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NCHRP 20-65 Task 60 The National Mobility Management Initiative: State DOTs Connecting Specialized Transportation Users and Rides Final Report Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "NCHRP 20-65 Task 60 The National Mobility Management Initiative: State DOTs Connecting Specialized Transportation Users and Rides Final Report Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCHRP 20-65 Task 60 The National Mobility Management Initiative: State DOTs Connecting Specialized Transportation Users and Rides Final Report Presentation March 2016

2 Connecting Specialized Transportation Users and Rides 2 There are many types of transportation customers… Persons with Disabilities Seniors Veterans Low-Income General Population Image Credits: Nelson\Nygaard, Catawba County, Wikimedia

3 Connecting Specialized Transportation Users and Rides 3 …traveling for many different trip purposes… Work/Training Shopping/Recreation Dialysis Medical Appointments Human Services Image Credits: Nelson\Nygaard, Public Domain Images, Wikimedia, Flickr (Tunstall),

4 Connecting Specialized Transportation Users and Rides 4 …that can be served by a wide range of transportation modes and services, each with different requirements and constraints. Fixed Route and Flex Transit ADA Complementary Paratransit Dial-A-Ride Services Human Services Transportation Senior Transportation Veterans Transportation Taxicabs and Livery Services Private-For-Pay Chair Car Services Transportation Network Companies (Lyft/Uber) Carpools/Vanpools Voucher/Subsidy Programs Volunteer Driver Programs Medicaid Non- Emergency Medical Transportation

5 New Linkages to Connect Users and Rides Have Emerged 5 One-stop shopping via phone or internet More transportation services all in one place More accurate information Easy to access and use services Trip planning services Trip booking services Some using mobile technologies

6 Connecting Specialized Transportation Users and Rides 6 Linkages can assist transportation users in finding the transportation service that will best meet their current travel needs. Image Credits: PennDOT, Will County, 211 LA County, 211 Vetlink

7 NCHRP 20-65 TASK 60 7

8 Project Team 8  Project Administration  Assisted with Literature Review  Technical Lead  Completed Literature Review  All Other Project Tasks

9 NCHRP 20-65 Task 60 9 What has resulted from the VTCLI program investment?

10 Initial Linkage Services 10  Human service organizations, transit agencies, and others have been connecting users with rides for decades  Many linkage services rely entirely on staff knowledge, relayed through phone calls and “static” directories of services Image Credits: Broward County

11  119 grants awarded  $63.5 million in total awards  $34.5 million in 2011 (Green)  $29 million in 2012 (Blue) Veterans Transportation and Community Living Initiative (VTCLI) 11  Competitive grant program administered by FTA in 2011-2012  Goal to connect military families and veterans to jobs and services by improving access to transportation options

12 Veterans Transportation and Community Living Initiative (VTCLI) 12  41 of 119 grants went to State DOTs  State DOTs served as lead agency on 15 grants ($11 million) VTCLI Grants Led by State DOTs State Idaho Illinois Iowa Kentucky Maryland Minnesota New Mexico North Carolina Pennsylvania Vermont Total Grants 3 1 2 1 TypeTotal GrantsAverage Award Transit Agency35$776,000 Non-Profit23$205,000 MPO/COG18$468,000 County17$377,000 State DOT15$736,000 Municipal8$642,000 Other3$224,000 Total119$534,000 VTCLI Grant Administrators and Awards

13 Veterans Transportation and Community Living Initiative (VTCLI) 13  VTCLI grants were primarily used to create, expand, and market One-Call/One-Click programs  Many agencies also purchased new technology, such as dispatching software and automatic vehicle location systems

14 NCHRP 20-65 Task 60 14 What approaches have been used to link users with rides?

15 What Did We Find in Our Research? 15  New funding sources, transportation services, and technological innovations have accelerated linkage program development  These new linkages fall along a continuum of functionality  Each level has unique benefits, challenges, and opportunities 1 5 3 4 2 Central Repository Matching Assistance Trip Planning Assistance Trip Booking Assistance Direct Trip Booking

