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Youth Coaching Regional Workshop and Study Visit “Social inclusion in VET”, Vienna, 03 rd Dec.2012 Dirk Maier

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1 Youth Coaching Regional Workshop and Study Visit “Social inclusion in VET”, Vienna, 03 rd Dec.2012 Dirk Maier

2 Policy background 2 Sozialpolitische Hintergründe In the last ten years youth unemployment doubled in Austria. The overall number of ESL should be drecreased in EU member states by strategic interventions. About 10.000 young people per year leave the education system with a lower secondary education degree at most. The risk of becoming unemployed is twice as high for early school leavers.

3 History  Further development of the „training guarantee“  Extension and further development of former Clearing-measures -Service for young people with disabilities or social emotional disadvantages in place since 2001 -Well established within the school system -Best practice Modell within the EU -Provision of orientation and guidance  With the involvement of Viennese pilot projects c´mon 14 and move.on 2

4 What do we mean by Youth Coaching?  Youth coaching offers counseling on educational and vocational options to youth at risk of school drop out and marginalization and helps to come to a decision in terms of education or career.  Individual support and assistance is provided until sustainable integration into (initial vocational) education or the labour market is reached  Support with personal and social problems is offered especially where those problems might interfere with training ability 4

5 Youth Coaching – basic principles Youth Coaching services  Are voluntary for all participants,  Are based on a relationship of trust and a  ressource-oriented approach in working with young people  Encourage active inclusion of participants‘ social environments 5

6 Youth Coaching – what for? To prevent pupils from dropping out of school or training, thereby reducing low-level qualification To retain young people within the (vocational) education system preferably until the age of 19. To reintroduce young people outside the (vocational) education system in oder to work out realistic prospects 1 2 3 6 … Enhancement of educational and training opportunities…

7 Youth Coaching addresses Pupils completing their individual 9th year of school attendance Young people „outside the system“ („NEET“) up to age 19 Young people with special education needs and/or disabilities up to age 25 1 2 3 7 … Young people between 15 and 19 years

8 How to access Youth Coaching? Identification of young people falling into target group via standardized questionaire at school Young people from the target group can be referred by other institutions. Young people from the target group can access Youth Coaching on their own initiative. 1 2 3 8 How do young people get access to those services? From a legal perspective, young people are regarded as „of age minors“. Thus, they may access Youth Coaching without obtaining prior consent from parents or guardians.

9 How does Youth Coaching work? Stage 1 Initial meeting  First getting to know  Youth Coaching overview, general information  Determining whether further support from Youth Coaching is needed  Referral to other institution where appropriate/ required  Duration: approx. 3 service hours Stage 2 Consultation  Clarification of situation and agreement on objectives  Vocational guidance and support in decision-making  Targeted placement, professional statement  Duration: approx. 8 service hours within 3 months Stage 3 Intensive Counselling  Agreement on objectives  Intensive support through Case Management  Analysis of strengths and weaknesses, profile of personal skills & aptitudes  Clearing report including personal development plan  Duration approx. 30 service hours within 12 months Subsequent system 9 Overview of the stage modell  Retention or reintroduction into educational system  Transition into vocational training system or labour market  Further assistance for young people with disabilities and/ or former special education needs through youth employment assistance where required

10  Offers young people support with vocational orientation  Helps finding a match beetween personal skills and professional demands/ job requirements Youth Coaching – cooperation partners  Play an important role within Youth Coaching  Should be actively involved into Youth Coaching Parents/ Guardians  Instructors: Identification of Youth Coaching participants  Cooperation with other professional groups within the school sytem  Maintains close contacts with Youth Coaching counsellors SchoolEconomy … Parents/ guardians, school system and economy…

11 Current statistics  Since project launch in january 2012 – approximately 10.000 cases (55% male, 45% female)  At present approximately 4.800 ongoing cases (47% female, 53% male)  Of all terminations, 94% were regular completions, only 6% were drop-outs  Very strong positive effects on vocational orientation  Strong positive effects on motivation of participants  Improvement in self-perception 11


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