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Presentation on theme: " EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 EGI-InSPIRE EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 EGI Sustainability Yannick Legré EGI-InSPIRE PY4 Review 2 nd July 2014 02/07/14."— Presentation transcript:

1 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 EGI-InSPIRE EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 EGI Sustainability Yannick Legré EGI-InSPIRE PY4 Review 2 nd July 2014 02/07/14 1

2 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Outline Sustainability (what is this?) The current EGI Solutions & Services (what need to be sustained? why?) Strategic Planning Process (how have we ended there?) Sustainability Perspectives (what can we do?) Strategic tools/actions (what do we plan to do?) Financial sustainability Evolving the Governance Conclusion 2 02/07/14

3 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Sustainability (what is this?) 3 “Sustainability is ensuring confidence that a certain service/organisation will persist in the future with no concern that it will disappear; technological transitions should not be disruptive; the quality of management of infrastructures is very important” K. Glinos, European Commission, 10 th e-Concertation Meeting, 04/2013 02/07/14

4 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Outline Sustainability (what is this?) The current EGI Solutions & Services (what need to be sustained? why?) Strategic Planning Process (how have we ended there?) Sustainability Perspectives (what can we do?) Strategic tools/actions (what do we plan to do?) Financial sustainability Evolving the Governance Conclusion 4 02/07/14

5 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 EGI Solutions Portfolio 5 Federated Operations Federated Cloud Community Driven Innovations and Support High- Throughput Data Analysis Individual Researchers & Teams Research Communities & Institutions Resource Centres & Institutions 02/07/14

6 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 EGI Service Portfolio Coordination Project and Programme Management Operations Coordination Technology Coordination Security Coordination Consulting and Support Specialised Consultancy Strategy and Policy Decision Support Policy Development Technical Consultancy and Support Helpdesk Support Marketing and Outreach Marketing Outreach Software and Services Federated Operations Repository of Validated Software Applications Database Training Marketplace Services coordinated by and delivered in collaboration with NGIs/EIROs 6 02/07/14

7 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 EGI Members Service Portfolio HTC Platform Grid Compute Grid Storage File Transfer File Metadata Catalogue … Cloud Platform Cloud Compute Cloud Storage Cloud Marketplace VM Image distribution … Example of services* coordinated and delivered by EGI Participants (NGIs/EIROs/Resource Centres) 7 * list not exhaustive 02/07/14

8 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Why sustain services & solutions Enabling transnational services Cost saving Support the production of excellent science Favour mobility and collaboration 22/05/14 8

9 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Outline Sustainability (what is this?) The current EGI Solutions & Services (what need to be sustained? why?) Strategic Planning Process (how have we ended there?) Sustainability Perspectives (what can we do?) Strategic tools/actions (what do we plan to do?) Financial sustainability Evolving the Governance Conclusion 9 02/07/14

10 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Strategic Planning Process Vision & Mission Core Values EGI’s purpose & value External Analysis PEST Analysis Industry/sector Analysis Definition of Opportunities & Threats Internal Analysis Resources Governance Definition of Strengths & Weaknesses SWOT Analysis For EGI For Strategy Formulation Growth Strategies Engagement Sustainability Actions 10 Review/ Update 02/07/14

11 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Outline Sustainability (what is this?) The current EGI Solutions & Services (what need to be sustained? why?) Strategic Planning Process (how have we ended there?) Sustainability Perspectives (what can we do?) Strategic tools/actions (what do we plan to do?) Financial sustainability Evolving the Governance Conclusion 11 02/07/14

12 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Sustainability Perspectives Organisational Training, retention of qualified professionals and knowledge Financial Cover costs Optimise costs Long-term financial support Technical Ensure a reliable pipeline of technology and innovation driven by user needs Collaboration with private sector for knowledge transfer Investigating service provisioning vs. technology provisioning Legal Alignment with procurement, privacy, intellectual property and competition laws Legal statute change 12 02/07/14

