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The Minnesota Common Course Catalogue January 19, 2012 Presenter: Cathy Wagner.

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1 The Minnesota Common Course Catalogue January 19, 2012 Presenter: Cathy Wagner

2 Goals for this session: To understand federal and state laws for education data collection and know what they require. To understand the plan for how the Minnesota education system will meet federal and state requirements. To understand expected uses of this data.

3 When complete, the MCCC will be a classification system of all P-12 courses that might be taught in schools across Minnesota. –Implementing grades 9-12 first (all courses in all content areas) –Adding grades P-8 later (K-8 will start with language arts/reading, math, science, special education, English as a Second Language and perhaps social studies and arts; Pre- K will be added after K-8) MDE is implementing the MCCC in response to state and federal legislation. What is the Minnesota Common Course Catalogue (MCCC) and why is MDE implementing it?

4 Which State and Federal Requirements? State Legislation –Minnesota Statute, Section 120B.35 - Student Academic Achievement and Growth –Minnesota Session Laws 2009, Chapter 96, Article 2, Section 60 - Implementing Rigorous Coursework Measures Related to Student Performance Federal Legislation –HR 2272 America COMPETES Act of 2007 SEC. 6401. Required Elements of a Statewide Longitudinal Data System

5 Minnesota Statute, Section 120B.35 Student Academic Achievement and Growth When? –Beginning in July 2011, the commissioner must report two core measures indicating the extent to which current high school graduates are being prepared for post secondary and career opportunities. What? 1.A preparation measure indicating the number and percentage of high school graduates in the most recent school year who completed coursework important to preparing them for postsecondary academic and career opportunities consistent with the core academic subjects required for admission to Minnesota public colleges and universities. 2.A rigorous coursework measure indicating the number and percentage of high school graduates in the most recent school year who successfully complete one or more college-level AP, IB, PSEO or industry certification courses or programs.

6 How? –Analyze and report separate categories of information using the nine student categories identified under NCLB and two student gender categories of male and female, respectively, by following appropriate reporting practices to protect nonpublic student data. State Level Data Privacy? –Summary data under this paragraph are separate from and must not be used for any purpose related to measuring or evaluating the performance of classroom teachers. –The commissioner in consultation with qualified experts on student engagement and connection and classroom teachers must identify highly reliable variables that generate summary data under this paragraph. The summary data may be used at school, district and state levels only. Any data on individuals received, collected or created that are used to generate the summary data under this paragraph are nonpublic data under section 13.02 subdivision 9. Minnesota Statute, Section 120B.35 Student Academic Achievement and Growth (continued)

7 Minnesota Session Laws 2009, Chapter 96, Article 2, Section 60 When? –This applies to school report cards beginning July 1, 2011. What? –Develop a model projecting anticipated performance of each high school on preparation and rigorous coursework measures to compare schools. –The model must use various background characteristics of students.

8 HR 2272 America COMPETES ACT of 2007 When? –September 2011 What? –REQUIRED ELEMENTS OF A STATEWIDE P-16 EDUCATION DATA SYSTEM - The State shall ensure that the statewide P-16 education data system includes the following elements:  (i) PRESCHOOL THROUGH GRADE 12 EDUCATION AND POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION- With respect to preschool through grade 12 education and postsecondary education: –( I) a unique statewide student identifier that does not permit a student to be individually identified by users of the system; –(II) student-level enrollment, demographic, and program participation information; –(III) student-level information about the points at which students exit, transfer in, transfer out, drop out, or complete P-16 education programs; –(IV) the capacity to communicate with higher education data systems; and –(V) a State data audit system assessing data quality, validity, and reliability.

9 HR 2272 America COMPETES ACT of 2007 (continued) What? –(ii) PRESCHOOL THROUGH GRADE 12 EDUCATION- With respect to preschool through grade 12 education--  (I) yearly test records of individual students with respect to assessments under section 1111(b) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6311(b));20 U.S.C. 6311(b)  (II) information on students not tested by grade and subject;  (III) a teacher identifier system with the ability to match teachers to students;  (IV) student-level transcript information, including information on courses completed and grades earned; and  (V) student-level college readiness test scores.

