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Hello from the Volunteer Program! We hope that you are enjoying the early spring weather, and looking forward to a warm, sunny and fun-filled summer! There.

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Presentation on theme: "Hello from the Volunteer Program! We hope that you are enjoying the early spring weather, and looking forward to a warm, sunny and fun-filled summer! There."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello from the Volunteer Program! We hope that you are enjoying the early spring weather, and looking forward to a warm, sunny and fun-filled summer! There is a lot going on at St. Christopher House this spring, and we are grateful to our volunteers who keep things running smoothly. Following national Volunteer Week (April 19 th - 25 th ) our program participants are thankful for the great work that our volunteers do. In this issue of the Volunteer Newsletter, we have the story of Thao, a child in the Parkdale Focus Children’s Tutoring program who is grateful for the dedication of volunteer tutors who help her learn, and some thank you notes from GED participants, to their tutors. We also have fundraisers, volunteer opportunities and new programs for you to get involved with this summer! If you or one of your friends or family are interested in getting involved as a volunteer, please contact Meagan or Fernando at (416) 532-4828 ext 105, or Thank you, from a Parkdale Children’s Tutoring Learner Hi, my name is Thao, and I’ve been in this tutoring program since I was in the third grade. Before I entered this program, I was really nervous, but since my mother couldn’t afford a tutor, she decided to enroll me in this program. This tutoring program has helped me with my school work and helped develop the skills I have learned. Before I had enrolled in this tutoring program, I was too anxious to ask my teacher any questions, and this hurt my marks. Throughout the years that I’ve been here my marks have increased. When I first started this program, I was really nervous. However when I met my tutor, and we introduced ourselves I wasn’t tense to any longer. My tutor taught me many good study skills, he told me to ask questions when needed. Throughout the year, he taught me many things, but it was interesting too. He would make sure to add some creative and enjoyable worksheets, to keep me interested and so I wouldn’t lose my desire to learn. A few years later I had a new tutor, her name was Angel. She was such a great tutor, to have. She helped me through things I had most difficulty with. She helped me with my weaknesses, and turned them into my strengths. I used to have trouble with English, because I didn’t comprehend the things my teacher taught us. But once Angel recommended a book to me, I continued to read, which led to expanding my vocabulary. She also made my homework so enjoyable like my previous tutor. If I had finished my homework she would look over it and told me to check it again if she noticed any mistakes. She wouldn’t give me the answer; she would always want me to try the question before giving up. Sometimes, if she wouldn’t be able to make it to help, another tutor there would help me. Her name was Cindy. Cindy helped me with my oral presentations, and showed how I could improve it. However both tutors Angel and Cindy withdrew from the tutoring program and are no longer tutors. In conclusion, this program is so great. I have nothing negative to say about it, throughout the year I’ve been here; I appreciate spending a day of the week here. This is a great experience, and I wouldn’t trade it in for anything. Nothing has aided me through my work and life, like this program has. This program is remarkable, because this program provided me with a quiet place to study, tutors that are always ready to assist me and the fact that the tutors are giving away there time to help us now and teach us skills that will benefit us, is so generous. Fortunately we were lucky to have so many tutors volunteer, thus each kid won't be left alone without help. 10 th Annual Scoff and Scuff Saturday, May 2 nd 2009 at 7:30 p.m. at 248 Ossington Ave A Newfoundland Kitchen Party featuring traditional music, story telling, and square-dancing. Performers include Merasheen, Daughters of the Rock, story teller Steven Lush and more. All proceeds support the St. Christopher House Music School. Advance adult tickets are $20 and $25 at the door. $15 for students and seniors. You can purchase tickets through reception at St. Christopher House, 248 Ossington Ave. For tickets or further information call 416-532-4828 x127 or e-mail The Re-Trans Open Art Fuzion Event Thursday, May 7 th 2009 Come out to celebrate and support St. Christopher House! The “Re-Trans Open Art Fuzion Event” will feature 5 artists collaborating simultaneously on one drawing in a live performance. Witness the creative evolution right before your eyes. By the time the final piece of art is complete, we will have fused our creative minds and efforts to support St. Christopher House. This event will also feature children and adults from the St. Christopher House Music School. The evening will include refreshments and Hors D’oeuvres and live entertainment that the whole family will enjoy. RSVP to or 905-673-9522 ext. 15 by NO LATER THAN APRIL 30th, ’ Location: 6325 Northam Dr, Mississauga, ON L4V 1H8 Click here for google map Meals on 2 Wheels Volunteers Needed! Beginning in May cyclists who would like to get involved with Meals on Wheels can volunteer to deliver meals to seniors and isolated individuals in our community on their bicycles. Enjoy fresh air, exercise and an unique opportunity to support your neighbours by getting involved with Meals on 2 Wheels! Toronto Youth Job Corps