16 Continuum of Services Linking Users and Rides LevelNameFunctionalityDescription 1 Central Repository Creation of -- or linkage with existing -- centralized repository of transportation resources Static, hard copy listing of services and programs distributed or accessed via phone or web-site 1A Provider Portal + provider portal Service providers can update their information at any time 2 Matching Assistance + ways to narrow down service and program options Customers supply search criteria or answer “triage questions” asked by mobility specialist (call-taker) or prompted by on- line system to reduce providers to viable options 3 Trip Planning Assistance + trip planning assistance Customers use on-line system or call mobility specialists (who use the on-line system) to get detailed ways to make a particular trip 4 Trip Booking Assistance + trip booking by mobility specialists Mobility specialists call provider to book trip on behalf of the customer 5 Direct Trip Booking + trip booking by customer Via links to paratransit systems (One system allows provider scheduler to schedule trip onto a partners’ vehicle run) 16

17 Mini-Case Studies – Levels 1-3 ProgramLevelLead Agency Type of Organization Geographic Scope Notes Community Transportation Services Directory 1 Will County, Illinois County Government Will County, Illinois  Innovative matrix-based static directory design that mimics the functionality of an online interface Getting There Guide 1 Denver Regional Mobility & Access Council Regional Coordinating Council Denver, Colorado Metropolitan Area  Developed new methods for distributing specialization transportation services information, including laminated placemat directories 2-1-1 LA County2 Non-Profit Organization Los Angeles County, California  Uses triage questions to identify search keywords. Keywords are then entered into a taxonomy database to develop a list of potentially applicable transportation programs and services. 2-1-1 VetLink3 Inland Empire United Way Non-Profit Organization Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, California  Project driven by veterans organizations  Link with 2-1-1 I&R system (iCarol) to be implemented  Focus on understanding unmet needs 17

18 Level 1 Linkage – Will County Community Transportation Services Directory Matrix #1: Residency and Eligibility 18 Will County, IL

19 Level 1 Linkage – Will County Community Transportation Services Directory Matrix #2: Client Eligibility by Provider 19 Will County, IL

20 Level 1 Linkage – Will County Community Transportation Services Directory Matrix #3: Provider Summaries 20 Will County, IL

21 Level 2 Linkage – 211 LA County Step #1: Selection of Search Category (e.g. Transportation) 21 Los Angeles, CA

22 Level 2 Linkage – 211 LA County Step #2: Selection of “Taxonomy” Category 22 Los Angeles, CA

23 Level 2 Linkage – 211 LA County Step #3: Inputting Keywords (e.g., senior) 23 Los Angeles, CA

24 Level 2 Linkage – 211 LA County Step #4: Select from Service Options 24 Los Angeles, CA

25 Level 3 Linkage – 211 VetLink 25 Inland Empire, CA

26 Mini-Case Studies – Levels 4-5 ProgramLevelLead Agency Type of Organization Geographic ScopeNotes MyRide4 Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority Regional Transit Authority Washtenaw County, Michigan  MyRide mobility specialists booked 19,000 trips in FY2014 MyRide24 Area Agency on Aging 1B Area Agency on Aging Southeast Michigan (Six Counties)  On behalf of AAA1b, the regional transit agency, SMART, has secured a VTCLI grant to allow AAA1b mobility specialist to directly book trips on over 70 providers Transportal5 Jacksonville Transportation Authority Regional Transit Authority Jacksonville, Florida (Duval County)  All paratransit-qualified customers receive a unique login to access online paratransit booking after completing application process  Working to integrate flex-route booking to enhance demand-response options available to customers FindMyRidePA5 Pennsylvania Department of Transportation State Department of Transportation South Central Pennsylvania (seven counties); To be expanded statewide  Links with Ecolane paratransit scheduling software  Demonstrated use from kiosks and mobile apps 1-Click|UTA5 Utah Transit Authority Regional Transit Authority Wasatch Front of Utah (Seven Counties)  Links with multiple paratransit schedule software packages, including Ride Pilot open-source scheduling system 26

