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Strategic Plan for 2016-2019. PAS & Care Coordination Senior Games Children’s Services Family Development Aging CAP-Poverty Housing I&R Nutrition/Food.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Plan for 2016-2019. PAS & Care Coordination Senior Games Children’s Services Family Development Aging CAP-Poverty Housing I&R Nutrition/Food."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Plan for 2016-2019

2 PAS & Care Coordination Senior Games Children’s Services Family Development Aging CAP-Poverty Housing I&R Nutrition/Food Transportation EAP Weatherization Rep. Payee Aging and Poverty Area IV Agency serves a unique niche in the community by providing services to the disadvantaged of all ages.

3 Area IV’s Core Competencies New Service Opportunities +Care Coord. Expansion +Senior Games Expansion +Volunteer Development New Partnerships +Care Coordination Organizations +Education Services New Customers +Veterans + Children, +Disabled + Hispanic New Geographies +Expand to outlying counties Our strategy is to expand from what we do best to new services, customers, geographies and partnerships that are adjacent to our core.

4 Expand services to outlying counties Increase public awareness Partner with care coordination organizations Maintain financial sustainability Maximize the potential of Senior Games Increase employee retention Go paperless whenever possible Top Strategic Priorities

5 ObjectivesMeasuresTargetsOwnerBoard Committee FY16FY17FY82 Expand Services to Outlying Counties # of people served in Clinton # of people served in Carroll # of people served in White # of public awareness events in each county 20 4 40 8 60 12 Information and Referral Department Deputy Directors *Aging *CAP Increase Public Awareness Survey results- People who have heard of Area IV Bench+10%20% Senior Management Team Partner with Care Coordination Organizations # referrals in outlying counties # of partnerships with referrals or shared benefits # of partners who we have trained 111111 25 50 Aging: *Deputy Director *I&R Dept. *Supervisors Maintain Financial Sustainability Retention in grant utilization Amount raised in fundraising Unrestricted funds raised Donations % current grants renewed Revenue raised through partnerships 98% $50,000 +5% $20,000 100% Bench 98% $75,000 +10% $25,000 100% +10% 98% $100,000 +20% $30,000 100% +20% Senior Management Executive Director/Fund Dev. Fiscal Department Senior Management Maximize the potential of Senior Games Awareness - # of calls through I&R Services signed up as a result of senior games Donations from Senior Games Sponsorship dollars Volunteers – seniors sign up to volunteer as a result of attending senior games People attending from outlying counties Bench $37,000 Bench +10% $50,000 +10% +20% $50,000 +20% Aging Department *Deputy Director *Senior Games Coordinator Volunteer Dev. Coordinator Increase Employee Retention Turnover % participation in cross training Succession plans complete 10% 60% 100% 10% 80% 100% 10% 100% Senior Management: Executive Director Human Resources Reduction in Use of Printers/Copiers and Paper Cost Amount saved-paper/printer/copier costs from pervious year 10%20%30% Deputy Directors: Fiscal Aging CAP Area IV Strategy Scorecard 2016-2018

6 InsightsWe need more clients to justify providing enough staff for outlying counties There is a lack of awareness of services available CAP is in 4 counties and Aging is in 8 Measures # of people served in Clinton # of people served in Carroll # of people served in White # of public awareness events in each county Action Steps Focus on Clinton, Carroll and White counties to start Focus on energy assistance, Medicaid waiver, public transportation, I and R, Raise awareness through quarterly REMC meeting in each county, Kiwanas, local societies, local community coffee shops EAP going to local food pantries and educating on all of our services Expand Services to Outlying Counties

7 Increase Public Awareness InsightsPeople do not think they need or qualify for our services MeasuresSurvey results to discover How people know about us Gauge their perceptions about whether they qualify for services Action Steps Find out how people are hearing about us and target our resources where we can get the best return on our investment Educate staff-have new staff attend CAP and Aging meetings Staff carry brochures of all services Evaluate having a 5K fundraiser Create a questionnaire with “How did you hear about us?” Share success stories from newsletters with local newspapers and radio stations Canvas communities with brochures Waiting rooms with TV monitors with a loop of services

8 Partner with Care Coordination Organizations InsightsFocus on Partnerships in White, Carroll and Clinton counties Measures # of referrals for care coordination in outlying counties # of partnerships with referrals or shared benefits # of referrals from current partners # of shared benefits from current partners # of partners who we have trained Action Steps Build relationships with insurance companies like Anthem for care coordination Develop resources for our counties to deliver to potential partners Present to providers about services we deliver Send informational newsletters to potential partners

9 Maintain Financial Stability InsightsIncrease Unrestricted funds through Fee for service Fundraisers  Protect our current grants MeasuresRetain an extra 98% or $200,000+ in grant utilization Raise $100,000 in fundraising TargetAmount of Unrestricted funds raised +10% from previous year Donations $20,000 % of current grants renewed 100% % of grants utilized 100% Increase amount of revenue raised through partnerships 10%

10 Maximize the Potential of Senior Games InsightsSenior games is a great opportunity to create awareness, raise funds, increase volunteer involvement and increase delivery of services Measures Awareness - # of calls through I&R Services signed up as a result of senior games Donations from Senior Games Sponsorship dollars Volunteers – seniors sign up to volunteer as a result of attending senior games People attending from outlying counties Action Steps Entry booth – identify services that they might be interested in Capture contact information Update brochure “Ask me about Area IV” shirts

11 Increase Employee Retention InsightsOur ability to deliver services is dependent on developing and retaining leaders in the organization Measures Turnover % participation in cross training program Successions plan (prior to individual retirements) Action Steps Implement cross training program Complete wage comparison study for staff Complete succession plans Provide COLA and merit increases

12 Reduction in Use of Printers/Copiers and Paper Cost InsightsOne of the biggest cost savings with the least difficulty of implementing is to employ a paper/copy reduction policy. MeasuresCost savings from reduction in printing and copies Action Steps Complete study on copies usage each month Do a financial cost/benefit analysis with savings over time Train employees on new reduced copy/paper policy

13 Strengths OpportunitiesThreats Weaknesses Grant Management Ability to do needs assessment Breadth of programs Innovation of programs Low cost of operation Mentoring of other organizations Staff Number of people that we serve Physical locations Provide high quality services (viewed as best in state) Collaborator Opportunities for funding Diversity of funding Lack of unrestricted funds Telling our story Ability to change public perception of the people that we serve Getting volunteers Staff capacity/ time Changing the curve on poverty Measuring our success Focus on impact rather than focus on the need Staff/Recruiting Lack of awareness/ Brand/ People-don’t know who we are Securing private donations Funding (new funding) Investment in infrastructure and processes Dynamic changes in the economy Reducing repeat clients by identifying drivers as to why they continue to comeback Increasing need in the communities we serve Access to services Cultural challenges/language barriers Admin requirements Make our clients more marketable for employment opportunities Competition for resources Transition counseling Coordination of care for veterans Aid for incarcerated families Care coordination for foster children Do we expand our current care coordination to different populations and needs Hispanic seniors Disabled seniors Private pay HIV patients Mental health Prevention and wellness 13

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