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Leçon 1B – Jour du Test Adjective Agreement The verb = “to be” Vocabulary from 1B.

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2 Leçon 1B – Jour du Test Adjective Agreement The verb = “to be” Vocabulary from 1B

3 Au Debut #8 Write ten sentences of your choice using être. Example: #1 I am Japanese. = Je suis japonais. New Stamp = Vachement bien!


5 Test d’orthographe Test d’orthographe = spelling test.

6 Test d’orthographe Adjectives are words that describe people, places and things. Here are some French adjectives that are cognates – words that are similar to English words. 1pleasant 2fun 3bright 4charming 5unpleasant 6different 7difficult #5 - 7 #1-4 Test d’orthographe

7 Test d’orthographe Adjectives are words that describe people, places and things. Here are some French adjectives that are cognates – words that are similar to English words. 8intelligent 9interesting 10busy 11optimistic 12patient 13pessimistic 14polite Test d’orthographe

8 Test d’orthographe Adjectives are words that describe people, places and things. Here are some French adjectives that are cognates – words that are similar to English words. 15selfish 16elegant 17impatient 18important 19independent

9 Adjectives are words that describe people, places and things. Here are some French adjectives that are cognates – words that are similar to English words. 20reserved 21sincere 22sociable/friendly 23 nice 24shy 25To be (name of a verb)

10 Fill in the blank. 26. Most adjectives form the feminine by adding a silent – _. 27.Most adjectives form the plural by adding a silent–_.

11 Translate 28. Henri est amusant. 29. Patricia est amusante. 30. Henri et Patricia sont amusants. 31. Patricia et Marie sont amusantes.

12 Pronouns 32 Je = I 33tu = you 34Il = he 35Elle = she 36Nous = we 37Vous = you (formal or plural) 38Ils = they 39Elles = they (fem. & plur.) Singular plural

13 Le verbe être = to be SingularPlural 40. Je suis = 43. Nous sommes = ______ 41. Tu es = 44. Vous êtes = _____ (formal or plur.) 42. Il est =Ils sont = they are Elle est = She isElles sont = they are (fem.)

14 Play Nationalities Video Using être with nationailities. #43 She is Swiss. = #44 He is American. = #45 They (all fem.) are Japanese. =

15 Lesson 1B Test Part 21: Vocabulary – Match the following school supplies in French to the school supplies in English. 1.Un styloa. a table 2.Un crayonb. a book 3.Une chaisec. a pen 4.Une carted. a piece of paper 5.Une salle de classee. a pencil 6.Un tableauf. a waste paper basket 7.Une table g. a chair 8.Une feuille de papierh. a classroom 9.Une corbeille a papieri. a map 10.Un livrej. a board

16 Part 2: Structure – Conjugate (change the from of) the verb être to match the subject pronouns: 11.Je __ __ __ __15. Nous __ __ __ __ __ __ 12.Tu __ __ 16. Vous __ __ __ __ 13.Il __ __ __17. Ils __ __ __ __ 14.Elle __ __ __18. Elles __ __ __ __

17 Last part of your test! Part 3 : Etre, Adjectives and Nationalites - Translate the following sentences 19. Elle est suisse._______________________________. 20. Je suis sympa. ____________________________________.

18 Adjectives are words that describe people, places and things. Here are some French adjectives that are cognates – words that are similar to English words. agrèablepleasant amusant(e)fun brillant(e)bright charmant(e)charming désagréableunpleasant différent(e)different difficiledifficult

19 Adjectives are words that describe people, places and things. Here are some French adjectives that are cognates – words that are similar to English words. intelligent(e)intelligent intéressant(e)interesting occupé(e)busy optimisteoptimistic patient(e)patient pessimistepessimistic poli(e)polite

20 Adjectives are words that describe people, places and things. Here are some French adjectives that are cognates – words that are similar to English words. égoïsteselfish élégant(e)elegant impatient(e)impatient important(e)important indépendant(e)independent

21 Adjectives are words that describe people, places and things. Here are some French adjectives that are cognates – words that are similar to English words. réservé(e)reserved sincèresinceresociable sympathique (sympa) nice timideshy 25 etreto be

22 Adjectives of Nationality algérian(ne)Algerianjaponais(e) Japanese allemand(e)Germanmarocain(e) Moroccan anglais(e)Englishmartiniquais(e) from Martinique américain(e)Americanmexicain(e) Mexican canadien(ne)Canadianquébécois(e) from Quebec espagnol(e)Spanishsénégalais(e) Senegalese français(e)Frenchsuisse Swiss italien(ne)Italianvietnamien(ne) Vietnamese


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