multi-partner operators)SERVICES  Integrated Scheme for Social and Occupational Integration (DIISP) Personal interview Personal and professional assessment Action plan « Contrat crédit insertion » - Integration Credit Contract Supervision by external operators Personalised follow-up – 2 years

13 13 Target groups and services offered Target groups For all target groups (autonomous): Students Workers JobseekersSERVICES  On-line Job search C.V. Contacts with employers Information on jobs, training opportunities, labour market

14 14 Target groups and services offered TARGET GROUPS For all target groups: Students Workers JobseekersSERVICES  One-stop-shop  Common career information and guidance service Places: « CEFO » (Multi-partner centres for careers and training information)

15 15 « The Government will gather the structures of information and support, currently too dispersed, in a centralized place where the public will have access to all information on the occupations/jobs, the requirements to control them, on the training opportunities, the vacant jobs and the possibility of practising old jobs in the craft industry”. Contract for the Future of Wallonia

16 16 « Carrefour Emploi Formation » (Multi-partner centre for careers and training information) includes FOREM Conseil and its partners

17 17 EFT Work-based training enterprises AWIPH Walloon Agency for the Integration of the Disabled MIRE Regional Employment Mission FOREM Conseil IFAPME Walloon Institute for block-release training and self- employed and SMEs Social Advancement Education FOREM Formation OISP Social-Occipational Integration bodies

18 18 « The Carrefour Emploi Formation » is managed by a team of multi-partner operators AWIPH (Walloon Agency for the Integration of the Disabled) EFT (Work-based training enterprises) Social Advancement Education EURES (European Employment Services) FOREM Conseil (Guidance & Counselling) FOREM Formation (Training) IFAPME (Walloon Institute for block-release training and self- employed and SMEs) MIRE (Regional Employment Mission) OISP (Social-Occupational Integration bodies)

19 19 The « Carrefour Emploi Formation » includes 4 areas : Choosing a careers guidance, finding a job, finding a training course, developing your business start-up

20 20 Each area is animated by a staff made of multi-partner operators AREAS 1.Choosing a careers guidance 2.Finding a job 3.Finding a training course 4.Developing your business start-up PARTNER 1.FOREM Conseil 2.MIRE, AWIPH, EURES, FOREM Conseil 3.FOREM Formation, EFT, OISP, Enseignement de promotion sociale, EURES, AWIPH 4.IFAPME, FOREM Conseil

21 21 « The Carrefour Emploi Formation » is : An open-access area An open-access area animated by specialized counsellors offering a wide range of services : information, documentation, counselling, a great number of IT-tools (computers, multimedia PC, telephones, fax, photocopy machines). People can find job and training offers in the “Carrefour Emploi Formation”.

22 22 « The Carrefour Emploi Formation » is : A place where the counsellors meet, advise and inform the customers, - individually or collectively - A place where the counsellors meet, advise and inform the customers, - individually or collectively -, in order to help them in the open access centre. A platform where each counsellor is an expert in his/her field and suggests the public a personal interview and/or a collective information session.

23 23 To collect information on occupations in which you are interested; To define the first steps to be undertaken relating to the choice of a careers path; To give you information on organisations providing services such as vocational assessment, guidance and counselling.

24 24 To give information on the labour market, companies, sectors and social law; To write a CV and application letters; To give access to documents and IT-tools, which are necessary for finding a job.

25 25 To give information on training opportunities and training providers; To have a counselling interview in order to analyse and clarify your training project; To choose a training course and then to submit a request for participation.

26 26 To support the candidate (information)  To welcome, meet and listen to the project initiator  To analyse his/her request  To advice about all the necessary steps  To direct him/her to the external appropriated service

27 27 « Carrefour Emploi Formation » in Wallonia :  Mouscron  Tournai  Mons  la Louvière  Charleroi  Brabant Wallon (Nivelles and Wavre)  Namur  Huy  Liège  Verviers  Luxembourg (Libramont and Arlon)

28 28 PES and external partners If the individual needs more time to choose a job, then to refer to external partners :  The PES activates the partner network within the framework of the DIISP (Integrated Scheme for Social and Occupational Integration) These partners work on blocking factors such as : interests, aspirations, etc. It needs more time.

29 29 THE GUIDANCE OFFER INCREASE AND DIVERSIFICATION The annual call for proposals fits within the framework of the Support Plan. It implies the respect of the status of the persons benefiting from these actions (80%) This call for proposals is addressed to all training providers active in the Walloon Region (commercial and non commercial sectors)

30 30 Conditions : contents The call for proposals defines the principles of involvement in the shape of objectives and expected results with the aim of supporting a free expression of the “means” by the operators. 3 Objectives for Guidance: 1.To develop the capacity of choice and definition of a project in comparison with the realities of the labour and training market 2.To validate and to develop a concrete and realistic careers project 3.To allow the jobseeker to develop the implementation of his/her action plan.

31 31 Expected results: At the end of the action, the jobseeker will be able to choose a vocational orientation on the basis of information about the labour and training market + confrontation with it. (The actions can include a MISIP, a skill test, … They facilitate the direct link with the labour and training market) He/she will have defined his/her careers project/objective and he/she will be able to implement his/her action plan to achieve his/her project.

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