Program Connecting at-risk youth to employment since 1983! The Toronto Youth Job Corps (TYJC) program is designed to assist at-risk youth, between the ages of 16-29 who are out of school and out of work, to develop important life and work skills that will ensure future employment success. This program is a full-time, 7 month commitment. Youth are asked to go through an intake and assessment process before being accepted into a trial week where they can experience different opportunities like touring George Brown College, volunteering at the Daily Bread Food Bank, going behind the scenes at the Science Centre and participating in our career exploration and team building workshops. If the youth are ready for the 7 month employment commitment they would then move into the paid portion of the program. As a paid member of a five-week Community Painting Project, participants get an opportunity to explore their strengths, increase stability in their personal lives and receive feedback from staff on how they can be the type of worker they want to be. These skills are then used during a 16 – 24 week paid job placement with an employer in the community. This entry-level position is tied to the client’s interests and skills. TYJC staff continues to support the client during this on-the-job training opportunity. The next group starts June 1, 2009. For more information call Mihk Decaries at 416-848-7980 ext. 228. Employment Preparation Program (EPP) EPP works with individuals 18 and older who: Have less than/ or Grade 12 education and are currently unemployed or working less than 20 hours per week; Have had jobs, but only in one particular area and want to do something different, but don’t think they can find something new on their own; Need an up-to-date resume, cover letter and job search experience; Don’t know how to find work or can’t seem to make it past an interview; Are not confident entering the labor force. EPP may be a good option for any adult over the age of 18 who has less than/ or Grade 12 education and has experienced employment barriers in the past. Our program runs for up to 16-weeks and is specifically designed to fit the needs of each participant. Participants meet with an Employment Counsellor/ Job Developer who assesses their needs, assisting them to develop a realistic return to work action plan in order to secure and maintain employment. Part of this may include short and long term job exploration, job search strategies, and job maintenance coaching. Overall, what is covered with an individual is truly a reflection of their employability needs. As well, we understand that many adults need other supports in order to make the transition to employment a more successful one. We can help set up free voice mail for 3-months, provide TTC for those who qualify and provide in-house referrals for free income tax clinics, computer skills and GED / educational upgrading. If you have any questions please do not hesitate call us and ask to speak with a staff from the Employment Preparation Program at 416-848-7980. GED Participants say Thank You Volunteers! “Thank you very much Dennis for being helpful with Math problem solving. I really appreciate your help.” - Rinzin D. Phenshu “Dear volunteers, I appreciate your help with my studies and being cordial with me.” - Mark Roberts “Stacey, Thank you for all the time and effort you put in helping me with difficult subjects. Your help is much appreciated.” - John “I would like to offer a special thanks to all of the volunteer tutors, for taking the time out of their busy schedules to help others in need of their expertise. It is my sincere hope that you feel appreciated for the work that you do, even if you do not receive gratitude on a daily basis. With your continuing dedication and support for the various programs in St. Christopher House you help us to make sense out of confusion, especially when it comes to Mathematics!!! Thanks Denis!” - Michelle Amaral “Leah & Mark, you both are wonderful & awesome.” - PreMath & Tuesday regulars “Our volunteer receptionists make our front desk more welcoming. They’re always ready to help and always with a smile.” - GED participants & other clients The volunteers’ contribution of their expertise and time supports the participants learning as well as the smooth operation of the GED program. Their efforts can be seen in: Reception: meeting, greeting and directing people Speakers and Info Sessions: Educational speakers The Reading Nook: books from the Toronto Library Food for Thought: an Urban gardening activity Small Group Studies/Workshops: Pre Math, Essay Writing, Test Strategies, Coordinate Geometry, Critical Reading Graduation: June 4th 6:00 to 8:00 pm – all are welcome to attend. Thank you to the people volunteering with the General Education Development program. A job well done! Volunteers Needed at St. Chris We are always looking for new and experienced volunteers to contribute their time, energy and skills to making our programs great. If you, or your friends or family are interested in volunteering we have a number of great opportunities! This spring/summer, get involved as a Driver or Cyclist for Meals on Wheels, a Friendly Visitor, or a Store Assistant for the Meeting Place, or talk to the Volunteer Program about the many other ways that you can volunteer. Call us at (416) 532- 4828 ext 105 or email volunteers@stchrishouse.orgDriver or Cyclist for Meals on WheelsFriendly VisitorStore Assistant for the Meeting * All issues of the St. Chris monthly newsletter are sent from the address Please use this address when configuring email or spam filter rules, if you use them. St. Christopher House E-Newsletter May and June 2009 Year 3 – Issue 2 Developing a better community

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