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Baptism HC Q/A 66-74. What is a sacrament? Visible signs and seals appointed by God Used to more fully declare and seal the promise of the gospel to us.

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Presentation on theme: "Baptism HC Q/A 66-74. What is a sacrament? Visible signs and seals appointed by God Used to more fully declare and seal the promise of the gospel to us."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baptism HC Q/A 66-74

2 What is a sacrament? Visible signs and seals appointed by God Used to more fully declare and seal the promise of the gospel to us Gospel promise = By grace God forgives sin and gives eternal life For the sake of Christ Purpose: Direct our faith to the sacrifice of Jesus as the only ground for our salvation The Holy Spirit teaches us in the Bible and assures us through sacraments that Jesus really died for me in my place and that I am really saved only because of faith in what Jesus did

3 Baptism Sign from God to visible express/show what God has done for us in Christ Not something to show what ‘I have done’ but what ‘Christ has done’ Outward washing by water = picture of an inner and invisible washing: 1) Sin have been ‘washed’ by Christ’s atoning sacrifice 2) Sinful hearts are renewed by God the Holy Spirit Sign itself has no power to save: Abraham first he is converted, then comes the sign of circumcision. Not saved because of the sign.

4 Questions: Who is the initiator of baptism? If baptism is a sign to show what ‘Christ has done’ and not what ‘I have done’ – who ultimately determines when someone should be baptised?

5 Baptism No special power in the act of Baptism itself – it is a sign and seal Relationship between the saving reality – washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit – And The symbol that represents it – baptism with water. Sign = Baptism, Signified = Saving work of Jesus Christ

6 Children as well? Yes Sign is from God – not something that we do, something that God wants to do for us OT = All male Israelite children were circumcised as sign of the covenant NT = By faith in Christ, all people can now be heirs of the promise made to Abraham (Gal 3:15,29) NT = Covenant sign of circumcision, now replaced by water Baptism (Col 2:11-12) and given to male and female (Acts 8:12) Children of believers – wonderful privilege of growing up in God’s family as full members of the church

7 Questions If I have been baptised by a famous holy man of God – does that make my baptism more powerful than if I was baptised by someone else? How many times should I be baptised and when? Do you think children of believers should be baptised? Why/why not?

8 Baptism - Credobaptists Credo = I believe Credobaptists – otherwise known as Baptists – believe that someone should only be baptised once they have come to personal faith in Jesus Christ. Children should NOT be baptised. Acts 2:38 = Repent (first) and then be baptised (second) NT = The new covenant which is in Christ – every member will experience first hand knowledge of God (Jeremiah 33) won’t be a mixed community, so only those who have repented and believed should form a part of it and be baptised. Baptism must be through faith – something infants are not capable of – therefore they should not be baptised.

9 Baptism - Reformed 1. God commands the baptism of children [Genesis 17:7-11] -Circumcision as covenant sign on male heirs of 8 days -Romans 4:11 says ‘circumcision is a sign/seal of the righteousness that comes by faith’ -Was given to uncomprehending children -God pleased to included children in his covenant arrangement with Abraham

10 Baptism - Reformed 2. NT, Peter tells the crowd: ‘Repent and be baptised every one of youin the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children…’ [Acts 2:38-39] 3. God is unchanging, ‘I am that I am’, ‘Who is and who was and who will be’. God binds himself to his promises. 4. Jesus mentioned that the kingdom of God belongs even to children, to those who though uncomprehending of all, believe nevertheless. [Mark 10:13-16]

11 Baptism - Reformed 5. In Romans 11:17 onwards, Paul mentions how the church of God was even in the Old Testament, beginning with Abraham, like an olive tree planted by God into which new ‘unnatural’ branches are grafted into. 6. The new covenant is built on the progressive revelation of God. Acts 2 indicates household baptism, which is mentioned also in Acts 16. The family unit belong together – salvation to the head of the family unit was assumed that his whole house would also come to know and believe [Luke 19:9]

12 Baptism - Reformed 7. Psalm 8 mentions that even from the mouths of infants, God ordains praise. How can the new covenant in the blood of Christ be better than the Old covenant of circumcision if it now excludes infants? 8. The covenant sign of circumcision placed a responsibility on the parents to walk before God and be blameless. In the NT, Paul speaks to children and parents in his letters – parents must raise their kids in such a manner that the baptismal sign becomes a reality.

13 Baptism - Reformed 9. Some who are baptised, bear no signs of regenerate grace. They do not live as people who belong to God and are part of the new covenant. Big question – NOT – when were you converted? But – are you repenting and believing today? Does your life show the grace of the Spirit of regeneration? The sign of baptism is not enough.

14 What is Baptism? Sign and seal Visibly show and remind us what God has done for us in Christ For children of believers and for those who come to faith In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

15 In the name of the Father Baptism into the name of God the Father is his way of assuring us that he makes an everlasting covenant of grace with us and adopts us as his children and heirs. Therefore, he surrounds us with his goodness and protects us from evil or turns it to our profit.

16 In the name of the Son When we are baptised into the name of the Son, Christ himself assures us that he washes us in his blood from all our sins. Christ joins us to himself so that we share in his death and resurrection. Through this union with Christ we are liberated from our sins and regarded as righteous before God.

17 In the name of the Holy Spirit Baptism into the name of the Holy Spirit is the assurance that the Spirit of God will make his home within us. While living within us, the Spirit will continually work to strengthen and deepen our union with Christ. He will make real in our lives the work of Christ in washing away our sins. He will also help us each day to live the new life we have in Christ. As a result of his work within us, we shall one day be presented without the stain of sin among the assembly of the elect in life eternal.

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