27 Level 5 Linkage – FindMyRidePA 27 PennDOT (7 Counties)

28 NCHRP 20-65 Task 60 28 What are the strengths and weaknesses of these approaches?

29 Strengths, Weaknesses and Opportunities – Level 1 Provides a centralized, source of information of specialized and other transportation providers Often difficult for customers and mobility specialists to quickly identify applicable services, especially in larger directory Directories are out of date almost immediately after publication Updating directories requires significant staff time and distribution expenditures Hard-copy only: directories must be physically accessed, often not widely available Online directories only: customers must have internet and be computer literate, or receive assistance, in order to access Hard to maintain consistent organization, especially as services are added, removed, and/or modified over time (Levels 1-5) 29

30 Strengths, Weaknesses and Opportunities – Level 1 Directories can be placed online, allowing any customer with computer and internet access to find transportation services 24-hours a day, seven days a week Directories can be designed to mimic the usability of a web-based interface, providing users with a guide to identify applicable services and easily navigate to provider information Allows agencies to identify potential holes in available specialized transportation services in their area (Levels 1-5) Portals can be designed to more effectively leverage web analytics-based evaluation 30

31 Strengths, Weaknesses and Opportunities – Level 1A Allows providers to directly update service information through an online portal Often difficult to get providers to regularly update portal information after service changes (Levels 1A-5) Providers do not always follow entry template, leading to inconsistencies and/or descriptions that are difficult for customers to comprehend (Levels 1A-5) 31

32 Strengths, Weaknesses and Opportunities – Level 2 Uses triage questions to identify services that meet a customer's needs and eligibility requirements Not linked with schedule information; customers must typically contact one or more providers to find a service that fits a specific trip Phone-based matching assistance services could follow up a customer request by sending an email with contact information and links to matched services

33 Strengths, Weaknesses and Opportunities – Level 3 Works similarly to an online trip planner by providing applicable services based on a specific trip request Can be integrated with public transit schedules (often through GTFS), bicycling and walking directions, carpool matching, taxi databases, etc. Customers are required to contact a service provider directly if trip booking is required Difficult to coordinate trips that include transfers between services that require advanced booking Mobile applications 33

34 Strengths, Weaknesses and Opportunities – Level 4 Mobility specialists directly contact service providers to book trips on customers behalf, including conducting three-way calls to facilitate transfer trips Customers using online portals typically have to contact a mobility manager by phone for booking assistance Mobility specialists do not know if a service has a directly applicable trip before contacting the provider Allows agencies with lower staffing levels to leverage online application and focus assistance on trips that are more difficult to book, such as transfers 34

35 Strengths, Weaknesses and Opportunities – Level 5 Customers and/or mobility specialists can view scheduled runs and directly book and/or schedule a trip without contacting the provider Service providers within a given region often use different scheduling software/practices, requiring development of new APIs or acquisition of new software Paratransit eligibility information can be associated with a user profile Enhance awareness of/directly schedule on alternative modes that can effectively serve paratransit-eligible trips Integration with vehicle tracking software to provide estimated time of arrival information to customers Fare integration, allowing customers to pay for multiple services directly through portal 35

36 NCHRP 20-65 Task 60 36 How should linkage programs and services be evaluated?

37 37  Evaluation data can be used to improve both linkage programs and specialized transportation services  Justify program and attract additional funding  Identify and address service gaps  Develop new features based on customer feedback  Potential evaluation criteria are in part determined by linkage functionality level Primary Evaluation Topics VTCLI Grants Led by State DOTs  Total usage and frequency of usage by customers  Accuracy of transportation services information  Types of trips planned (successfully and unsuccessfully)

38 Total usage and frequency of usage by customers 38  Technology has a significant impact on how linkages can track their total usage and frequency of usage  Usage statistics are important for attracting ongoing funding VTCLI Grants Led by State DOTs LevelEvaluation CriteriaEvaluation Question 1: Central Repository Number of hardcopy directories requested or distributed Are directories accessible at locations where targeted users most frequently congregate? 3: Matching Assistance Number of specific trip requests for trip planning How many customers are planning trips using the online planner? 5: Direct Trip Booking Number of trips scheduled onto partner providers How many trips are directly booked through the linkage service?

