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N ATIONAL H ONOR S OCIETY March Meeting 2016. D ISMISSAL H EARINGS Members who did not complete service forms last semester will receive notification.

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Presentation on theme: "N ATIONAL H ONOR S OCIETY March Meeting 2016. D ISMISSAL H EARINGS Members who did not complete service forms last semester will receive notification."— Presentation transcript:

1 N ATIONAL H ONOR S OCIETY March Meeting 2016

2 D ISMISSAL H EARINGS Members who did not complete service forms last semester will receive notification for a dismissal hearing Members that have yet to turn in photos or forms for last semester projects must sign up for a dismissal hearing to plead their case as to why they should remain a member of NHS

3 A MBASSADOR C LASS AND D11 E MAIL Check Student Connect to see if you have met service requirements “1” is complete; “0” is incomplete Reminder that this class does not affect your GPA or eligibility for sports Please check your school email once/week for NHS notices

4 P ROJECT R EQUIREMENTS 2 Projects per Semester One must be 4+ hours in duration One project per year must be NHS-Sponsored NHS-Sponsored projects are listed on the website Other projects are also listed on the website – Please volunteer for these! Organizers need your help! You can also choose your own service projects Find something where you can contribute to the good of society by making the world a better place than it was before you volunteered Tutoring centers count as a project if not taken as a class If volunteering twice or more a week it counts as both projects High Trails counts as two NHS projects

5 S PRING NHS F ORMS Seniors - due April 15th Juniors - due May 13th Take photos of your projects Due when your forms are due Forms are available on the NHS website; printed forms will be available at the April meeting.

6 N EW PICTURE S UBMISSION Send photos in an email to Emma Howard ( Include your name and a very brief title for each photo (e.g., donating at spring blood drive). Include an email subject Use GroupMe to submit your photos. To join: This web link is available on the NHS website.

7 S PRING S EMESTER NHS S PONSORED P ROJECTS Teens for Jeans – Mary Reynolds NHS Spring Blood Drive: April 6-7 NHS Induction Ceremony: April 19 High Trails: May 4-6 (Counts as both service projects) Beautification Day: May (More information at April meeting)

8 H IGH T RAILS – M S. U LIZIO AND M R. P ERRY May 4-6 March 18 th – application submission to Mr. Chamberlin (room 222) Training Meeting March 31 st during lunch in the lecture hall






14 N ITTY G RITTY -Buena Vista Montessori School Wednesday May 4th-Friday May 6th with 4-6th graders Thursday May 5th and Friday May 6th Overnight with 3rd graders -Complete Application and Medical Form – due to Mr. Chamberlin by Friday, March 18 th. -We will have another meeting Thursday, March 31 st during lunch (Lecture Hall)


16 NHS S PRING B LOOD D RIVE Sign up for time slots is open after the meeting on NHS website Two students for each time slot Blood drive poster – contact Mr. Chamberlin Donating Blood is an NHS sponsored project

17 NHS I NDUCTION C EREMONY April 19th – After school and evening. Sign up online to help with the ceremony. See the NHS website. Induction of new members and officers

18 O FFICER E LECTIONS At the April meeting next month, we will conduct elections for NHS officers for the 2016-2017 school year Requirements Election forms 1-2 minute speech at April meeting Positions President Vice-President Secretary Historian Treasurer Members interested can get elections forms following the meeting

19 M OCK T RIAL F UNDS R EQUEST $250 request to help funs their travel to the State Competition

20 S EE Y OU N EXT M ONTH As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact any NHS officer or Mr. Chamberlin in room 222 Don’t forget to sign up for High Trials, the Blood Drive, and the Induction Ceremony!

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