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ITC-ILO/ACTRAV Course A1-05076 Trade Union Training on Occupational Safety, Health & HIV/AIDS ILO Global Strategy and Normative Framework for Occupational.

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1 ITC-ILO/ACTRAV Course A1-05076 Trade Union Training on Occupational Safety, Health & HIV/AIDS ILO Global Strategy and Normative Framework for Occupational Safety and Health 26 November to 7 December 2012 International Training Centre, Turin, Italy

2 International Labour Organisation Initial motivation –Humanitarian: Conditions of work – health – family –Political : To pre-empt social unrest-revolutions –Economic :Create a fair playing ground – Constitution states - "the failure of any nation to adopt humane conditions of labour is an obstacle in the way of other nations which desire to improve the conditions in their own countries."

3 OSH Promotion …The Declaration of Philadelphia (1944) provides that the ILO has the solemn obligation to further among the nations of the world programmes which will achieve adequate protection for the life and health of workers in all occupations.

4 International Labour Organisation Devoted to advancing opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity. Its main aims:- –To promote rights at work, –Encourage decent employment opportunities, –Enhance social protection and –Strengthen dialogue in handling work-related issues.

5 International Labour Organisation The ILO formulates and promotes international labour standards in the form of Conventions & Recommendations setting minimum Stds of basic labour rights.The ILO formulates and promotes international labour standards in the form of Conventions & Recommendations setting minimum Stds of basic labour rights. The ILO seeks to ensure that labour Stds are respected in practice and in principle...The ILO seeks to ensure that labour Stds are respected in practice and in principle... Work is central to people’s well-being’Work is central to people’s well-being’ …. But it has to be ‘Decent Work’

6 ILO –OSH action through Standards and other Instruments Relevant standards –About 70 Conventions deal with OSH – 2 Protocols –26 Recommendations Relevant other instruments –37 Codes of Practice

7 More than 70 ILO Conventions on OSH Protection in given branches of economic activity: e.g. construction industry, mines, commerce and offices and dock work Protection against specific risks: e.g. ionising radiation, benzene, asbestos, guarding of machinery Measures of protection: e.g. medical examinations of young workers, maximum weight of loads to be transported by a single worker, prevention of occupational accidents on board ship, prevention of occupational cancer, prevention of air pollution, noise and vibration in the working environment Guiding policies for action

8 Recent OSH Conventions C155: Occupational Safety and Health C161: Occupational Health Services C162: Asbestos C167: Construction Safety C170: Chemicals C174: Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents C176: Safety and Health in Mines C184: Safety and Health in Agriculture C187: Promotional Framework for OSH P155: Recording and Notification

9 1972 The Robens Report also introduced a more fundamental concept, namely the need to apply a policy-based approach to OSH An ILO resolution adopted in 1975 called for the development of OSH policies at the national and enterprise levels that would define the terms of involvement of the employer and the participation of workers Progressive Evolution:- The 70s

10 ILO AND OSH - THE FIRST 90 YEARS 1919-1980 ILO AND OSH - THE FIRST 90 YEARS 1919-1980 Piecemeal approach; detailed and numerous standards on specific hazards and occupations, focussed on protection Piecemeal approach; detailed and numerous standards on specific hazards and occupations, focussed on protection1981-2011 Gradual paradigm shift towards a dynamic and systemic approach, focussed on prevention Gradual paradigm shift towards a dynamic and systemic approach, focussed on prevention The Occupational Safety and Health Convention No 155 (1981) The Occupational Safety and Health Convention No 155 (1981)

11 Progressive Development – Systems Approach Prevention of Occupational Accidents Diseases based on a Management Systems approach Prescription of protective measures to deal with Specific hazards 1975 ILC adopted resolution calling for National and Enterprise level OSH Policies as a 1 st step to OSH Management Systems approach and reflected in Convention 155 of 1981 on OSH –It’s a policy rather than a prescriptive instrument.