10 HR 2272 America COMPETES ACT of 2007 (continued) What? –(E) FUNCTIONS OF THE STATEWIDE P-16 EDUCATION DATA SYSTEM- In implementing the statewide P-16 education data system, the State shall:  (i) identify factors that correlate to students' ability to successfully engage in and complete postsecondary-level general education coursework without the need for prior developmental coursework;  (ii) identify factors to increase the percentage of low-income and minority students who are academically prepared to enter and successfully complete postsecondary-level general education coursework; and  (iii) use the data in the system to otherwise inform education policy and practice in order to better align State academic content standards, and curricula, with the demands of postsecondary education, the 21st century workforce, and the Armed Forces.

11 How will we comply with these requirements? A statewide course classification system with required data elements will allow us to meet both state and federal mandates. The MCCC course classification system for grades 9-12, which has been tested with selected schools using TIES student and staff data, is workable. The first phase of implementation begn with grades 9-12 during the second half of the 2010-2011 school year. The plan is to:  Introduce the MCCC winter/spring 2011.  Publish submission requirements winter/spring 2011.  Collect local district data summer/fall 2011-2012.

12 Will the MCCC dictate what is taught at the local level and who will have access to local course information? No, all districts will continue to offer locally determined courses and maintain their own course catalogues and course numbers. MCCC will not change these aspects of local course control. MDE uses a security framework designed to provide access only for approved users. The local districts will authorize users and determine who has access to their local course catalogue information. (The privacy of individual students and staff are protected by the Minnesota data practices laws.)

13 23 Subject Areas in Grades 9-12 MCCC 01 English Language and Literature 02Mathematics 03Life and Physical Science 04 Social Sciences and History 05 Visual and Performing Arts 06World Language and Literature 07Religious Education and Theology 08Physical, Health, and Safety Education 09Military Science 10Computer and Information Sciences 11Communications and Audio/Visual Technology 12Business and Marketing 13Manufacturing 14Health Care Sciences 15Public, Protective, and Government Services 16Hospitality and Tourism 17Architecture and Construction 18Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources 19Human Services 20Transportation, Distribution and Logistics 21Engineering and Technology 22Family & Consumer Science 23 Academic and Career Development (Special Education and English as a Second Language have their own categories within this Subject Area) Key: Blue: Traditional Academic Subject Areas 01 – 06 Red: Career and Technical Education Subject Areas 10 – 22 Green: Other Subject Areas 07, 08,09 and 23

14 How did MDE create the statewide MCCC? The MCCC is based on a national model that has been customized by Minnesota educators to work in Minnesota schools. Two earlier national models include: –1982: National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) created the Classification of Secondary School Courses (CSSC) for a longitudinal study of student course-taking patterns. –1995: National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and Association of College Registrars and Admissions officers developed the Pilot Standard National Course Classification System for Secondary Education (SNCCS).

15 The MCCC is based on and adds to : The Secondary School Course Classification System: School Codes for the Exchange of Data (SCED) developed by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). –Three years in development—published in 2007 –Index of high school (9-12) subject area course only SCED course classification descriptions are improved—more suitable for secondary education than SNCCS 1995 descriptions. Grades K-8 will be added to the MCCC in 2011-2012 based on the Prior to Secondary SCED which has just been published.

16 What staff - student information is needed? Exact data requirements are being determined based on state and federal requirements and work from the TIES pilot. General elements include: –Student:  specific site, courses taken, term information, section number, period of day, grade earned –Staff:  specific site, courses taught, term information, section number, period of day

17 In what other ways will MDE use this data? In addition to the prescribed uses in statute, MDE will more accurately provide information on a variety of current collections and statistics such as: –Highly qualified teacher rates –Equitable distribution of teachers –Provide student look-up for selected transcript elements (i.e. prior courses and grades)

18 Questions: To reach us with questions after this presentation:

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