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Presentation on theme: "APPULATE PRODUCT REVIEW SEE WHAT APPULATE CAN DO."— Presentation transcript:


2 AGENDA Overview of Offerings Exploring Appulate’s MGAConnect What is MGAConnect? Candidates for MGAConnect MGAConnect Components in Detail (RQBI) MGAConnect Workflow How does this help MGAs? How does this help our Agents? Exploring Appulate’s CarrierConnect What is CarrierConnect? Candidates for CarrierConnect CarrierConnect Workflow CarrierConnect Components in Detail (RQBI) How does this help Carriers? How does this help our Agents? Success & Validation

3 OVERVIEW OF OFFERINGS Producer product that streamlines the marketing and submission process. It features: Uplink bridge WC Comparative Rater Forms filler with electronic signature Loss run requesting tools Virtual whiteboard to manage quoting pipeline SEMCI 133 paying ProducerConnect clients 2. MGAConnect3. CarrierConnect 1. ProducerConnect


5 EXPLORING APPULATE’S MGACONNECT 31 Total number of MGAConnect clients MGAConnect clients represented in this room: RIC Syndicated Insurance Services TKG Risk Innovations US Risk Libertate Access Partners NIF MarketSource State Fund First Patriot Underwriters

6 WHAT IS MGACONNECT? Rating Dynamic Questionnaire with Risk Qualification Engine (Appetite Guide) Quote Generation Reverse Portal ACORD & Supplemental Forms generation Electronic Signatures Integration with back-end systems using ACORD XML Upload from all agency management systems on the market Upload to carrier portals / websites Forms reader technology with OCR 20,000+ retail agencies SaaS based “Point Of Sale” (POS) / Submission Management System for MGAs with the following features:

7 CANDIDATES FOR MGACONNECT Brokers, MGAs, Wholesalers Looking to increase efficiencies o Receive emailed or faxed submissions o Introduce appetite guide to guarantee they have the information they need o May want to submit to multiple carriers without having to rekey data

8 MGACONNECT COMPONENTS IN DETAIL Program rating data into Appulate to generate rate calculations Sophisticated rating engine works for any commercial line to offer a real-time, dynamic experience. If you expose your rates via API to Appulate, there is never a need to worry when rates change – it will update Appulate automatically Rate/Quote/Bind/Policy Issuance

9 Appetite guide= dynamic questionnaire Rules based context driven questionnaire Can produce multiple results based on the response to the questions in the ACORD form and market specific questions It is the responsibility of the market to provide Appulate the desired outcomes MGACONNECT COMPONENTS IN DETAIL Rate/Quote/Bind/Policy Issuance

10 Three outcomes A – quote is automatically released to the agent If, “A” Appulate can generate an instant quote, if a template is provided. U – quote is referred to the carrier underwriter to review D – quote is declined MGACONNECT COMPONENTS IN DETAIL Rate/Quote/Bind/Policy Issuance

11 MGACONNECT COMPONENTS IN DETAIL Agents can request to bind and be prompted to complete the binding process that you outline (i.e. attach loss runs and sign ACORD)

12 Electronic Signature

13 Attach Loss Runs

14 MGA View

15 Rate/Quote/Bind/Policy Issuance MGACONNECT COMPONENTS IN DETAIL You can issue your policies right from within Appulate. integrates with any MGA systems Reliable and accurate data flow to reduce data entry and your errors and omissions exposure Turn policies around more quickly and with better accuracy

16 MGACONNECT WORKFLOW Agent Uplinks ACORD & goes through portal process Select Market(s) for Submission User is redirected to Market Portal Select Submit Complete any additional Q&A if needed (within the portal) Complete & send Email. Select Link and redirected to Market portal. User prompted to complete any missing info (within Appulate). Select Submit Submission Generated. Select Submit Complete any additional Q&A if needed (within the portal) Weblink Submission Appulate Submission eSubmission Email Submission Review & Gather additional info from Agent Market Receives email notification on new submission Submission Generated.

17 HOW DOES THIS HELP US (MGA)?  Connect to more submission volume and higher margins on bound premium o Appulate has a network of more than 20,000 independent agents that want to do business online  Receive completed submissions  Filter submissions through Appetite Guide  Eliminates multiple entry for agent and MGA  Faster turnaround time

18 HOW DOES THIS HELP OUR AGENTS?  No need to rekey data from management system  Access to fillable ACORDs for those that don’t have management systems  Get quotes faster


20 EXPLORING APPULATE’S CARRIERCONNECT 33 Total number of CarrierConnect clients A few CarrierConnect clients: Arrowhead General Insurance Berkshire Hathaway/Homestate Employers Compensation Ins Co Everest FirstComp Midwest Family Ohio Mutual Insurance Group Zenith AgriBusiness Zurich - Programs and Direct Markets

21 WHAT IS CARRIERCONNECT? Formally known as A2X, gives carriers and broker / MGAs technology to convert ACORD forms they receive via Fax or email into standard ACORD XML. This powerful tool can reduce internal data entry Streamline your back-office.

22 CARRIERCONNECT WORKFLOW Carrier Direct: Uplink -> Convert ACORD to XML (Bypass Appulate Portal)-> Carrier Portal



25 Response XML

26 HOW DOES THIS HELP US (CARRIER)? Introducing an easier way to quote which will encourage agents to submit more business to you. Don’t have to worry about all of the different versions of ACORDs and management systems

27 HOW DOES THIS HELP OUR AGENTS? Easy to do business with you- No need to rekey ACORD data on carrier website for quoting. “Quick Download” Installs on the agent’s desktop in less than 1 minute “File, print, Uplink, DONE!!!!” Simple to use and saves agent and CSR time “Book Rolls Made Easy” Bulk upload of policies “No Cost!” What Agents are Saying:

28 BUT WAIT… THERE’S MORE! Management System Integration Integration with back end processing systems can be supported. Appulate can export the ACORD data and attachments that are Uplinked to Appulate, into your management system OCR OCR (Optical Character Recognition) provides support for emailed submissions with faxed and scanned attachments. More on this, later in the day, in session 6 Integrations: Policy Administration *Accenture Duck Creek *Majesco *Tropics *WCE Insurity Portal Solutions AgencyPort *Oceanwide FirstBest Iter8 MGA Management System *Nexsure AIM Epic premier *WholeSource *Partners

29 SUCCESS & VALIDATION “…connectivity is central to the insurance market, particularly in terms of how risk is assessed and underwritten.” Inoma, Hesus [ insurtech-hesus-inoma]: [Feb 28, 2016]. “86% of insurance CEOs believe technology will transform business in the next five years; therefore embracing and utilizing technology is a necessity to not only survive, but thrive.” Jones, Andy: Citing Sources: [ insurance-businesses-st/]: [Nov 18, 2015]. This room holds the leaders and innovators of the Insurance industry. You are embracing the change and eager to hold a spot at the forefront. The rest of the industry will be forced to catch up.

30 OMIG 800+ inbound submissions, 7 lines, 5 months FirstComp over 9,537 submissions since 2012 Arrowhead, Since 2011, 19,850+ inbound submission Access Partners 1,279+ since launching a new program using Appulate in a little over a year and a half SFF 24,168+ inbound since 2012 Patriot since March of 2015 28,653+ inbound Risk Innovations 43,014+ inbound submissions since 2011 SUCCESS & VALIDATION Are people really relying on Appulate? Is it really making an impact? Yes!!!


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