13 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Outline Sustainability (what is this?) The current EGI Solutions & Services (what need to be sustained? why?) Strategic Planning Process (how have we ended there?) Sustainability Perspectives (what can we do?) Strategic tools/actions (what do we plan to do?) Financial sustainability Evolving the Governance Conclusion 13 02/07/14

14 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Actions foreseen Reaching communities: the Engagement Activity Addressing the long tail of Science New Revenue Streams New Service & Solution Development Communicating to the Policy Makers Financial Sustainability of Services Coordinated by Evolving the EGI Governance 14 02/07/14

15 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Cost of Services coordinated by within EGI-InSPIRE Project 15 Total cost is ∼ 4M€ including the co-funding from NGIs on core activities EC funding: ∼ 50% Membership fees: ∼ 25% NGIs In-kind contr.: ∼ 25% 02/07/14

16 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Core activities Performed by manpower located at NGIs through a bidding mechanism. 2-year contracts signed with attached binding OLAs Sum up to >1.5M€ and support the following services: federated operations, repository of validated software, helpdesk support and security coordination. Supported from May – Dec. 2014: 60% in-kind contribution from NGIs 40% contribution from 22/05/14 16

17 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 staff Provides the following services: project and program management, operations coordination, technology coordination, strategy and policy decision support, policy development, technical consultancy and support, marketing & outreach. 19 FTE in 2013 for about 1.8M€ decrease in 2014 by ~1,5 FTEs. 2 FTEs are contributed by INFN as in-kind to support operations coordination and user support. 22/05/14 17

18 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Other costs About 0.6M€ to cover Facilities, Project & office travel, Administrative costs About 0.1M€ to cover AppDB Training Market Place 22/05/14 18

19 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Plan for 2015-2016 NGI International Tasks EGI-InSPIRE funded NGIs to support federated operations at national level; NGIs managed to mature these services and embed them in their current national activities; Therefore no further support will be expected from the EC for the next 2 years CRM: this service will be dismissed Services coordinated by Staff at NGIs: 50% will be supported by, 50% will be provided as in-kind contribution from NGIs Staff at Membership fees: the goal is to maintain the current fee level, and possibly to increase it Project under call E-INFRA1, sub-topic 6: the current idea is to attract around 1.5M€/year for and the rest to be split among NGIs and user communities Seeking a few additional projects to support some activities such as dissemination, user engagement and policy coordination (INFRASUPP-7) 22/05/14 19

20 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Plan beyond 2016 During 2014-2015, EGI aims to solve the short-term funding cycle problem: by finding different mechanisms that could guarantee the collaboration to ensure delivering of European added value services to the research communities. The EC and members should support the added value services coordinated by A long-term financial commitment should be achieved: From the EC, via exploring the option of a Framework Program Agreement (FPA); From the members, through a multi-annual financial commitment coupled with the yearly membership fees. Shall I mention there the potential change into an ERIC or the potential merge with TERENA/DANTE??? 22/05/14 20

21 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Outline Sustainability (what is this?) The current EGI Solutions & Services (what need to be sustained? why?) Strategic Planning Process (how have we ended there?) Sustainability Perspectives (what can we do?) Strategic tools/actions (what do we plan to do?) Financial sustainability Evolving the Governance Conclusion 21 02/07/14

22 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 ToR for a new Governance Model To develop proposals for: a revised membership model which allows a more flexible partnership and addresses the need of a more flexible user representatives’ participation; a modified governance model based on a new contribution and voting scheme 02/07/14

23 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Drivers Inclusivity Involve user communities, research communities, etc. Recognise the diversity of e-infrastructure providers within the EU and within member states Allow expansion beyond Europe Show value to participants, researchers, etc. 23 02/07/14

24 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Restrictions Need to preserve membership model Commercial models for services would incur VAT and other restrictions Need to respect existing NGI models 02/07/14

25 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Workshop Feedback & Possible Approach Need to completely separate business model and governance model ERIC permits VAT exemption Capacity to have (limited) economic activities Capacity to define own procurement rules and not be bound by public procurement regulations 02/07/14

