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District: November 12th 3:30 pm State: December 6th 9:00 am

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1 District: November 12th 3:30 pm State: December 6th 9:00 am
Food Science CDE! District: November 12th 3:30 pm State: December 6th 9:00 am

2 What do we do? BEFORE District Contest: 1. Take online test DURING District Contest: 1. Customer letter (5 letters) 2. Food Safety/Sanitation Pictures (6 pics) 3. Food Analysis & Equipment (6 questions) 4. Three triangle taste tests 5. Three flavor ID samples 6. Five aroma ID samples

3 CUSTOMER LETTER You will get five letters written by customers that have an issue with a food product YOUR JOB: 1. Determine whether the issue is SAFETY or QUALITY related – Will be multiple choice 2. Determine if the issue is: Biological – AKA: mold, fungus Chemical – Flavoring, soap, weird ingredients Physical – Sticks, insect parts, glass, screws, etc. This will be multiple choice as well!

You will view 6 slides showing a food setting YOUR JOB: 1. Determine the type of violation that is occurring in the photo. There may be NO VIOLATION also! 2. Violation Categories: Improper personal hygiene (jewelry, no hair net, no uni) Improper sanitation (dirty surfaces, broken equip, scraps) Improper food handling (gloves on hands, temp, storage) Improper chemical storage (no labels, protective equip when using, stored next to food) Improper pest management (dumpster lids open, open doors, insects, mice, weeds around building) NO VIOLATION

5 ANALYSIS & EQUIPMENT You will answer 6 questions about food analysis and equipment used. YOUR JOB: 1. Determine the name of a piece of equipment in a picture. (List is provided of possible options) 2. Determine the piece of equipment that would be used to test a certain quality of a food. Ex: Our company makes crackers. We want them all to be a golden yellow color. What tool would be used to measure the shade of the crackers?

6 TRIANGLE TASTE TEST You will have three versions of three different samples of food. Ex: 3 samples of wheat crackers YOUR JOB: Determine which of the three samples is different from the other two. Differences could include: Brand differences (oreo vs Kroger brand) Nutritional differences (low fat vs regular, sugar free, etc) Flavor differences (grape vs cherry kool-aid) Concentration differences (diluted lemonade vs full strength) Consistency differences (thick vs thin pudding/jello)

You will identify the flavor of three different samples of food. Ex: blueberry pop tart, grape soda, mango flavored water, peach candy YOUR JOB: Properly identify the flavor of each food sample from a list of possible flavors provided for each. Ex: Orange Lemon Grapefruit Lime Smell and taste each sample (remember, aromas can tell you what FLAVOR is in a food!) Do not use color to determine flavor!

8 AROMA IDENTIFICATION You will identify the flavor of five different aroma samples. YOUR JOB: Properly identify the aroma of each sample from the list of possible aromas that is provided. WAFT the aroma to your nose, don’t put nose on bottle! Practice!!! These are tricky and many smell alike Try to think of a food or product that the aroma reminds you of. Ex: Orange cleaning solution, coconut oil lotion, etc Practice!!

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