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Railroad Times.. Standard Time Zones Standard Time Zones. If your country runs on railroads, everyone has to have the same time or there will be crashes.

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2 Railroad Times.. Standard Time Zones Standard Time Zones. If your country runs on railroads, everyone has to have the same time or there will be crashes. Boston and New York were 12 minutes apart. TC and Detroit could have their own times. Railroad time was divided into the 4 main time zones we have now.

3 Homepage

4 How Did Cities Change.. Cities became specialized for railroad services. Chicago became a huge stockyard, Minneapolis a huge granary, Abilene Kansas a cow town. Homepage

5 The Pullman Car George Pullman made a specialized railroad car that was built for ultra comfort. He put his factory in the middle of nowhere outside of Chicago and built a small city for his workers.

6 Pullman City Workers rented their houses from him, and bought their groceries from him. Basically he paid them to build his cars than took their money back. He also intruded on their private lives- No alcohol or loitering on your front steps. Homepage

7 Credit Mobilier The Union Pacific Railroad stockholders created a fake company called Credit Mobilier. They built a RR for 2-3 times as much money as normal and pocketed the profit (paid for by government grant). They gave stock in this fake company to the Vice President of the U.S. and future President James Garfield. No one got in trouble. Homepage

8 Railroad Abuses Government wanted our country connected. They gave land and money grants to railroad corporations. Who, in turn, gave kickbacks to politicians, cut illegal deals with each other, fixed prices, charged farmers more. Homepage

9 Controlling the Railroad Granger Laws and Interstate Commerce Act (Interstate Commerce Commission) where created to help fight abuses and set fair rates for railroads. It never really worked because railroads had the power and control to fight back. Homepage

10 Complete the Critical Thinking questions on the back.

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