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Team Up: Making Sense of the Science on Sodium National Food Service Management Institute Webinar Featuring the American Heart Association June 25, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Team Up: Making Sense of the Science on Sodium National Food Service Management Institute Webinar Featuring the American Heart Association June 25, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Up: Making Sense of the Science on Sodium National Food Service Management Institute Webinar Featuring the American Heart Association June 25, 2015 Presenters: Lawrence J. Appel, MD, MPH, Johns Hopkins University Mary E. Cogswell, RN, DrPH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Moderator: Emily A. Callahan, MPH, RD, American Heart Association

2 Background and Purpose Background: The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 gradual decreases sodium to moderate, healthy levels, with the ultimate goal that children do not exceed the 2,300 mg/day recommended by the Institute of Medicine and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Purpose: The aim of the webinar is to provide an overview of the strong science and the public health rationale for lowering sodium in children’s diets and in school meals - a critical investment in our children’s health.

3 School Meals Website 1,500 Tweets from Twitter event with CDC and Everyday Health (July 15, 2014) 502 participants; 30.2MM impressions Latest news Resources Statistics by state Success stories Advocate for healthy school foods And more!

4 Consumer Sodium Campaign 1,500 Tweets from Twitter event with CDC and Everyday Health (July 15, 2014) 502 participants; 30.2MM impressions

5 Campaign Video: Sneaky Salt 1-minute video, “Don’t Let Salt Sneak Up On You”

6 Sodium Infographics Salty Six and Salty Six for Kids available in Spanish

7 Lifestyle book; practical strategies to maintain a lower-sodium life; 60 recipes Cookbook of 200+ lower- sodium recipes; info on shopping and cooking, resources, and healthy lifestyle tips Magazine cookbook; 40 lower-sodium recipes plus cooking tips for those who love Southern comfort foods Magazine cookbook; 40 lower-sodium recipes; info on how to eat a healthy, lower-sodium diet Cookbook of 22 lower- sodium recipes that will appeal to a variety of Hispanic cultures Consumer Publications -

8 Science Resources Scientific Statements : Topic/TopicsD-H/DietNutrition_UCM_320704_Article.jsp Topic/TopicsD-H/DietNutrition_UCM_320704_Article.jsp –Search on the term “sodium” to identify the statements of interest (this webpage includes all AHA Diet/Nutrition statements) Commentary in the journal Nutrition Today by AHA staff and volunteer scientists: ommentary_on_Making_Sense_of_the_Science_of.5.aspx ommentary_on_Making_Sense_of_the_Science_of.5.aspx –Summarizes criticisms of sodium reduction efforts and explains the importance of sodium reduction and the limitations of research that suggests lowering sodium is unnecessary

9 Speakers Mary E. Cogswell, RN, DrPH Senior Scientist Epidemiology & Surveillance Branch, Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease and Health Promotion Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

10 Speakers Lawrence J. Appel, MD, MPH C. David Molina, MD, MPH Professor of Medicine, Epidemiology and International Health Director, Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology, and Clinical Research Johns Hopkins University


12 Questions and Answers

13 Thank You! The slides and audio recording from this webinar will be available at within 48 hours.

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