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Working for You A Report for Glendale Community College Board of Trustees April 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Working for You A Report for Glendale Community College Board of Trustees April 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working for You A Report for Glendale Community College Board of Trustees April 2011

2 Pathways to Funding  Appropriations  Authorizations  Program Language  Discretionary Grants  Direct Grant Funding

3 Status of FY2011 Initiatives  Water & Power Academy  DoD’s Starbase Program

4 ACTION: Congressional Appropriation Infrastructure/Verdugo Water & Power Academy Legislation: FY2011 Labor/Health & Human Services Appropriations Bill Office of Rep. Adam Schiff secured $180,000 in Labor/HHS Approp Bill. Status: Waiting passage of FY2011 Budget

5 ACTION: Direct Grant Funding DoD STARBASE Program STARBASE students participate in challenging "hands-on, mind-on" activities in science, technology, engineering, math, (STEM) education.  Leverage GCC planetarium/science program with local 5th grade students  Offer enhanced STEM program that is fully funded by the DoD. In FY09 the average cost of a StarBase academy was $317,638 ($306.01/student). Status: Waiting passage of FY2011 Budget

6 ACTION: Congressional Authorization Multimodal Transportation Facility Legislation: Surface Transportation Act $2,300,000 request to be submitted to the Office of Rep. Adam Schiff and Senators Boxer and Feinstein. Status: Expected to move in 2011

7 ACTION: Congressional Authorization Lab-College Services Building/Retaining Wall Legislation: Water Resources Development Act Submitted $1.875 Million request to: Senator Boxer Rep. Adam Schiff Senator Dianne Feinstein Status: Expected to move in 2012

8 ACTION: Discretionary Grant Funding Campus Shuttle Seeking $350,000 in discretionary grant funding. Status: Awaiting FTA Grants

9 What are priorities for GCC?  Campus Shuttle  Multimodal Transportation Facility  Lab-College Services Building/Retaining Wall  Verdugo Water & Power Academy  Campus Security  Others?

10 60 – 90 Day Action Items  Complete authorization forms  Authorization request letters from GCC President & Board President  Letters of support from political & community leaders  Student interest/support letters  Continue monitoring for discretionary grants  Schedule Rep. Schiff for a campus visit  Develop relationship between College and California National Guard.  Lay groundwork for a relationship/connection to Rep. David Dreier

11 What is the BOTTOM line for GCC’s federal relations agenda? InitiativeBottom Line Verdugo Water & Power Academy $ 180,000.00 DoD STARBASE $ 350,000.00 Campus Shuttle Project $ 325,000.00 Multimodal Transportation Facility $2,300,000.00 Lab-College Services Building/ $1,875,000.00 Retaining Wall Total $5,030,000.00

12 Questions?

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