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Middle East Post WWII. Middle East Islamic culture and geography unified Social Change –Women's roles –Men's roles.

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Presentation on theme: "Middle East Post WWII. Middle East Islamic culture and geography unified Social Change –Women's roles –Men's roles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Middle East Post WWII

2 Middle East Islamic culture and geography unified Social Change –Women's roles –Men's roles

3 Changes! Modernization –Medicine –Electric, radio, TV –***threatened basic traditional lie Urbanization –Youth move to cities –Middle class and west values found! Women –Modern education –Challenged traditional roles –College, jobs, “west” dress

4 Nasser

5 Egypt - Nasser Egypt largest population in ME Nasser seized power and unite all Arabs under his power Pan Arabism - Arabs should be united in a single state Other nations refuse Arab Socialism –Nasser trying to solve Egypt economy –Naturalizing businesses, regulated wages, prices, production –Take land away from rich landlords and give to peasant farmers

6 Israel Zionism – Jewish return to Israel Balfour Declaration – British issued that Jewish land would be created in Palestine UN votes 1948 – Jewish state in Palestine Arabs given West Bank and Gaza Strip

7 1947 U.N. Plans to divide Palestine which was under British Rule. –Jews accepted the Plan Arabs did not. –1948 the nation of Israel is created and recognized by both super powers –Arabs vowed to drive out the Jews which led to many conflicts Egypt became socialist backed by the Soviet Union.

8 Middle east tensions PLO – Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Arafat fought a Guerrilla war against Israel. –1967 Six Day War –1973 Egypt and Syria launched a war against Israel on Yom Kippur the most holy day –Israel won and Egypt and Israel began to seek peace with the Camp David Accords.

9 Camp David Accords Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Begin on September 17, 1978 Self govt of West Bank and Gaza Strip Palestinians recognized Egypt suspended from Arab League 1981 – Sadat assassinated

10 Israel Six Day War Yom Kippur War PLO Terrorism Intifada (”uprising”) –1987 – Palestinians who had grown up under Israeli occupation in West Bank and Gaza begin series of violent demonstrations.


12 Lebanon 1975 – civil war between Christians, Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims 1976 – Syria invades 1978 & 1982 – Israeli army enters to destroy PLO camps. Israel occupies Lebanon until 1985

13 South Asia Green Revolution – governments tried to improve agricultural production with science and technology

14 Bangladesh 1971 – East Pakistan broke away from West and became Bangladesh Civil War follows – ends with India helping Bangladesh 120 million people in the size of NYS Floods from Himalayas 1/3 children die before age 5 Worlds most economically troubled nation



17 Latin American Governments Argentina – Juan Peron 1943 / 1972 –Popular but violated human rights and liverties Chile – Salvador Allende –Communist elected president –1973 assassinated by Chilean military led by General Augusto Pinochet – military dictatorship established Nicaragua – Sandinistas 1979 revolutionary group –Communist practices instituted –1989 – civil war – US backed revolutionary groups “Contras”

18 Argentina – Juan Peron 1943 / 1972 –Popular but violated human rights and liberties

19 Chile – Salvador Allende –Communist elected president –1973 assassinated by Chilean military led by General Augusto Pinochet – military dictatorship established

20 Nicaragua – Sandinistas 1979 revolutionary group –Communist practices instituted –1989 – civil war – US backed revolutionary groups “Contras”

21 OIL Third World Countries


23 OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Political weapon! Prices

24 Iranian Revolution Shah Reza Pahlavi – absolute monarch introduced Western culture and technology –Guilty of corruption and repression Ayatollah Khomeini, religious leader and Islamic Fundamentalist –Return to basic values of Islam as spelled out in Koran –Against values and culture of the West –No separation of religion and sate –New constitution based on Koran –Sponsored acts of terrorism in ME and held American embassy hostage in Tehran for more than a year

25 Ayatollah Khomeini VS Shah Reza Pahlavi

26 Iran / Iraq war – 1980-1989 Iraq (Saddam Hussein) attacked Iran in 1980 to seize disputed territory along Persian Gulf War threatened oil needed by Western Europe and Japan 8 year fight ending with cease fire Hussein demanded financial aid from Kuwait for saving them from Iran’s Islamic Fundamentalism

27 Persian Gulf

28 Israel and ME 1991 – US pressure Israel and Palestine to Middle East Peace Conference Israel PM Yitzhak launched secret negotiations with PLO leader Arafat 1993 – PLO signed Oslo Accords. –Israel recognized the PLO and gave Palestinians self – government in the Gaza Strip and Jericho (West Bank) –PLO ended its opposition to Israel’s existence –Rabin (Israel PM) assassinated by Jewish terrorist

29 Sharon elected Israel PM Orders high wall built along West Bank 2003 to prevent future suicide bombings and withdrew Israeli forced from Gaza and West Bank 2004 – Arafat dies – new door for peace? Hamas won elections in Gaza in 2006 –Israel considers terrorist group –Series of wars (Lebanon)

30 Yugoslavia – Bosnian War Fighting between Muslims and Serbs in Bosnia Yugoslavia intervened to murder Muslims – ethnic cleansing –US and NATO intervene –Bosnia divided into 2 republics – Muslins and Serbs


32 Kosovo Yugoslavia attacked Muslins in Kosovo NATO bombed Serbian targets in Yugoslavia 1999 – Yugoslavia dictator – Slobodan Milosevic fell from power in 2000. Captured, trial for atrocities committed during his rule


34 Persian Gulf War - 1990 Kuwait opposed Hussein’s demands Hussein invaded and annexed Kuwait a small oil rich nation World worried Saudi Arabia was next Hussein refused to leave: –UN Coalition led by US attacked –Pushed Hussein out of Kuwait –Hussein agreed to pay for environmental damage to Kuwait –Kurds in North revolt but crushed by Hussein –NO FLY ZONE

35 Iraq War US Economic sanctions WMD’s Invasion

36 Afghanistan Mujahideen – guerilla fighters fought pro Soviet Union Afghan government collapsed. Taliban – Islamic Fundamentalists –Women – only appear in public accompanied by men Heads, faces, bodies covered completely –Men – required to grow beards and attend mosques


38 Afghanistan Al-Qaeda – sheltered by Taliban Islamic terrorists Osama bin Laden

39 South Africa

40 Apartheid - a political system in South Africa from 1948 to the early 1990s that separated the different peoples living there and gave privileges to those of European origin Nelson Mandela – first black president

41 Rwanda

42 Somalia Civil War Famine UNITAF

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