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Math Review Cheers and Songs. Place Value To the left, to the left multiply by 10 (place value gets bigger) Ex: hundreds place is 10 times bigger than.

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Presentation on theme: "Math Review Cheers and Songs. Place Value To the left, to the left multiply by 10 (place value gets bigger) Ex: hundreds place is 10 times bigger than."— Presentation transcript:

1 Math Review Cheers and Songs

2 Place Value To the left, to the left multiply by 10 (place value gets bigger) Ex: hundreds place is 10 times bigger than ones place 70x10=700 (1,774) To the right, to the right, find 1 tenth (place value gets smaller) Ex: ones place is one-tenth of the tens place 50/10=5 (2,455)

3 Karl Roemer’s Place Value song Ones period O / T / H Thousand period Th / TTh / HTh Million period M / TM / HM Billion period B / TB / HB

4 What’s my decimal? O. Tth Hth 9/10=__3/100=__5/10=__ 83/100=__ The digit in the ones place of the numerator belongs in the demoninator’s place value. 34/100 = 4 is in the one’s place of the numerator so it belongs in the hundredths place as a decimal. What is my fraction? The place value that the last digit is in will be the denominator. 0.45=__ 0.3=__ 0.53=__ 0.7=__

5 Rounding numbers Round to the place value: Go to the place Look next door, If it’s 5 or bigger, yes, add one more OR No, don’t add more. Numbers on the right, zero is the name. Numbers on the left, stay the same. Round to the hundred’s place: 395828361778 Reasonable Rounding: Round to the nearest 100 175 is closer to 200 than it is to 100, so it will round to 200. 340769230888923 782489

6 Comparing, adding or Subtracting decimals When comparing, adding or subtracting decimals, line up the decimals then add a zero where needed. 3.684.70 5.60 3.20 + 3.89 -3.75 3.17 2.90

7 Properties of Multiplication Commutative property-You can change the order of factors but the product remains the same. Associative property-You can change the grouping of factors from here to here but the product remains the same. Identity property-when you multiply any number by 1, the product is that number. Zero property-when you multiply any number by zero, the product is zero. Distributive property-product is found by breaking one factor into ones, tens, hundreds, then multiplying each of these by the other factor.

8 Multiplying two 2-digit numbers Step 1ones time ones Step 2 ones time tens Put a zero in the ones place to multiply by 10 (underline the digit in the ten’s place) Step 3tens time ones Step 4tens time tens Add the products to get your answer 537382 X 24 X 42 X 93

9 Long Division Karl Roemer’s Long Division Song Divide : Multiply X Subtract - Bring Down

10 Fractions Way down deep in the denominator (repeat) The whole is divided (repeat) (numerator ¾ denominator) Way up north in the numerator (repeat) The parts are numbered (repeat) Improper Fraction is when the top is bigger than the bottom(numerator 9/2 denominator) (the numerator is bigger than the denominator) Mixed Number is a whole number and a fraction, 4 ½ It’s a whole number and a fraction.

11 Decompose Fractions 6/12 = 1/12+1/12+1/12+1/12+1/12+1/12 8/10 = 4/10+4/10 or 2/10+2/10+2/10+2/10 1/12, 4/10, and 2/10 are called unit fractions

12 When comparing fractions with the same numerators: If the numerators are the same, the smaller the denominator, the bigger the fraction. ½ > ¼ Comparing Fractions

13 When comparing fractions with the same denominators: If the denominators are the same, the bigger the numerator, the bigger the fraction. ¾ > ¼

14 If both numerators and denominators are different: find the common denominator by multiplying or dividing. Remember: What you do to the top, you must do to the bottom! 2 x (¾) = 6/8 > ⅝

15 Butterfly It! To check your fraction comparison, Butterfly it by: multiplying the denominators by the numerator of the opposite fraction. Remember to multiply from the denominator across to the numerator.

16 Comparing Fractions Common denominator ⅗ ⅝ Different denominator Find the common denominator by multiplying numerator and denominator by the same number 4/8 > = 2/3 ⅗ x3=9/15 ⅔ x5 =10/15 2/5 = 3/6 7/8 = 9/10 Cross multiply denominator (x) numerator When the denominators are the same, the bigger the numerator, the bigger the fraction. When the numerators are the same, the bigger the denominator, the smaller the fraction When all of the digits are different, find a common denominator by multiplying or dividing remembering that what you do to the top, you do to the bottom.

17 Reasonableness of fractions _______1________1________3_______ 0 4 2 4 1 What is the nearest fraction? 2/4 ⅞ ⅖ 4/6 2/9

18 Fractions of a number line Figure out how the number is divided up between the whole numbers. Then label the number line to make sure you are correct. I_ _I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I___I 1 1.1 1.4 1.8 2.0

19 Patterns Find the rule then complete the table. The Rule is: __________________________

20 Lines Parallel lines = 2 lines that never cross Perpendicular lines = 2 lines that cross and form a 90 degree angle Intersecting lines = 2 lines that cross and form 2 acute angles and 2 obtuse angles

21 Lines What is a parallel? (stomp, clap, clap, stomp) This is a parallel. (stomp, clap, clap, stomp) What is intersecting? (stomp, clap, clap, stomp) This is intersection. (stomp, clap, clap, stomp) What is perpendicular, don’t forget right angle? (stomp, clap, clap, stomp) This is perpendicular, with a right angle. (stomp, clap, clap, stomp) What’s a line of symmetry? (stomp, clap, clap, stomp) This is a line of symmetry. (stomp, clap, clap, stomp)

22 Angles Angles, angles, we need to know about angles, Acute, acute, smaller than a corner. Obtuse, obtuse, bigger than a corner. Right, right, right is a corner with a 90 degree angle, with a 90 degree angle.

23 Geometry words Endpoint- dot on a line Line- a line that goes on and on in 2 directions Line segment- a line with 2 endpoints Ray- a line with an endpoint and goes on & on in 1 direction. Parallel lines- 2 lines that never touch Perpendicular lines- 2 lines that cross with a 90 degree angle Intersecting lines- 2 lines that cross and have 2 acute angles and 2 obtuse angles. Angle-2 rays with a common endpoint Acute angle- less than 90 degrees Obtuse angle- greater than 90 degrees Right is 90 degrees

24 Measurement of angles 360 degrees 180 degrees 90 degrees 45 degrees 30 degrees 60 degrees

25 Quadrilaterals Parallelogram has 2 pairs of parallel sides. Rectangle has 4 right angles and 2 pairs of parallel sides. Square has 4 right angles and all sides are the same. rhombus is a quadrilateral with opposite sides that are parallel and all of its sides are congruent (the same size, same shape). trapezoid is a quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel sides.

26 Triangles Triangles classified by sides Equilateral = 3 equal sides Isosceles = 2 equal sides Scalene = 0 equal sides Triangles classified by angles Right triangle = one right angle Acute triangle = 3 acute angles Obtuse triangle = one obtuse angle

27 Morning Review Problems 1. Number of the Day is ____________________ Complete the chart in tool box. 2. Write the place value chart from Billions to Hundredths. 3. Complete the number line: I I I I I I I I I I I 4. Convert these decimals into fractions. __________ __________ __________ __________ 5. Convert these fractions into decimals. __________ __________ __________ __________ 6. Multiply these 2 numbers by the powers of ten up to X 10,000. __________ __________ 7. Solve these 2 multiplication problems. 8. Solve these 2 division problems. 9. Word Problem for the day.

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