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1 2 3 head thorax abdomen 4 *The first body region is the head. Insect heads can be highly variable, but most possess eyes, antennae and mouthparts.

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2 1

3 2

4 3 head thorax abdomen

5 4 *The first body region is the head. Insect heads can be highly variable, but most possess eyes, antennae and mouthparts.

6 5 antennae Head mouthparts compound eyes eyes

7 6

8 7

9 8

10 9 *Antennae are used by insects as major sensory devices, especially for smell, and can be adaptive for the insect in many ways. Found below or between Compound Eyes* *Made of a scape, pedicle and flagellum.

11 10

12 11 *Thread like. *Segments are usually cylindrical. *Thickness of segments remains same throughout. Example: ground beetle and grasshopper.

13 12 Grasshopper- Syrbula admirabilis

14 13 * Antenna in which the flagellum is reduced to a short, slender bristle-like structure. Dragonflies Example:

15 14 Are bead like in shape *Segments are either globular or spherical with prominent constriction in between. Example: Termites

16 15

17 16 *Serrate antennae have a sawtoothed shape. *Segments have short triangular projections on one side. Example: Click beetles.

18 17 Click-beetle- Athous haemorrhoidalis

19 18 *Pectinate antennae have a comb-like shape. *Segments with long slender processes on one side Example: Fire-coloured beetles and glow-worms.

20 19 Segments with long slender lateral processes on both the sides Example: Silkworm moth

21 20 Silkworm moth

22 21 Clavate antennae are gradually clubbed at the end. Example: Carrion beetles

23 22 Capitate antennae are abruptly clubbed at the end. Example: Butterflies.

24 23 Butterflies

25 24 Antennal tip is expanded laterally on one side to form flat plates. Example: June beetle.

26 25 June beetle Polyphylla spp.

27 26 Geniculate antennae are hinged or bent like an elbow. Example: Bees and ants

28 27

29 28 Honey bee

30 29 Aristate antennae are pouch-like with a lateral bristle. Example: House flies.

31 30

32 31 Feathery like. Segments with long whorls of hairs. Example: male mosquito.

33 32 like.Hairy Example: Female mosquito.

34 33 Female mosquito

35 34

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