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2016 Invitees Informational Meeting April 13, 2016.

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1 2016 Invitees Informational Meeting April 13, 2016

2 When National Junior Honor Society was founded in 1929, the hope was to create an organization that would recognize and encourage academic achievement while also developing other characteristics essential to citizens in a democracy. These ideals of scholarship, character, service, citizenship, and leadership remain as relevant today as they were in 1929.

3  Edward Rynearson, the founder of the National Honor Society and the National Junior Honor Society, wanted to create an organization where students could learn the importance and the value of scholarship (earning good grades), character (honesty, trustworthiness), cheerful service, citizenship (showing respect for authority), and positive leadership.  Mr. Rynearson believed that junior high students have incredible potential to be leaders in their schools and communities and to help others utilize their individual talents. We agree with him.  We believe membership is both an honor and a commitment.

4  School-wide recycling program.  Sponsors for BJHS Movie Night.  Raised $1,177 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society(Penny Wars).  Raised $750 selling bracelets to help build school and get classroom supplies for Haitian orphans.  Helped collect books for AZ Literacy and Learning Center  Purchased calculators to be used in math classrooms ($3,000).  Countless voluntary acts of kindness and aide to school and community. 2015-2016 NJHS ACCOMPLISHMENTS

5  Be a valued member of the school and community.  Service to the school and community.  Foster leadership skills.  Make new friends of the highest caliber.  List membership on NHS application. (Membership in NJHS does not guarantee membership in NHS)  Possible future scholarships.

6 1. Fill out an application. Application forms are available on BJHS website. Click “Our School” tab, then “Club Offerings”, then “NJHS link”. Make sure to type your application answers. 2. Choose two teachers you would want to complete a recommendation form for you. Give them the form to complete. (Please be considerate of the teacher’s time and give them enough time to fill out). 3. Turn in application by Friday, April 22, 2016 to Mrs. Sprowal. (Your teachers will submit recommendation forms to me)

7  I. Grade Point Average (GPA)  3.75 or above GPA for the first three quarters  No subject mark may fall below a C II. Service  Participates in an activity, does volunteer work or gives his/her time and assistance to a group or organization.  Willing to sacrifice time to work for group.  III. Citizenship  Displays respect for peers and maintains a positive attitude regarding school and community.

8  IV. Leadership potential  Holds an elective office or takes a constructive lead in classroom work.  Demonstrates initiative, dependability and responsibility in activities.  Is reliable and mature. Student is self-motivated and self disciplined.  V. Character  Integrity – No incident of cheating or intentional dishonesty.  Positive Behavior – No record of skipping classes. Follows school rules. No record of civil offense within the community, nor discipline referrals at school.  Cooperation – Willing to assist peers, faculty, etc.  Ethics – Wants to do the right thing.  Follows directions and is hard working.

9  You will be notified, by letter, of your status as an NJHS member on May 6, 2016.  There will be a mandatory rehearsal for the Induction Ceremony held on May 9, 2016, 4:00-4:45 p.m.  Induction into the Bogle Fred Coates Chapter of the NJHS is: Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 4:30 p.m.

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