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Hello Key Clubbers ! Grab a colored paper and a marker! (you can share colors with the members around you) Try and sit with someone you don’t know.

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Presentation on theme: "Hello Key Clubbers ! Grab a colored paper and a marker! (you can share colors with the members around you) Try and sit with someone you don’t know."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello Key Clubbers ! Grab a colored paper and a marker! (you can share colors with the members around you) Try and sit with someone you don’t know.

2 The Key Club Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

3 Cards to the Military Front of Card Inside the card Write a simple thank you or thanks DO not put from “your name”, you can put Cy-Ranch key club or Key club member, but you are not allowed to have your name or any other personal information like your address Decorate! Ex: Commend their service and remind them that people care! Be vague, you don’t know the specific person receiving the letter. This will make their day, so be sincere! You can decorate how you choose. Ex: Thank you for your service! I appreciate all the hard work you do to keep us safe! Thank you, my heart goes out to you. Everyone do at least one! Write as much or as little as you want. Turn it in the front when you finish.

4 Have YOU signed up? 1.Go to then to the Registration tab. Fill out your information; it will take less than 5 minutes! 2.Go to the Important Forms tab, print the two page CFISD Parent Permission Slip, and fill it out! 3.Bring your permission slip with your $30 dues to Ms. Garcia’s in Room 3006!

5 The deadline is… OCTOBER 1 ST Remember you are not officially a member until you have completed all three steps (online registration, parent permission slip, and $30 dues!)! Bring them to Ms. Garcia’s room 3006 any morning before class and Tuesday and Thursday afternoons

6 You joined Key Club… now what? You need… 1.15 service hours (10 of which much be physical) 2.2 social credits 3.Have missed 2 or less meetings throughout the semester ( 1 st and 3 rd Wed. either 6:45 or 2:30) Your hours/social credits start over every semester! *If you didn’t meet these requirements, you are considered an inactive member and the semester will not count for you.

7 REMEMBER! The only way to earn your credit for Key Club volunteer hours and social credits is to volunteer at/attend events offered by our Key Club!

8 Cards to the Military Front of Card Inside the card Write a simple thank you or thanks DO not put from “your name”, you can put Cy-Ranch key club or Key club member, but you are not allowed to have your name or any other personal information like your address Decorate! Ex: Commend their service and remind them that people care! Be vague, you don’t know the specific person receiving the letter. This will make their day, so be sincere! You can decorate how you choose. Ex: Thank you for your service! I appreciate all the hard work you do to keep us safe! Thank you, my heart goes out to you. Everyone do at least one! Write as much or as little as you want. Turn it in the front when you finish.

9 Freshman Representatives We are now starting the application process for this position. We will have an informative meeting on Oct.15 th afterschool in Ms. Garcia’s room 3006, a series of applications, and interviews. This is a serious position that requires a lot of time and commitment compared to other clubs. If you a certain you can/want to apply, grab an application from the front

10 CARDS DO NOT BRING YOUR CARDS TO THE EVENTS! Service cards are signed by President, VPs, and/or sponsors ONLY If your card has been filled in, please bring it to the correct persons so we can sign next to it.

11 How do I get my hours? Search: Make an account on the website! Use this website throughout the year in order to sign up for volunteer opportunities! Also, constantly be checking your email and our website for alerts on new events!

12 Check Sign Up Genius and the website regularly! We update almost everyday and people delete their signups, so always be on the lookout! Instructions for making an account are on the website!

13 Events! Bridgeland Community Garage sale COF Texan Tailgate Craft Show Go Green Club Good Shepherd United Methodist Church Gift Market GSUMC Pumpkin Patch Human Trafficking Fundraiser Project Noel Kookin’ for Kids Smith Middle School Cookie Dough Pick-Up St. Aidan’s Fall Festival Salyards Football Concessions West Houston Girls Softball Consessions

14 Cards to the Military Front of Card Inside the card Write a simple thank you or thanks DO not put from “your name”, you can put Cy-Ranch key club or Key club member, but you are not allowed to have your name or any other personal information like your address Decorate! Ex: Commend their service and remind them that people care! Be vague, you don’t know the specific person receiving the letter. This will make their day, so be sincere! You can decorate how you choose. Ex: Thank you for your service! I appreciate all the hard work you do to keep us safe! Thank you, my heart goes out to you. Everyone do at least one! Write as much or as little as you want. Turn it in the front when you finish.