26 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 ERIC-like model (1/2) 2 colleges for Council Members National e-Infrastructures Initiatives (NEI) from Member States (MS) Associates Countries (AC) Third Countries (TC) International Infrastructures (I 2 ) EIROs ESFRIs ERICs Other InterGovernmental organisations Colleges can meet separately – Decisions taken in plenary 26 02/07/14

27 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Votes (MS+AC)>(TC+IRI) Associated participants Group 27 ERIC-like model (2/2) * Only upon express invitation and as observer only ** The access might be limited or reduced for Associated participants *** In the form and conditions defined by the council and supervised by the in-kind committee 02/07/14

28 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Depending on the outcome of the Council meeting July 1 st add a slide on the membership fees… or not! 28 02/07/14

29 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Outline Sustainability (what is this?) The current EGI Solutions & Services (what need to be sustained? why?) Strategic Planning Process (how have we ended there?) Sustainability Perspectives (what can we do?) Strategic tools/actions (what do we plan to do?) Financial sustainability Evolving the Governance Conclusion 29 02/07/14

30 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Conclusion 30 02/07/14

31 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 EGI-InSPIRE EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Backup slides 31 02/07/14

32 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Ingredients for Business Model Innovation Pay for Use for NGIs/EIROs Raise awareness of economic value of services Open up possibility to direct charge to users Combine infrastructure services with consultancy/expertise as Broker Different business models may apply E.g. technical vs. financial vs. one-stop-shop Need to find the right incentives for members to contribute capacity Public Procurement of Cloud services Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) Public Procurement for Innovative solutions (PPI) 32 02/07/14

33 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 New Service Development Examples of innovations planned: Federated Storage: Enhanced Cloud STaaS service with a single entry point, for virtually unlimited storage iPaaS: General-purpose integration Platform-as-a-service Data access and dissemination: A general-purpose system for storing, extracting metadata, cataloguing, and accessing scientific data Virtual Laboratory-as-a-Service: Integrated system for integrating easily Virtual Laboratories Secure Personal Storage: Storage solution for data sharing and collaboration 33 02/07/14

34 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Financial Sustainability of services coordinated by for EGI Services coordinated by (provided in collaboration with NGIs/EIROs) enables trans-national access to distributed ICT services at EU level and worldwide (see slide 8) On average, 1/3 of resources from one country is used by foreigners Benefits: sharing, scalability, distribution, innovation, cost efficiency How to split the cost: EGI members already contribute capacity built with MS funding Federation-enabling services and general coordination are EU added value The EC could provide a long-term support through a framework partnership agreement (FPA) Ensures cohesion, provides stability and confidence, improve negotiation power of EGI members with MS Community-specific services should be co-funded by the communities via membership fees/pay-for-use and e-Infrastructures 22/05/14 34

35 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Reaching New Communities EGI Engagement Strategy to focus on: The Large and Medium Size Research Infrastructures (RIs) on the ESFRI roadmap The large number of relatively small research collaborations and research networks The long tail of science EGI should build on its strengths as a coordinating body to collaborate with ESFRIs NGIs to reach out to the long tail of users And develop new tools and approaches For instance, develop an ecosystem of partners (e.g., researchers, SMEs, consultants) that would serve the long tail 22/05/14 35

36 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Improve Communication with Policy Makers Increase effort in the communication with the policy makers Face-to-face events Common strategy to outreach national funding agencies New publications describing tangible results and impact 22/05/14 36

37 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Conclusion Sustaining EGI means ensuring that value is delivered and long-term funding is guaranteed The vision of Open Science Commons leads to closer integration among e-Infrastructures, full implementation of open access and connected knowledge and expertise to simplify researchers life A number of actions for growth and sustainability for EGI have been presented for discussion 22/05/14 37

38 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 To Add 1 slide on different income scenarios after 2014 Think about reorganising according to sustainability perspectives… Usability, reliability Reputation 22/05/14 38

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