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Temperature Sensitive Micro-electro-mechanical Systems (Part II ) Amy Kumpel Richard Lathrop John Slanina Haruna Tada featuring MACIS 16 July 1999 Tufts.

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Presentation on theme: "Temperature Sensitive Micro-electro-mechanical Systems (Part II ) Amy Kumpel Richard Lathrop John Slanina Haruna Tada featuring MACIS 16 July 1999 Tufts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Temperature Sensitive Micro-electro-mechanical Systems (Part II ) Amy Kumpel Richard Lathrop John Slanina Haruna Tada featuring MACIS 16 July 1999 Tufts University TAMPL REU

2 Overview Brief review and progress report Basic theory and setup –Imaging system, beam curvature System Analysis –Incident light angle –High temperature exposure E(T) and  (T) values Conclusion and Future work

3 Measurement and characterization –mechanical properties of micro-scale devices –thermal properties of device materials under high temperatures Tri-layered Poly-Si and SiO 2 cantilever beams Brief Review of T-MEMS Determine Young’s Modulus, E(T), and the coefficient of thermal expansion,  (T), of thin films (poly-Si, SiN x ) at high temperatures

4 Recent Progress More data (and more data) with current setup Error Analysis Modified the LabVIEW program for piecewise  (T) analysis Obtained additional values for  (T) and E(T) Assisted Haruna with her thesis

5 CCD camera collimated light source beam splitter Al reflector quartz plate W-halogen lamp and housing sample thermocouple Si wafer quartz rod Setup: MACIS

6 Theory: Imaging System reflection from curved beam substrate beam I. image of beam on camera II. Apparent Beam Length, L beam

7 Theory: Beam Curvature Nomenclature –radius of curvature, R –apparent length, * L beam –tip deflection, h –half cone angle,  –arc angle of beam,    R L beam   C A B h *changes with focusing

8 Analysis: Tilt Angle (  Asymmetric data hints that the system is tilted –Angle  effects negative curvature values, but not positive Adjust numerical program to compensate for  –Find  from experiments Values: 0.5°~1.0° C   R L beam   h 

9 Analysis: High Temperature Exposure Assumption: beams experience fatigue when exposed to high temperatures TMEMS heated to ~850°C for various amounts of time Measured deflection after each run Trend: as time at 850°C increased, deflection becomes more negative

10 High Temperature Exposure  time (min)total time (min)deflection (  m)curvature (1/  m) 0000 55-0.50.0001 1015-40.0008 1530-60.001202 2050-9.50.001906

11 Determining  (T) Two material properties approximate beam curvature for both Poly-Si and SiO 2 –Young’s Modulus (E) –Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (  ) Estimate E(T) from previous publications Find a best fit  (T) using a numerical model

12 Linear Approximation of  Si (T) 100 200 300 0  300  50 Analyzed 5 different ranges of data Averaged the  Si value for each range Extrapolated to 50°C and 300°C temperature (°C)

13   Values SiO 2 Poly-Si

14 Conclusions The coefficient  was found for 50°C to 1000°C for both Poly-Si and SiO 2 The experimental error in curvature was found –Angle  gives ~3% for negative values –Variance in focusing gives ~2% for all values

15 Future Work Modify setup for Nitride beam analysis Create x-y-z stage for easy movement of sample Get more values for E(T) and  (T) through more runs Prepare for final presentation

16 Any Questions For Us?

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