39 Total usage and frequency of usage by customers 39  Technology has a significant impact on how linkages can track their total usage and frequency of usage  Usage statistics are important for attracting ongoing funding VTCLI Grants Led by State DOTs LevelEvaluation CriteriaEvaluation Question 1: Central Repository Number of hardcopy directories requested or distributed Are directories accessible at locations where targeted users most frequently congregate? 3: Matching Assistance Number of specific trip requests for trip planning How many customers are planning trips using the online planner? 5: Direct Trip Booking Number of trips scheduled onto partner providers How many trips are directly booked through the linkage service?

40 Accuracy of transportation services information 40  If information provided by linkages is inaccurate, customers won’t use it  Verifying the accuracy of list transportation services can be a significant expense for linkage providers VTCLI Grants Led by State DOTs LevelEvaluation CriteriaEvaluation Question 1: Central Repository % of entries with correct information (when being verified) When service information is verified, how often do existing entries contain invalid information? 3: Matching Assistance Accuracy of automatically updated service information (GTFS, taxi database, etc.) Do automatically updated data sources provide accurate service information? 5: Direct Trip Booking Continued functionality of linked scheduling software Does schedule information in the online planner accurately reflect actual provider schedules?

41 Types of trips planned (successfully and unsuccessfully) 41  Linkages can be used to understand gaps in existing services  Providers can use evaluation data to justify adding new services or modifying existing services VTCLI Grants Led by State DOTs LevelEvaluation CriteriaEvaluation Question 1: Central Repository Satisfaction with transportation services directory (collected via manual customer survey) Are customers satisfied with the directory? Can they successfully use the directory to plan trips? 3: Matching Assistance Percent of trips that cannot be fulfilled with existing services What are the characteristics (time, geographic area, rider demographic, trip type) of requests that cannot be served? 5: Direct Trip Booking Number and type of trips directly booked through the online portal What types of customers directly book their trips online? What kind of trips do they take?

42 Sample Evaluation Data ARC Simply Get There IEUW 2-1-1 VetLink-to-Go JTA TransPortal PA FindMyRidePA Agencies 86153 Providers 3745276 Services 3853318 Total Users 5704171675799 Registered Users 6542110187 Logins by Registered Users 361472643770 Trips 988108634441710 Desktop68694523041093 Tablet321916141 Phone2446785117 Kiosk---295 Itineraries 1257776942612510003 Bike79201146- Carpool1004--- Drive81323142- Paratransit6080191942313885 Transit53335251216066148 Selected Itineraries 4201649501321 Bike402- Carpool40---- Drive206- Paratransit11320118831 Transit261144824490 Bookings ---315 42

43 NCHRP 20-65 Task 60 43 What steps should State DOTs take to develop a linkage?

44 44 VTCLI Grants Ld by State DOTs  Toolkit for State DOTs and others available online  Includes seven steps for developing a linkage program  Uses the continuum of linkage functionality to help craft a program that best fits your market needs

45 What steps should State DOTs take to develop a linkage? 45 VTCLI Grants Ld by State DOTs 1 Identify Geographic Scope Select Target Users, Trips, and Modes Analyze Existing Linkage Functionality Determine Desired Linkage Functionality Develop Evaluation Criteria and Process Evaluate Sources of Funding Create a Marketing Plan 2 3 4 5 6 7

46 Final Report and Toolkit Available Online 46 VTCLI Grants Ld by State DOTs

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