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Hazard Vulnerability Assessment Anke Corbeil Draft.

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Presentation on theme: "Hazard Vulnerability Assessment Anke Corbeil Draft."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hazard Vulnerability Assessment Anke Corbeil Draft

2 What is Hazard Vulnerability Assessment (HVA)? A systematic approach to identifying all hazards that may affect an organization, assessing the risk associated with each hazard and analyzing findings to create a prioritized comparison of hazard vulnerabilities. The consequence, or vulnerability, is related to both the impact on organizational function and the likely service demands created by hazard impact.

3 Why do an HVA? HVA provides the Coalition with a common understanding of the hazard risks that it faces and helps to prioritize issues HVA can help guide your work-plan and budget development HVA fulfills grant requirements

4 Wisconsin HVA History 2011-2012 HVA Hospitals are mandated to complete an internal HVA every two years Regional hospital partner HVAs were completed in 2012 LPHAs were encouraged to participate in WHEPP regional HVAs Wisconsin Health Preparedness created a hybrid HVA tool (excel spreadsheet) This tool was created to help support federal guidance suggesting that WHEPP and Public Health Preparedness work to align in relevant areas of emergency preparedness Local Public Health Departments completed HVA by 7/31/12 Completed with key planning partners submitted to DHS

5 State Dashboard Created the ability to visualize and analyze the results of the assessments through a web based mapping application Access: HVA results Map: Hazard Risk Analyze: Compare results with other LPHAs and Tribes throughout the state.

6 Many Available Tools Kaiser Permanente Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) UCLA Individual States

7 Wisconsin HVA Tool Development Team of stakeholders developed a hybrid tool Compared many tools and selected the best aspects Barb Bauer, Aging and Disabilities Resources Center, Florence County Melody Bockenfeld, Health Officer, Outagamie County Karen Cain, Health Officer, Rock County Cortney Draxler, Planner, Polk County Health Department Gina Egan, Public Health Officer, Vilas County Lynn Hrabik, DPH Epidemiologist in the Northeast Regional Office Jeff Jelinek, Emergency Manager, Sauk County Ray Lemke, DPH Emergency Medical Services Marge McFarlane, WI Hospital Emergency Preparedness Program Marianne Peck, DPH Trauma Services, State Trauma Coordinator Bob Ritger, WI Hospital Emergency Preparedness Program, Regional Coordinator, La Crosse Carol Rollins, Environmental Health and PH Preparedness, Ho-Chunk Nation Karen Secor, Council on Physical Disabilities Katie Sommers, Wisconsin Emergency Management, Hazard Mitigation Planner Richard Thoune, Public Health Director, Eau Claire County Linda Walter, Health Officer, Washington County Stacey Wians, Epidemiologist, Kenosha County Zona Wick, Health Officer, Iron County Ryan Wozniak, DPH Chemical and Natural Disasters, Chemical Preparedness Coordinator

8 WI HVA Tool Tool to use: Available on PCA Portal Many LPHAs have already completed this and will only need to update 2012 assessment

9 Hospital Assessments Internal assessments Role in Local and Regional Assessments Key stakeholder in assessment

10 WI HVA 2015 Proposal Process approach to build from the ground up Local: Update HVA Regional: HCC Plan State: Report

11 Local HVA Meet with key coordinating partners (hospitals, EM, LPHAs, long term health care, behavioral health, etc.) to update/revise or complete the WI HVA tool Submit this information Potential PCA Portal location State will provide guidance What to submit Where to submit

12 Regional HVA Team Process: Meet with local representatives who have completed an HVA to facilitate a meeting to wrap the data into a Regional Assessment

13 Applying Results to the Work plan Use top hazards to drive your work plan Completing this early is important Regional HVA: North Central Texas Trauma Regional Advisory Council

14 Process - Proposed State Provides Guidance Local HVA Updated Regional Plan Development State Dashboard Update

15 Questions?

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