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FAMILY WEALTH MANAGEMENT: GENERATIONAL WEALTH CONVERSATIONS Helping families successfully transfer wealth MFS does not provide legal, tax or accounting.

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Presentation on theme: "FAMILY WEALTH MANAGEMENT: GENERATIONAL WEALTH CONVERSATIONS Helping families successfully transfer wealth MFS does not provide legal, tax or accounting."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAMILY WEALTH MANAGEMENT: GENERATIONAL WEALTH CONVERSATIONS Helping families successfully transfer wealth MFS does not provide legal, tax or accounting advice. Clients of MFS should obtain their own independent tax and legal advice based on their particular circumstances. The views expressed are those of the speaker and are subject to change at any time. These views do not necessarily reflect the views of others in the MFS organization. © 2016 MFS Investment Management®. 111 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02199 29790.4 Name Title

2  Understand: why transfers fail  Plan: to avoid mistakes  Communicate: to engage and educate GENERATIONAL WEALTH CONVERSATIONS

3  Parents – Don't have a plan – Don't communicate the plan  Heirs – Fight each other – Fight the plan – Don't get/accept advice UNDERSTAND: WHY TRANSFERS FAIL

4 Source: MFS Investing Sentiment Survey, February 2016 Methodology: MFS, through Research Collaborative, an independent research firm, sponsored an online survey of individual investors with $100,000 or more in household investable assets (nonretirement) who make or share in making financial decisions for their household and licensed financial advisors (either FINRA or SEC) who have been licensed for at least three years with at least $500,000 annual mutual fund sales. In September 2015, 620 advisors were surveyed. In February 2016, 561 investors and 404 advisors were surveyed. MFS was not identified as the sponsor of the survey. Gen Y refers to investor respondents ages <36. Gen X refers to investor respondents between the ages of 36-50. Boomers refers to investor respondents between the ages of 51-69. GI/Silent refers to investor respondents over 70 years of age. Comfortable discussing with your adult children (Extremely/Very Comfortable)

5 UNDERSTAND: WHY TRANSFERS FAIL No/Not Sure 69% Yes 31% Source: MFS Investing Sentiment Survey, February 2016 Have discussed family wealth management with advisor Yes No/Not Sure Not very/not at all helpful Somewhat helpful Extremely helpful Helpfulness of family wealth management discussion with advisor

6 UNDERSTAND: WHY TRANSFERS FAIL Why Investors Have/Expect to Move Inheritance Money to a Different Firm Have advisor relationship elsewhere I am happy with 39% Better investment opportunity elsewhere 30% Desire to minimize firms I do business with 29% Geographic distance (firm/advisor not close by) 20% Not a significant enough balance to justify keeping it there 15% Other/not sure 12% Need more help than would be available 12% Prefer to work with an advisor my own age 9% Dislike firm/advisor it was with 5% Source: MFS Investing Sentiment Survey, February 2016

7 UNDERSTAND: WHY TRANSFERS FAIL Heirs and the family cottage

8 PLAN: TO AVOID MISTAKES 1.Create a family "map" 2.Identify legacy needs for each


10  Engage family members early and often: – Account openings – Gifting discussions – Joint meetings with advisors  Educate for tomorrow: – Who: to talk to when the time comes – How: to avoid mistakes – What and where: documents and accounts COMMUNICATE: ENGAGE AND EDUCATE

11 Author not affiliated with MFS Investment Management or any of its subsidiaries.

12 Authors not affiliated with MFS Investment Management or any of its subsidiaries. COMMUNICATE: ENGAGE AND EDUCATE.

13 Outline a giving plan  Funding areas - Cultural, Education, Social Programs, Environment ect.  Local vs. Global  Organization  Amount and Percentage  Legacy wished

14 FAMILY WEALTH MANAGEMENT GENERATIONAL WEALTH CONVERSATIONS Successfully transfer wealth:  Understand: why transfers fail  Plan: to avoid mistakes  Communicate: to engage and educate

15 Thank you. 29790.4 Unless otherwise indicated, logos and product and service names are trademarks of MFS® and its affiliates and may be registered in certain countries.Issued in the United States by MFS Institutional Advisors, Inc. (“MFSI”) and MFS Investment Management. Issued in Canada by MFS Investment Management Canada Limited. No securities commission or similar regulatory authority in Canada has reviewed this communication. Issued in the United Kingdom by MFS International (U.K.) Limited (“MIL UK”), a private limited company registered in England and Wales with the company number 03062718, and authorized and regulated in the conduct of investment business by the U.K. Financial Conduct Authority. MIL UK, an indirect subsidiary of MFS, has its registered office at One Carter Lane, London, EC4V 5ER UK and provides products and investment services to institutional investors globally. This material shall not be circulated or distributed to any person other than to professional investors (as permitted by local regulations) and should not be relied upon or distributed to persons where such reliance or distribution would be contrary to local regulation. Issued in Hong Kong by MFS International (Hong Kong) Limited (“MIL HK”), a private limited company licensed and regulated by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (the “SFC”). MIL HK is a wholly-owned, indirect subsidiary of Massachusetts Financial Services Company, a U.S.-based investment advisor and fund sponsor registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. MIL HK is approved to engage in dealing in securities and asset management-regulated activities and may provide certain investment services to “professional investors” as defi ned in the Securities and Futures Ordinance (“SFO”). Issued in Singapore by MFS International Singapore Pte. Ltd., a private limited company registered in Singapore with the company number 201228809M, and further licensed and regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Issued in Latin America by MFS International Ltd. For investors in Australia: MFSI and MIL UK are exempt from the requirement to hold an Australian financial services license under the Corporations Act 2001 in respect of the fi nancial services they provide. In Australia and New Zealand: MFSI is regulated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission under U.S. laws, and MIL UK is regulated by the U.K. Financial Conduct Authority under U.K. laws, which differ from Australian and New Zealand laws. Questions?

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