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Successful Projects of the Year 2009 Thank you for joining us this evening.

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Presentation on theme: "Successful Projects of the Year 2009 Thank you for joining us this evening."— Presentation transcript:

1 Successful Projects of the Year 2009 Thank you for joining us this evening

2 “Trying to manage a project without project management is like trying to play a football game without a game plan.” “Trying to manage a project without project management is like trying to play a football game without a game plan.” K. Tate (Past Board Member, PMI)

3 CHAPTER STATISTICS Chapter Membership & PMP's NameNumber Members458 PMPs277 CAPMs2 PgMPs0 61% of our members are certified as of December 31 st 2009

4 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES COMMUNITY OUTREACH Boy Scout Assistance Help reach out to WNY non-profit agencies ◦ Training sites ◦ Recruit and assist trainers ◦ Coordinate students Reports to: VP, Professional Development Earn PDUs

5 Are you a Buffalo PMI member??? If not, Consider joining today! Chapter activities offer you networking opportunities, professional development opportunities, and, of course, PDUs. If you attend just 2 dinner events, your chapter membership dues will pay for themselves!

6 UPCOMING EVENTS Risk Management Series ContinuedBreakfast Meeting Thursday, Jan 217:15 – 8:45amBob Evans, Williamsville Extreme Makeover Home Edition Meets BuffaloDinnerMeeting Tuesday, Feb 95:30 – 8:00pmShanghai Red’s Topic TBDBreakfast Meeting Thursday, Feb 187:15 – 8:45amTBD Dale Carnegie Key Leadership ToolsDinner Meeting Tuesday, Mar 165:30 – 8:00pmClassics V Spring Professional Development Day Wednesday, Mar 178:30am – 4:00pmClassics V

7 Help improve our chapter while earning valuable PDUs at the same time VOLUNTEER TODAY!! VOLUNTEER TODAY!! Volunteers are always welcome and needed

8 CHAPTER STATISTICS Top 4 SIG Memberships NameNumber Design-Procurement-Construction27 Information Systems24 Project Management Office12 Government7 as of December 31 st, 2009

9 “All project managers face problems on Monday mornings - good project managers are working on next Monday’s problems.”

10 Give back to the community Share your expertise PMI Buffalo is launching a pilot program to train and mentor project leaders from charitable organizations by harnessing the talents and knowledge of PMI Buffalo membership. Exciting leadership positions for this pilot program are described on the volunteer page, or email Director_Community Outreach and say, “Count me in! ”

11 CONGRATULATIONS The following members celebrated their 1O Year Member Anniversaries in 2009 CONGRATULATIONS and Thank you for your membership! Daniel R. Alessi, PMP Paula A. Zdrojewski, PMP Daniel C. Meess, PMP

12 NEW MEMBERS SINCE 9/31/09 Joseph Antonioli ; Alan Bowers; Melanie Buczkowski Menke; Matthew Burkett; Larry Cobado; Karen Fitzgerald; Michael Gallivan; Martha Goncalves; Scott Gorski; Andrew Hope; Jeffrey Kujawa; Lavanya Lankipalli ; Jeremy Long ; Susan Maas; Julie Mazzu; Mark McLaughlin; Greg Papke; Tanya Petrus; Cynthia Pohlman; James Powell; Michelle Rudz; David Schifferle; John Schunak; Edward Seger; Robert Skalicky; Nancy Smith; Kristin Stiller ; John Storjohann; Arun Subramanian; Sean Thompson; Brian Thomson ; Lloyd Tucker; David K Beck; Erin L Keding; Keith Magiera; Deborah Campbell; Kimberly M Cirocco; Luke John Collard; Paul Colucci; Gwen Michele Ivett; Timothy Jacob Kibler; Amy J Moore; Steven Press

13 BUFFALO TRACKS Member Newsletter Your INPUT is needed! Do you have ideas for articles? Do you have pictures to share? Contact

14 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES CORPORATE OUTREACH Corporate Outreach Volunt eer Are you passionate about project management? Would you like to represent our Chapter in conversations with local companies? Contact Mark Kwandrans at to volunteer or for additional information

15 What do the NAME TAG DOTS mean? Red - hiring manager Green - looking for new opportunity Yellow - new member Blue – guest / non-member


17 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES CORPORATE OUTREACH Educational Outreach Volunt eer Would you like to talk to college students about project management? We are looking for someone to go into a project management class, talk about their experiences as a pm and provide a real- world flavor to the syllabus and the homework If interested, contact Mark Kwandrans at

18 CHAPTER STATISTICS Top Industries Name Number % Information/Computer Management12527% Engineering8619% Consulting5913% Financial Services/Finance4410% Chemical399% as of December 31 st 2009

19 Please join us in welcoming our new member attendees: Martha Goncalves, Praxair Inc Tanya Petrus, M&T Securities Inc Wanda Therolf This is their first dinner meeting as a PMI Buffalo member, so please help make them feel welcome!

20 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES COMMUNITY OUTREACH Non-Profit Mentors Mentor a selected nonprofit organization on a specific project 1-2 hours a week for 3-6 months, in person and via phone/email. Concept is to “coach” and “advise” on PM techniques Reports to: Director, Community Outreach Earn PDUs

21 “The single best payoff in terms of project success comes from having good project definition early.” “The single best payoff in terms of project success comes from having good project definition early.” RAND CORPORATION

22 PMI Buffalo Key Strategies Deliver increased value to membership and stakeholders through an extensive, high-quality program offering Increase awareness of PMI within the community through the development of relationships with organizations including local companies, educational facilities, not-for-profit organizations and other chapters Grow membership through a comprehensive recruitment and retention program

23 To be eligible for our second giveaway drawing tonight, contact any member of the PMI Leadership Team for an entry ticket

24 BREAKFAST with PMI BUFFALO Our next breakfast meeting is Thursday, January 14 At Bob Evans, Williamsville Risk Management cont


26 Stay Connected! Join PMI Buffalo on LinkedIn and facebook

27 Congratulations to the following PMI Buffalo members who earned their PMPs Thomas NabloHSBC 28-Dec-09 John WatkinsLP Ciminelli, Inc. 15-Dec-09 Alfredo LongoPraxair 11-Dec-09 Svetlana ErmanPraxair, Inc. 18-Nov-09

28 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Downtown Breakfast Coordinator Prepares for breakfast meeting by determining topic and arranging locations Facilitate meeting discussion and post minutes on chapter website Reports to: Director, Event Management Earn PDUs

29 From PMI Buffalo 2010 HAPPY 2010


31 PMI Scheduling Professional Credential PMI now offers a PMI Scheduling Professional Credential (PMI-SP)  Do you perform a dedicated role as a project scheduling professional and support the project team?. Are you responsible for creating and maintaining the project schedule, include reporting status and updates?. PMI now offers a PMI Scheduling Professional Credential (PMI-SP)  Visit for more information

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