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Beekeeping. How I got into it: Built them from scratch!

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Presentation on theme: "Beekeeping. How I got into it: Built them from scratch!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Beekeeping

2 How I got into it:

3 Built them from scratch!

4 Beehive Design

5 Bought the bees!

6 Moved them into their new homes!

7 Check up on the Queen

8 Let them gather nectar/pollen

9 Check up on them

10 Take their honey!

11 Winterize

12 Uncap the “Frames”

13 Extract the honey

14 Beeswax

15 Lipbalm

16 Look for it in stores soon!

17 Honey Wine!

18 Random Stuff

19 Robbing

20 Colony Collapse Disorder

21 Different types of bees

22 Different species of bees

23 Different Types of Honey

24 Wasp vs. Honey Bee

25 Questions?

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