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Standard Assessment Tests Glynne Primary School SATs Information Evening.

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Presentation on theme: "Standard Assessment Tests Glynne Primary School SATs Information Evening."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standard Assessment Tests Glynne Primary School SATs Information Evening

2 SATs Timetable Mon 9th May Tues 10 th May Weds 11 th May Thurs 12 th May Reading Test (60 mins) SPaG Grammar, punctuation and vocabulary (45 mins) Spelling (15 mins) Arithmetic Paper 1 (30 mins) Reasoning Paper 2 (40 mins) Reasoning Paper 3 (40 mins) Glynne Primary School SATs Information Evening

3 English ComponentDescriptionNumber of marks Component 1: Grammar, punctuation and vocabulary Short answer questions (selected and constructed response) presented in order of difficulty 50 marks Component 2: Spelling 20 sentences from which targeted spelling words have been left out 20 marks

4 Glynne Primary School SATs Information Evening English Language structure Standard English VocabularyPunctuation nouns verbs adjectives adverbs connectives pronouns prepositions articles statements questions commands clauses phrases tense agreement subject agreement double negatives use of ‘I’ and ‘me’ contractions Additional skills: past progressive tense subjunctive word meanings vocabulary in context word groups synonyms antonyms prefixes suffixes singular and plural capital letters full stops question marks exclamation marks commas in lists commas to mark phrases or clauses (avoiding ambiguity) inverted commas apostrophes brackets ellipses colons

5 Glynne Primary School SATs Information Evening English Spelling To sound out phonemes To analyse words into syllables and other known words To apply knowledge of spelling conventions To use knowledge of letter strings and visual patterns To check spellings To revise and build on their knowledge of words and spelling patterns The meaning, use and spelling of common prefixes and suffixes The spelling of words with inflectional endings The relevance of word families, roots and origins of words To use appropriate terminology, including vowel, consonant, homophone and syllable

6 Glynne Primary School SATs Information Evening English Reading 60 minutes to read and answer questions Different texts included: stories, interviews, poems, explanations etc.

7 Glynne Primary School SATs Information Evening English Reading Assessment Focus Decoding of text, to read for meaning Understand, describe, retrieve information from text Deduce, infer or interpret information Identify and comment on features and structure Explain and comment on writer’s choice of language Identify and comment on writer’s purposes and viewpoints ( not all focuses will necessarily appear in any one text at any given time)

8 Glynne Primary School SATs Information Evening Maths Arithmetic paper 30 mins Paper A (non calculator) Paper B (non calculator) Both 40 minutes

9 Glynne Primary School SATs Information Evening Maths Paper A

10 Glynne Primary School SATs Information Evening Maths Paper B

11 Glynne Primary School SATs Information Evening Maths Arithmetic

12 Glynne Primary School SATs Information Evening Maths Arithmetic

13 Glynne Primary School SATs Information Evening Maths Arithmetic

14 Glynne Primary School SATs Information Evening Maths highlight key words encouraged to show working out on test papers mark awarded for formal method (if answer is incorrect) mirror, pencil, protractor, ruler, no erasers

15 Glynne Primary School SATs Information Evening Revision My Maths BBC bitesize MATHS ZONE Past Papers 2003-2015 Gapps Education

16 Breakfast SATs 2016 We are inviting all the year 6 children to have ‘Breakfast’ with us, for the week beginning 9th May 2016 at 8.30am. MENU Cornflakes, Weetabix Toast with Jam or Marmalade Orange Juice, Hot Chocolate, Milk We would like all children to be part of the team and participate in the occasion.

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