15 District Challenge This year’s district project is the “Conversation on Conservation” Help to maintain, protect, and improve the community and environment This month’s challenge…. Take shorter showers (Goal: 5min less) October’s Challenge… TBA

16 BRING YOUR SERVICE CARDS! If you do not have your service card with you at the meeting YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT FOR YOUR ATTENDANCE! The little dates on the back are to be stamped by our officers If you need your service card signed for an event or social you volunteered at/attended, fill out the date, event name, number of hours, etc. and THEN the president, vps, or supervisors will sign it for you!

17 What’s expected of ME? When you’re volunteering… - Wear your Key Club shirt! - Always be on time! - Never leave until your work is completely done! - No purple! - No eating! - No cell phones! Do whatever is asked of you with a good attitude Remember… you are there to serve!

18 Get your Key Club shirt now! The shipment of shirts is arriving NEXT THURSDAY. You MUST bring your RECEIPT to claim your shirt. We ordered all sizes, so your shirt should be there! Sorry for the delay! Remember, mornings all week and Tuesday or Thursday afternoons! Thanks Michelle!

19 Cards to the Military Front of Card Inside the card Write a simple thank you or thanks DO not put from “your name”, you can put Cy-Ranch key club or Key club member, but you are not allowed to have your name or any other personal information like your address Decorate! Ex: Commend their service and remind them that people care! Be vague, you don’t know the specific person receiving the letter. This will make their day, so be sincere! You can decorate how you choose. Ex: Thank you for your service! I appreciate all the hard work you do to keep us safe! Thank you, my heart goes out to you. Everyone do at least one! Write as much or as little as you want. Turn it in the front when you finish.

20 Coach to Cure MD Thanks to everyone who went to Chick-Fil-A this past Thursday! We had 148 atendees! That is a lot of contribution to Coach to Cure! Watch out for information about upcoming socials!

21 Donation Drives Item Drive We will be collecting old t- shirts for an upcoming service projects. Oversized t-shirts work best. It doesn’t matter if it is a certain color or design, but it HAS TO BE COTTON. 1 Shirt is 1 donation! Participate in Donation opportunities for donation hours (up to 5) Item Drive Bring in one yard of fleece. We cannot accept any other material! It doesn’t matter if it is a certain color or design because we will be making blankets. 1 yard is 1 donation!

22 Need donation hours? Coke Tabs! 1 FULL Ziploc bag = 1 donation hour Walmart Gift Cards! Every $5 = 1 donation hour We are always needing to make purchases for the Club! Bring in some Walmart giftcards! $20 box = 1 donation hour NEW!

23 Do you have volunteer hours outside of Key Club? You should work towards… The Presidential Volunteer Service Award! Go to and make an account and track your hours throughout the entire calendar year! You can include your Key Club hours as well as any outside hours. We will give you more information as the semester comes to an end! 50% of your total needed hours should be earned OUTSIDE of our Key Club sign-ups!

24 Stay CONNECTED! General Email: Facebook: Cypress Ranch Key Club Website: Twitter: @ranchkey Instagram: @ranchkeyclub Remind: Text “@ranchkey16” to 81010 Sign Up Genius:

25 Cards to the Military Front of Card Inside the card Write a simple thank you or thanks DO not put from “your name”, you can put Cy-Ranch key club or Key club member, but you are not allowed to have your name or any other personal information like your address Decorate! Ex: Commend their service and remind them that people care! Be vague, you don’t know the specific person receiving the letter. This will make their day, so be sincere! You can decorate how you choose. Ex: Thank you for your service! I appreciate all the hard work you do to keep us safe! Thank you, my heart goes out to you. Everyone do at least one! Write as much or as little as you want. Turn it in the front when you finish.

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