12 Paradigm Shift From protection and prescriptions to prevention and promotion

13 New Instruments – Preventative – C155 1981 C155 : Policy-based approach focusing on prevention ….. capable of addressing issues arising from a constantly changing world of work –adopt a comprehensive approach based on a cyclical process:- development, implementation and review of a policy, rather than a linear one laying down precise legal obligations National OSH system is continuously improved and capable of addressing issues arising from a constantly changing world of work: G oal Prevention

14 Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) - ILO Convention No. 155: an overview  From outset, applies to all workplaces and all employees (though with flexibility);  Emphasizes continuous improvement;  Outlines responsibilities, duties and rights of stakeholders;  Deals with issues such as policy and consultations with social partners, legislation, advice & enforcement, designers & manufacturers, training, employers’ responsibilities, workers’ duties and rights, bilateral cooperation;  Highlights universal principles on OSH (e.g. continuous improvement, prevention, “so far as is reasonably practicable”, cooperation, hierarchy of protection, right to remove in case of imminent danger and to be protected, but with duty to inform);  Protocol concerning accidents and diseases – emphasizes importance of data;

15 Convention No. 155 C155 is policy oriented focusing on prevention rather than reacting to the consequences of occupational accidents and diseases. Consequently, the instrument constitutes a blueprint for the application of a systems approach to OSH that embodies the principle of preventive action as embodied in the - ILO Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems (ILO-OSH 2001)


17 ILO Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems (ILO-OSH 2001) Systematic tool to help protect workers from hazards Eliminates work-related injuries, ill health, diseases, accidents and deaths Five key steps: 1.Policy 2.Organizing 3.Planning and implementation 4.Evaluation 5.Action for improvement

18 Elements of the National Framework for OSH Management Systems

19 Need for a Global OSH Strategy - Promotional Approach Global magnitude of occupational injuries, diseases and deaths, and the need for action to reduce them; Substances and processes, as well as techniques for dealing with them, are constantly changing, In some countries they have reached plateau Need for flexible international Standards that adapt to change and provide for periodic review,

20 Protection and Prevention Preventative Culture +ve Values Pro-active

21 Global Strategy on OSH 2003 the International Labour Conference (ILC) held a general discussion on an integrated approach to OSH management resulting in the adoption of the Global Strategy, This approach is the dominant feature of current global efforts to curb the incidence of accidents and diseases at work.

22 Global Strategy on OSH The Global Strategy on OSH forms the basis for the Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (No. 187), and Recommendation (No. 197) adopted in 2006 Key: the need for an increased general awareness (April 28) of the importance of OSH and to place OSH high on political commitment and the national Agenda Promote the effective implementation of National OSH System Reduce fragmentation and promote coherency for effective impact Engagement of all social partners in initiating and sustaining mechanisms for a continued improvement of national OSH systems.

23 International Labour Conference Agenda item in June 2005 and 2006 Reports sent to all member States, Workers and Employers

24 Decent Work-Safe Work: M eeting the Challenges

25 World Day for Safety and Health at Work 28 April every year Events at national/enterprise levels ILO Action ILO-OSH Conventions 155 and 187

26 C187 Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 Purpose To promote continuous improvement of OSH to prevent occupational injuries, diseases and deaths How Development of a National Policy, National System and National Programme based on a Tripartite approach

27 Convention No. 187 Emphasis the importance of the continuous promotion of a national preventative safety and health culture Underscored that the promotion of OSH is part of the ILO’s agenda of decent work for all

28 Continually improving national occupational safety and health systems and performance through national programmes (Management Systems Approach) Placing occupational safety and health high on national agendas Promoting application of existing ILO occupational safety and health instruments Avoiding duplication with provisions in existing instruments Soonest Ratification by most countries Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention No.187 DESIGN CONCEPTS

29 OBJECTIVE To promote continuous improvement of OSH, to prevent occupational injuries, diseases and deaths, by the development, in consultation with the most representative organizations of employers and workers, of a:- – national policy, –national system and –national programme.

30 NATIONAL POLICY Each Member shall promote a safe and healthy working environment by formulating a national policy Promote basic principles such as: –assessing occupational risks or hazards; –combating occupational risks or hazards at source; –developing a national preventative safety and health culture that includes information, consultation and training.

31 NATIONAL SYSTEM Member shall:- – Establish, – Maintain, – Progressively develop and – Periodically review a national system for OSH

32 Thank You

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