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Welcome to…. The Boat Ramp Information Open Day Thank you for coming along. We are here to answer your questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to…. The Boat Ramp Information Open Day Thank you for coming along. We are here to answer your questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to…. The Boat Ramp Information Open Day Thank you for coming along. We are here to answer your questions.

2 Why do we need another boat ramp? Currently: Two (2) certified all-tide boat ramps (4 boat lanes each) at Rosslyn Bay One (1) all-tide boat ramp (2 boat lanes) for smaller vessels at Coorooman Creek There are ten (10) boat ramps currently in the Livingstone Shire As at July 2014: 76% (7300 vessels) within our direct catchment area use facilities along the coast 94% (6862 vessels) of the users in our catchment area are trailer loaded boats There were 9,605 registered boats within our Region (including Rockhampton)

3 Who are the boat ramps for? Its not just boaties that could benefit! In addition to being a launch site for boats, proper planning could also see inclusion of an accessible fishing platform for all community members (including those with less mobility). An Advisory Committee has investigated the demand for, and options for a boat ramp on the Southern Capricorn Coast. Ask us where to find the Boat Ramp Feasibility Options Study.

4 What are the boat ramp options? 1.Fishermans Beach concept (Rockhampton Regional Council, 2013) 2.Fishermans Beach CQBRAG concept (Central Queensland Boat Ramp Action Group) 3.Fishermans Beach DTMR concept (Department of Transport and Main Roads) 4.Ritamada concept (Rockhampton Regional Council, 2013) In addition to or in isolation of these concepts an upgrade could be undertaken of: 5.Coorooman Creek Boat Ramp DTMR concept (Department of Transport and Main Roads) Only the Fishermans Beach options would provide for all-tide, all-purpose access.


6 Outcomes of the Boat Ramp Feasibility Study









15 Fishermans Beach, Emu Park What is being proposed? 3 concepts for Fishermans Beach are being proposed.  each has its own pros and cons CQBRAG Concept Map (Central Queensland Boat Ramp Action Group) Council Concept Map (Rockhampton Regional Council, 2013) DTMR Concept Map (Department of Transport and Main Roads) These are preliminary plans for discussion purposes and modifications can be made. Community consultation has been conducted over the past three years. Now it is time to discuss the concepts to determine community support for the respective options.

16 Fishermans Beach, Emu Pa rk How large is the proposed boat ramp? The smallest of the three concepts for Fishermans Beach (DTMR concept) is the same size as the Coorooman Creek boat ramp and its current parking area. Costs will vary greatly with the chosen size and structural components of the ramp. Indications to date are that Government is more able to fund smaller, less expensive projects, unless private partnerships can be established to cover the cost of some of the works.

17 Will there be increased traffic? Currently: Cars with boat trailers travel through the main street to access the existing boat ramp at the end of Hill Street, launching off the beach. The proposal of an all tide boat ramp at the same location would likely increase the number of cars using the existing site. However: Generally boaties tend to be on the water early around 5am (before most people are out of bed). When boaties return, they come back at various times. Whilst no formal studies have been done, it is anticipated that there may be in the order of 8 to 20 additional cars use Hill Street per hour depending on the size of the ramp installed. Daily car movements will vary depending on weather conditions. Fishermans Beach, Emu Pa rk

18 Traffic chart of anticipated cars and boat trailers utilising Hill Street Based on Peak, Average and Off-peak for a two lane boat ramp Source: Estimates based on various boat ramp activity data from other Australian States Type of Demand Boat TrailersWhen to expect it Off-peak demand – 25% of boats based on capacity 20During weekdays Average demand – 50% of boats based on capacity 40Most weekends Peak demand – 100% of boats based on capacity 80Public holidays Estimated number of cars and boat trailer movements using Hill Street.

19 Fishermans Beach, Emu Pa rk Parking Arrangements Currently: The carpark at the end of Hill Street provides for 16 cars with boat trailers. Additional users of a new boat ramp facility could also organise a “kiss and ride” option. Eg. Dad and Mum would go down to the boat ramp area, Dad gets dropped off with the boat in the water and Mum takes the trailer home until Dad comes back – or vice versa as there are a lot of female boaties. In the Future Expansion Future expansion would require additional land-based parking facilities. Parking restrictions could also be investigated. Please note: Parking options have not yet been explored by the new Livingstone Shire Council as community support needs to be determined first.

20 Fishermans Beach, Emu Pa rk Why we prefer the Fishermans Beach Site In terms of finding an appropriate location for an all tide boat ramp there has been community consultation over the past three years. An advisory committee was formed to review numerous sites along the Southern Capricorn Coast and assess which would be suitable. Rockhampton Regional Council undertook a comprehensive survey of the South Capricorn Coast community (around 3000 households in 2013) to understand where they would prefer an all tide boat ramp - 70% of respondents indicated that Fishermans Beach would be suitable. The Fishermans Beach site would be a community asset and an economic driver for the local tourism business.

21 Fishermans Beach, Emu Pa rk Fishermans Beach was first touted as a feasible site back in the 1990’s and itself has a long history of aiding mariners going back to the early 1900’s – the jetty is an example of early marine infrastructure. Fishermans Beach site has the following characteristics: -It has an existing onshore boat ramp -Good access (wind/wave shelter, main road & services/amenities) -Close to infrastructure and facilities -All-tide functionality -Right depth of water to launch boats – only a few places have this on our coast -Can be used by the Coast Guard in times of emergency




25 Why do we need all-tide, all-purpose boat ramps? The only all-tide, all-purpose boat ramp in Livingstone Shire is at Rosslyn Bay. In times of peak demand this facility is placed under pressure and families have been turned away.  This impacts on the enviable local lifestyle for residents.  Furthermore, it impacts the tourism potential of our region! The only way to get the facilities that are needed is one step at a time. An all-tide boat ramp is part of a longer term solution to address a shortage of infrastructure to service both our locals and our visitors.

26 Where could the funding come from? Boat Ramps are the responsibility of DTMR (Department of Transport and Main Roads), however Council would be responsible for land based carparking facilities. Members of the Southern Capricorn Coast Boat Ramp Advisory Committee (SCCBRAC) and Central Queensland Boat Ramp Action Group (CQBRAG) have been, and may continue to lobby the various levels of Government for funding and support for additional boat ramp/s. Funding for upgraded and/or new facilities (boat ramps and carparking) could be sourced from: The State Government through re-investment of the registration fees collected for boats within our region Grant and contributions from:  Local Government  State Government (e.g. Royalties for the Regions)  Federal Government (e.g. Federal Assistance Grants)

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