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VET Information  Alex Turnbull Personalised Learning Coordinator: VET & Flexible Pathways.

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Presentation on theme: "VET Information  Alex Turnbull Personalised Learning Coordinator: VET & Flexible Pathways."— Presentation transcript:

1 VET Information  Alex Turnbull Personalised Learning Coordinator: VET & Flexible Pathways

2 What is VET? VET stands for Vocational Education & Training. Students have the opportunity of gaining nationally recognised accreditation in industry standard competencies. Eg.: Certificate I in Hospitality Certificate II in Live Production, Theatre & Events Certificate II in Visual Arts Certificate I in General Construction Certificate II in Business

3  Courses offered at Glenunga IHS :  IT Essentials, Advertising & Graphic Design, Digital Media  Other courses are run at different schools or training sites within the region. This may mean students need to travel to another learning site as part of their studies. A variety of VET courses are offered through GIHS.

4  developing practical work-related skills that will make them more employable  gaining an understanding of the world of work  gaining a taste of an industry before they commit to working in that industry  getting a head start in a pathway they want to do when they leave school, before they actually leave school What are the benefits of students undertaking VET courses?

5  gaining dual accreditation, as VET achievements can also count towards the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)  in some cases, contributing towards the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) required for entrance to university, ensuring their options and pathways remain open. Benefits (continued)

6  Most VET studies automatically contribute to a students Year 11 SACE pattern.  So, students can study VET in Year 11, and still choose 4 University Entrance Subjects in Year 12.  Alternatively, most completed Certificate III will contribute towards the ATAR score at Year 12. Can I still go to UNI if I do VET?

7  Included as part of a flexible timetable and can replace a SACE subject for a semester or a year.  ie. You can choose to study a VET course in place of a subject at school. VET courses are:

8  Students will be out for a block amount of time but will have extra supervised study throughout the rest of the week to catch up any school work that might be missed.  Subject teachers in classes that are missed will also be more flexible with deadlines. Will VET overload their studies?

9 Course costs  Consumables Payment (non-refundable) = 20%  Course Deposit (refundable)* = 40%. *Course deposit is refundable upon successful completion of ALL competencies. Example: Hospitality Operations – Certificate II (Heathfield High School)  Course cost $835  Consumables Payment $167 (20% of $835)  Course deposit $334 (40% of $835)

10  2013 VET Program Expression of Interest form completed (Sept)  Attend course information session run by the training provider – if offered (Sept)  Complete a Student Agreement form (Oct/Nov)  Payment of course invoice (Nov)  Acceptance and enrolment into VET course (Nov/Dec) Enrolment procedures

11  Advertising & Graphic Design  Dance Studies Contemporary Media  Fashion Design  Fibre, Fashion & Fantasy  Multimedia  Photography  Set Design & Construction Arts, Design, Fashion & Multimedia

12  Building Links  Doorways to Construction Building, Furnishing & Plumbing

13  Business  Business Services  Community Pharmacy  Real Estate Business, Management, Finance and Property Services

14  Child Care  Health Support Services  Community Services Community Services, Health & Education

15  IT Essentials (including CISCO)  CISCO Academy Computing & Information Technology

16  Engineering and Metal Fabrication,  Geophysics  Geoscience  Advanced Technology Engineering, Mining & Electrotechnology

17  The Hair Focus  Directions in Hair and Beauty  Journey to Hairdressing  The Journey to Hairdressing continues  Makeup and Beauty Palette  The Makeup Journey  The Makeup Journey continues Hair & Beauty

18  Kitchen Operations  Hospitality Operations  Tourism Hospitality, Travel & Tourism

19  Animal Care and Management  Aquaculture Primary & Allied Industries Recreation & Sport  Pathways to Fitness

20  Moodle (STUDENTS button  select VET)  School web site (Education Programmes  select Learning Pathways)  See me in Room U21c (next to counsellors)  Email me Where to find course information

21  Students can start an apprenticeship or traineeship whilst still completing their SACE  Facilitated by our Apprenticeship Broker  Usually 1-2 days at workplace and remainder at school  Once compulsory components of SACE completed student can transition to fulltime apprenticeship or traineeship ASBA (Australian School-Based Apprenticeship)

22  Alex Turnbull Personalised Learning Coordinator: VET & Flexible Pathways Any Questions?

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