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Marketing 303 Chapter 2 Strategic and Marketing Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "Marketing 303 Chapter 2 Strategic and Marketing Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing 303 Chapter 2 Strategic and Marketing Planning

2 What is management?

3 Planning Est. objectives Developing strategies Implementation Control

4 What is marketing management? Management of the marketing function…….the business function which creates and delivers value to customers and meets the organization’s objectives.

5 Managing the marketing function What are the basic business functions? Operations Management, Financial Management, Human Resources Management Information Systems Management, Supply Chain Management and marketing management. Marketing can be managed just as any of the business functions, or anything else for that matter.

6 What is planning? Anticipating future events and designing strategies to achieve objectives….. Making decisions today about future events.

7 Strategic vs. marketing plans Strategic planning is Organization wide….all areas Visionary or wholistic Long term Matches changes in the world with the organization’s strengths.

8 The Marketing Environment Demographics Social (Cultural) Economic Political Legal Competitive Technological

9 SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Matches These Opportunities Threats

10 Competitive Advantage Unique Superiority Examples Cost Experience Curve Product Differentiation Niche or focus

11 Ansoff’s Strategic Alternatives Market Penetration Product Development Market Development Diversification The product market growth alternatives matrix

12 Portfolio Planning: The BCG Model Provides strategic direction in resource allocation considering factors of: Market Share Market Growth Cash Cows, Dogs, Stars and ?

13 BCG or Portfolio Planning Model

14 THE MARKETING PLAN What to do about marketing? Situation Analysis Objectives A Marketing Strategy A Marketing Strategy Target Market Target Market Marketing Mix Marketing Mix Product Decisions Plqce Decisions Promotioin Decisions Price Decisions Implementation Control

15 Target Market A group which is similar in that they share a common a need for the product you offer…… They have a higher probability of responding to your offering than the population at large.

16 The Mar keting Mix Product Price Promotion Place/Distribution

17 Promotion Includes….. Anything that communicates….. Personal selling Internet and social media Advertising Sales Promotion Public Relations Your building or office Your employees (not in sales) Your Trucks

18 Examples of Marketing Strategies Product: Apple vs. Samsung Honda vs. Chevrolet

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