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H2020 Programme: Overview of new calls for the Mediterranean Špela Majcen Forum euro-mediterranneen pour l‘innovation en action (FEMIA)

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Presentation on theme: "H2020 Programme: Overview of new calls for the Mediterranean Špela Majcen Forum euro-mediterranneen pour l‘innovation en action (FEMIA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 H2020 Programme: Overview of new calls for the Mediterranean Špela Majcen Forum euro-mediterranneen pour l‘innovation en action (FEMIA) Tunis, 13th October 2015

2 The European Union An interanational / supranational organisation of 28 Member States Main institutions: European Commission, European Parliament, European Council, Council of Ministers Seat: Brussels, Belgium Own budget

3 The European Union‘s Budget

4 What is Horizon2020 A 80 billion Euros research programme of the EU for the period 2014-2020 Continuation from FP5, FP6, FP7 Focuses on innovation as key to growth and jobs Includes a number of thematic areas Is open for international partners

5 Tunisia - FP7 statistics overview Total for FP7 Yearly average Number of proposals with Tunisian participation43997,8 Number of projects/contracts involving Tunisian organisations8817,6 Number of Tunisian institutions involved10020 Global success rate in all calls19%n/a Total EC contribution to Tunisian participants in projects/contracts (in mio EUR) 8,581,72 EC contribution by project (in EUR)97.553n/a EC contribution by applicant (in EUR)85.847n/a Number of links of Tunisian researchers with other partners through participation in proposals 4.428n/a Number of links of Tunisian researchers with other partners through participation in projects/contracts 1.242n/a Overview of main metrics on Tunisia's participation in FP7 programme. Source: Brach and M'henni, Author's own compilation

6 What kind of projects? BIODESERT - Biotechnology from desert microbial extremophiles for supporting agriculture research potential in Tunisia and Southern Europe EUMEDNETVSTB - Building a cooperative strategy between Europe and Mediterranean Countries for upgrading tuberculosis research and control ETRERA - Empowering Tunisian Renewable Energy Research Activities FETRIC – Future of European-Tunisian Research Innovation Cooperation

7 Types of countries in H2020 EU Member States Associated countries Third countries

8 Congratulations! Tunisia will officially become an associated country to Horizon2020 with 1st January 2016. However, Tunisian researchers will already be able to apply for projects as associated members from the end of October 2015 onwards. Association to Horizon 2020 takes place through the conclusion of an International Agreement which is negotiated between the applicant and the relevant European Commission services. At the time of writing, 12 countries are associated to Horizon 2020 (Iceland, Norway, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Israel, Moldova, Faroe Islands, Ukraine) with Switzerland partly associated. Unlike in FP7, Liechtenstein does not intend to associate to Horizon 2020.

9 Roles of partners in a project A) COLLABORATIVE PROJECTS Coordinator Participant (partner) Third Party Patners from non-EU countries are eligible to take part in Horizon2020 even as coordinator. B) INDIVIDUAL RESEARCHERS (eg. Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions)

10 So how to proceed? 1.Find a relevant call 2.Find partner(s) for your project 3.Submit a proposal 4.Wait for evaluation to take place... in case of positive evaluation... 5.Sign the Grant Agreement and start implementing your project

11 Look for partners Use your network CORDIS Partner Service ( ) Diversity in expertise, type of entity, geographical coverage, gender

12 Apply online Create your ECAS account and follow online application instructions How to:

13 Key pillars of Horizon2020 EXCELLENT SCIENCEINDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIPSOCIETAL CHALLENGES European Research Council Advanced manufacturingHealth, demographic change and wellbeing Future and emerging technologies MicroelectronicsFood security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and bioeconomy Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions NanotechnologySecure, clean and efficient energy Research Infrastructures BiotechnologySmart, green and integrated transport ICTClimate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials SpaceInclusive, innovative and reflective societies...Secure societies

14 Further information Participants Portal Online Manual National Contact Points http:// points.html Euraxess European Research Council Marie Sklodowska Curie Cordis Database Europe Direct (for general questions)

15 Where to look for calls Horizon2020 participants portal /desktop/en/opportunities/index.html Horizon2020 European commission website n/how-get-funding Incontact (network of NCPs) http://www.ncp- DG RTD, International Cooperation Unit website l/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/ftags/internat ional_cooperation.html#c,topics=flags/s/IntlCoop /1/1&+callStatus/asc

16 Thank you for your attention!

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